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For example, Lastname 2002 will return publications by Lastname from 2002.

  • Zhang, J., R. Lindsay, A. Schweiger, and M. Steele (2013), The impact of an intense summer cyclone on 2012 Arctic sea ice retreat, Geophys. Res. Lett, doi: 10.1002/grl.50190 (accepted manuscript)

  • Holland, M.M., D.A. Bailey, B.P. Briegleb, B. Light, and E. Hunke.  Improved Sea Ice Shortwave Radiation Physics in CCSM4: The Impact of Melt Ponds and Aerosols on Arctic Sea Ice. Journal of Climate, Vol. 25, No. 5, March 2012: 1413-1430.

  • Nghiem, S. V., I.G. Rigor, A. Richter, J.P. Burrows , P.B. Shepson, J. Bottenheim, D.G. Barber, A. Steffen, J. Latonas, F. Wang, G. Stern, P. Clemente-Colón S. Martin, D.K. Hall, P. Tackett, G. Neumann, and M.G. Asplin, Arctic Sea Ice Reduction and Tropospheric Chemical Anomalies, J. Geophys. Res., in press, 2012.

  • Morison, J., R. Kwok, C. Peralta-Ferriz, M. Alkire, I. Rigor, R. Andersen, and M. Steele, Changing Arctic Ocean Freshwater Pathways Measured With ICESat and GRACE, Nature, 481, 66-70, DOI: 10.1038/nature10705, 2012

  • Nghiem, S.V., I.G. Rigor, A. Richter, J.P. Burrows, P.B Shepson, J. Bottenheim, D.G. Barber, A. Steffen, J. Latonas, F. Wang, G. Stern, P. Clemente-Colon S. Martin, D.K. Hall, P. Tackett, G. Neumann, and M.G. Asplin, Arctic Sea Ice Reduction and Tropospheric Chemical Anomalies, J. Geophys. Res., in press, 2012

  • Hunt, G.L., A.L.Blanchard, P.Boveng, P.Daladado, K.Drinkwater, L.Eisner, R.Hopcroft, K.M.Kovacs, B.L.Norcross, P.Renaud, M.Reigstad, G.A.Whitehouse, R.Woodgate, The Barents and Chukchi Seas Compared: Why does the Barents Sea support more upper trophic level biomass? sub. J.Marine Systems.

  • Lique, C. and M. Steele, Where can we find a seasonal cycle of the Atlantic water temperature within the Arctic Basin?, J. Geophys. Res., 117, C3, doi:10.1029/2011JC007612, 2012.

  • Morison, J., R. Kwok, C. Peralta-Ferriz, M. Alkire, I. Rigor, R. Andersen, and M. Steele, Changing Arctic Ocean Freshwater Pathways Measured With ICESat and GRACE, Nature, Vol. 481, doi:10.1038/nature10705, 2012.

  • Nghiem, S. V., I.G. Rigor, A. Richter, J.P. Burrows , P.B. Shepson, J. Bottenheim, D.G. Barber, A.

    Steffen, J. Latonas, F. Wang, G. Stern, P. Clemente-Colón S. Martin, D.K. Hall, P. Tackett, G. Neumann, and M.G. Asplin, Field and satellite observations of the formation and distribution of Arctic atmospheric bromine above a rejuvenated sea ice cover, J. Geophys. Res., 117, D00S05, doi:10.1029/2011JD016268, 2012.

  • Hutchings, J., and I. Rigor, Role of ice dynamics in anomalous ice conditions in the Beaufort Sea during 2006 and 2007, J. Geophys. Res, v. 117, C00E04, 14, doi:10.1029/2011JC007182, 2012.

  • Nghiem, S.V., P. Clemente-Colón, I.G. Rigor, D.K. Hall, G. Neumann, Seafloor control on sea ice. Deep- Sea Res. II (2012), j.dsr2.2012.04.004, in press, 2012.

