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Scientists & Staff

Mark A. Hatfield

Title: Forester
Unit: Forest Inventory & Analysis
Address: Northern Research Station
1992 Folwell Ave
St. Paul, MN 55108
Phone: 651-649-5134
E-mail: Contact Mark A. Hatfield

Online Publications

  • Domke, Grant M.; Woodall, Christopher W.; McRoberts, Ronald E.; Smith, James E.; Hatfield, Mark A. 2012. Assessing estimation techniques for missing plot observations in the U.S. forest inventory. In: Morin, Randall S.; Liknes, Greg C., comps. Moving from status to trends: Forest Inventory and Analysis (FIA) symposium 2012; 2012 December 4-6; Baltimore, MD. Gen. Tech. Rep. NRS-P-105. Newtown Square, PA: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Northern Research Station. [CD-ROM]: 177-181.
  • Lister, Tonya W.; Gladders, Glenn; Barnett, Charles J.; Brand, Gary J.; Butler, Brett J.; Crocker, Susan J.; Domke, Grant M.; Griffith, Douglas M.; Hatfield, Mark A.; Kurtz, Cassandra M.; Lister, Andrew J.; Morin, Randall S.; Moser, W. Keith; Nelson, Mark D.; Perry, Charles H.; Piva, Ronald J.; Riemann, Rachel; Woodall, Christopher W. 2012. Delaware's Forests 2008. Resour. Bull. NRS-62. Newtown Square, PA: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Northern Research Station. 56 p. [DVD included].
  • Meneguzzo, Dacia M; Crocker, Susan J.; Nelson, Mark D.; Barnett, Charles J.; Butler, Brett J.; Domke, Grant M.; Hansen, Mark H.; Hatfield, Mark A.; Liknes, Greg C.; Lister, Andrew J.; Lister, Tonya W.; Piva, Ronald J.; Wilson, Barry T. (Ty); Woodall, Christopher W. 2012. Nebraska's Forests 2010. Resour. Bull. NRS-68 . Newtown Square, PA: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Northern Research Station. 47 p. [DVD included]
  • Widmann, Richard H.; Crawford, Sloane; Barnett, Charles; Butler, Brett J.; Domke, Grant M.; Griffith, Douglas M.; Hatfield, Mark A.; Kurtz, Cassandra M.; Lister, Tonya W.; Morin, Randall S.; Moser, W. Keith; Perry, Charles H.; Riemann, Rachel; Woodall, Christopher W. 2012. New York's Forests 2007. New York's Forests 2007. Resour. Bull. NRS-65. Newtown Square, PA: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Northern Research Station. 64 p. [DVD included].
  • Widmann, Richard H.; Cook, Gregory W.; Barnett, Charles J.; Butler, Brett J.; Griffith, Douglas M.; Hatfield, Mark A.; Kurtz, Cassandra M.; Morin, Randall S.; Moser, W. Keith; Perry, Charles H.; Piva, Ronald J.; Riemann, Rachel; Woodall, Christopher W. 2012. West Virginia's Forests 2008. Resour. Bull. NRS-61 Newtown Square, PA: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Northern Research Station. 64 p. [DVD included].
  • Woodall, Christopher W.; Webb, Mark N.; Wilson, Barry T.; Settle, Jeff; Piva, Ron J.; Perry, Charles H.; Meneguzzo, Dacia M.; Crocker, Susan J.; Butler, Brett J.; Hansen, Mark; Hatfield, Mark; Brand, Gary; Barnett, Charles. 2011. Indiana's Forests 2008. Resour. Bull. NRS-45. Newtown Square, PA: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Northern Research Station. 56 p. [CD included].
  • McCaskill, George L.; McWilliams, William H.; Barnett, Charles J.; Butler, Brett J.; Hatfield, Mark A.; Kurtz, Cassandra M.; Morin, Randall S.; Moser, W. Keith; Perry, Charles H.; Woodall, Christopher W. 2011. Maine's forests 2008. Resour. Bull. NRS- 48. Newtown Square, PA: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Northern Research Station. 62 p. [DVD included].
  • Lister, T.W.; Perdue, J.L.; Barnett, C.J.; Butler, B.J.; Crocker, S.J.; Domke, G.M.; Griffith, D.; Hatfield, M.A.; Kurtz, C.M.; Lister, A.J.; Morin, R.S.; Moser, W.K.; Nelson, M.D.; Perry, C.H.; Piva, R.J.; Riemann, R.; Widmann, R.; Woodall, C.W. 2011. Maryland's Forests 2008. Resour. Bull. NRS-58. Newtown Square, PA: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Northern Research Station. 60 p. [DVD included].