  • Johnson, M,  A. Proshutinsky, A. Nuyen, R. Lindsay, C. Haas, J. Zhang, N. Diansky, R. Kwok, W. Maslowski, S. Hakkinen, I. Ashik, B. deCuevas, 2012:  Evaluation of Arctic sea ice thickness simulated by AOMIP models. J. Geophys. Res., 117, C00D13, doi:10.1029/2011JC007257.

  • Woodgate, R. A., T. J. Weingartner, and R. Lindsay, 2012: Observed increases in Bering Strait oceanic fluxes from the Pacific to the Arctic from 2001 to 2011 and their impacts on the Arctic Ocean water column, Geophys. Res. Lett., 39, L24603, doi:10.1029/2012GL054092.

  • Zhang, J., R. Lindsay, A. Schweiger, and I. Rigor, 2012: Recent changes in the dynamic properties of declining Arctic sea ice: A model study. Geophys. Res. Lett., 39, 20, doi:10.1029/2012GL053545.

  • Lindsay, R., C. Haas, S. Hendricks, P. Hunkeler, N. Kurtz, J. Paden, B. Panzer, J. Sonntag, J. Yungel, and J. Zhang, 2012: Seasonal forecasts of Arctic sea ice initialized with observations of ice thickness, Geophys. Res. Lett., 39, L21502, doi:10.1029/2012GL053576.

  • Moritz, R.E. and A.N. Ivakin, Retrieving sea-ice thickness from ULS echoes: methods and data analysis. Proceedings of the 11th European Conference on Underwater Acoustics, Institute of Acoustics, St. Albans, U.K., 8pp, 2012.

  • Laidre, K., Heide-Jorgensen, H. Stern, and P. Richard, 2012, Unusual narwahl sea ice entrapments and delayed autumn freeze-up trends, Polar Biology, 35, 149-154, doi: 10.007/s00300-001-1036-8

  • Popova, E. E., A. Yool, A. C. Coward, F. Dupont, C. Deal, S. Elliott, E. Hunke, M. Jin, M. Steele, J. Zhang, What controls primary production in the Arctic Ocean? Results from an ecosystem model intercomparison, J. Geophys. Res., 117, doi:10.1029/2011JC007112, 2012.

  • Matrai, P. A., E. Olson, S. Suttles, V. J. Hill, L. A. Codispoti, B. Light, and M. Steele, Synthesis of primary production in the Arctic Ocean: I. Surface waters, 1954-2007, Prog. Oceanogr., in review, 2012.

  • Hill, V. J., P. A. Matrai, E. Olson, S. Suttles, M. Steele, L. A. Codispoti, R. Zimmerman, Synthesis of primary production in the Arctic Ocean: II.  In situ and remotely sensed integrated estimates, 1999-2007, Prog. Oceanogr., in review, 2012.

  • A. Jahn, Y. Aksenov, B. A. de Cuevas, S. Häkkinen, E. Hansen, C. Herbaut, M. N. Houssais, M. Karcher, C. Lique, A. Nguyen, P. Pemberton, L. de Steur, D. Worthen, J. Zhang, 2012: Arctic freshwater: How robust are model simulations?, JGR-Ocean, 117, C00D16, doi:10.1029/2012JC007907

  • Codispoti, L. A., V. Kelly, A.Thessen, P. Matrai, S. Suttles, V. J. Hill, M. Steele, B. Light, Synthesis of primary production in the Arctic Ocean: III. Nitrate and phosphate based estimates of net community production, Prog. Oceanogr., in review, 2012.

  • A. M. Treguier, J. Deshayes, C. Lique, R. Dussin and J. M. Molines, 2012: Eddy contributions to the meridional transports of salt in the North Atlantic, JGR-Ocean, 117, C05010, doi:10.1029/2012JC007927.

  • Clement Kinney, J., W. Maslowski, Y. Aksenov, B. de Cuevas, J. Jakacki, A. Nguyen, R. Osinski, M. Steele, R. A. Woodgate, and J. Zhang, On the flow through Bering Strait: A synthesis of model results and observations, AGU monograph, in press, 2012.