  • Morin, Randall S.; Barnett, Chuck J.; Brand, Gary J.; Butler, Brett J.; Domke, Grant M.; Francher, Susan; Hansen, Mark H.; Hatfield, Mark A.; Kurtz, Cassandra M.; Moser, W. Keith; Perry, Charles H.; Piva, Ron; Riemann, Rachel; Woodall, Chris W. 2011. New Hampshire's Forests 2007. Resour. Bull. NRS-53. Newtown Square, PA: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Northern Research Station. 56 p. [DVD included].
  • Crocker, Susan J.; Nelson, Mark D.; Barnett, Charles J.; Brand, Gary J.; Butler, Brett J.; Domke, Grant M.; Hansen, Mark H.; Hatfield, Mark A.; Lister, Tonya W.; Meneguzzo, Dacia M.; Perry, Charles H.; Piva, Ronald J.; Wilson, Barry T.; Woodall, Christopher W.; Zipse, Bill. 2011. New Jersey's forests, 2008. Resour. Bull. NRS-59. Newtown Square, PA: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Northern Research Station. 52 p. [DVD included].
  • Morin, Randall S.; Barnett, Chuck J.; Brand, Gary J.; Butler, Brett J.; De Geus, Robert; Hansen, Mark H.; Hatfield, Mark A.; Kurtz, Cassandra M.; Moser, W. Keith; Perry, Charles H.; Piva, Ron; Riemann, Rachel; Widmann, Richard; Wilmot, Sandy; Woodall, Chris W. 2011. Vermont's Forests 2007. Resour. Bull. NRS-51. Newtown Square, PA: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Northern Research Station. 56 p. [DVD included].
  • Nelson, Mark; Healey, Sean; Moser, W. Keith; Hansen, Mark; Cohen, Warren; Hatfield, Mark; Thomas, Nancy; Masek, Jeff. 2009. Analyzing Landsat time-series data across adjacent path/rows and across multiple cycles of FIA: Lessons learned in southern Missouri. In: McWilliams, Will; Moisen, Gretchen; Czaplewski, Ray, comps. Forest Inventory and Analysis (FIA) Symposium 2008; October 21-23, 2008; Park City, UT. Proc. RMRS-P-56CD. Fort Collins, CO: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station. 11 p.
  • Ward, Kathleen; Ostry, Michael; Venette, Robert; Palik, Brian; Hansen, Mark; Hatfield, Mark. 2009. Assessment of black ash (Fraxinus nigra) decline in Minnesota. In: McRoberts, Ronald E.; Reams, Gregory A.; Van Deusen, Paul C.; McWilliams, William H., eds. Proceedings of the eighth annual forest inventory and analysis symposium; 2006 October 16-19; Monterey, CA. Gen. Tech. Report WO-79. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service. 115-120.
  • McRoberts, Ronald E.; Hatfield, Mark A.; Crocker, Susan J. 2009. Estimating uncertainty in map intersections. In: McRoberts, Ronald E.; Reams, Gregory A.; Van Deusen, Paul C.; McWilliams, William H., eds. Proceedings of the eighth annual forest inventory and analysis symposium; 2006 October 16-19; Monterey, CA. Gen. Tech. Report WO-79. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service. 289-296.
  • Moser, W. Keith; Bolliger, Janine; Bragg, Don C.; Hansen, Mark H.; Hatfield, Mark A.; Nigh, Timothy A.; Schulte, Lisa A. 2008. Tools for understanding landscapes: combining large-scale surveys to characterize change. Chapter 9.. In: Lafortezza, Raffaele; Chen, Jiquan; Sanesi, Giovanni; Crow, Thomas R., eds. Patterns and processes in forest landscapes. Springer: 149-166.
  • Stein, Susan M.; Hatfield, Mark; McRoberts, Ronald E.; Meneguzzo, Dacia M.; Dechter, Mike; et al. 2007. Forests on the edge: evaluating contributions of and threats to America's private forest lands. In: McRoberts, Ronald E.; Reams, Gregory A.; Van Deusen, Paul C.; McWilliams, William H., eds. Proceedings of the seventh annual forest inventory and analysis symposium; October 3-6, 2005; Portland, ME. Gen. Tech. Rep. WO-77. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service: 135-142.
  • Moser, W. Keith; Hansen, Mark H.; Hatfield, Mark A.; Nigh, Timothy A. 2006. Evaluating sustainability: a method for assessing vegetation change in southern Missouri, U.S.A.: 1820-2003. In: Lafortezza, R.; Sanesi, G., eds. Patterns and processes in forest landscapes. Consequences of human management. Proceedings of the 4th meeting of IUFRO working party 8.01.03; 2006, September 26-29; Locorotondo, Bari, Italy. Accademia Italiana di Scienze Forestali. 399-408.

Last Modified: 02/15/2012