  • Proshutinsky, A., M.-L. Timmermans, I. Ashik, A. Beszczynska-Moeller, E. Carmack, I. Frolov, R. Ingvaldsen, M. Itoh, T. Kikuchi, R. Krishfield, H. Loeng, F. McLaughlin, S. Nishino, R. Pickart, B. Rabe, B. Rudels, I. Semiletov, U. Schauer, N. Shakhova, K. Shimada, V. Sokolov, M. Steele, J. Toole, T. Weingartner, W. Williams, R. Woodgate, M. Yamamoto-Kawai, and S. Zimmermann, The Arctic, c. Ocean [in “State of the Climate in 2011”], Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., in review, 2012.

  • Goldenson, N, S. J. Doherty, C. M, Bitz, M. M. Holland, B. Light, and A. J. Conley (2012), Arctic climate response to forcing from light-absorbing particles in snow and sea ice in CESM, Atmos. Chem. Phys. 12, 7903-7920, doi: 10.5194/acp-12-7903-2012.

  • Rode, K. D., E. Peacock, M. Taylor, I. Stirling, E. W. Born, K. L. Laidre, and Ø Wiig. 2012. A tale of two polar bear populations: ice habitat, harvest, and body condition. Population Ecology 54: 3-18.

  • Stafford, K., K. L. Laidre, and M. P. Heide-Jørgensen. In Press. First wintertime recording of narwhals in West Greenland. Marine Mammal Science

  • Heide-Jørgensen M. P., K.L. Laidre R.G. Hansen, M.L. Burt, M. Simon, D.L. Borchers, J. Hansén, K. Harding, M. Rasmussen, R. Dietz and J. Teilmann. 2012. Rate of increase and current abundance of humpback whales in West Greenland, Journal of Cetacean Research and Management 12(1) :1-14.

  • Wiig Ø., Heide-Jørgensen M. P., K.L. Laidre, E. Garde, R Reeves. 2012. Geographic variation in cranial morphology of narwhals (Monodon monoceros) from Greenland and the Eastern Canadian Arctic. Polar Biology 35:63-71 DOI 10.1007/s00300-011-1032-z

  • Hansen, R., M. P. Heide-Jørgensen, and K. L. Laidre. In Press. Recent abundance of bowhead whales in Isabella Bay, Canada. Journal of Cetacean Research and Management.

  • Heide-Jørgensen M. P., K. L. Laidre, D. Litovka, M. Villum Jensen, J.M. Grebmeier, B.I. Sirenko. 2012. Identifying gray whale (Eschrichtius robustus) foraging grounds along the Chukotka Peninsula, Russia, using satellite telemetry. Polar Biology In Press. DOI: 10.1007/s00300-011-1151-6

  • Wilmers C. C., J. A. Estes, M. Edwards, K. L. Laidre, and B. Konar. In Press. Do trophic cascades affect the storage and flux of atmospheric carbon? An analysis for sea otters and kelp forests. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment.

  • Laidre, K. L., and M. P. Heide-Jørgensen. 2012. Springtime partitioning of Disko Bay, West Greenland by Arctic and sub-Arctic baleen whales. ICES Journal of Marine Science. In Press.

  • Padman, L., D. P. Costa, M. S. Dinniman, H. A. Fricker, M. E. Goebel, L. A. Huckstadt, A. Humbert, I. Joughin, J. T. M. Lenaerts, S. R. M. Ligtenberg, T. Scambos and M. R. van den Broeke “Oceanic controls on the mass balance of Wilkins Ice Shelf, Antarctica.” Journal Of Geophysical Research-Oceans 117, 2012.

  • Morison, J. R. Kwok, C. Peralta-Ferriz, M. Alkire, I. Rigor, R. Andersen, and M. Steele, Changing Arctic Ocean freshwater pathways measured with ICESat and GRACE, Nature, in review, 2011.

  • Schweiger, A., R. Lindsay, J. Zhang, M. Steele, H. Stern, Uncertainty in modeled arctic sea ice volume, J. Geophys. Res., doi:10.1029/2011JC007084, 2011, manuscript.pdf.

  • Joughin, I., B. Smith, I. Howat, T. Scambos and T. Moon, “Greenland flow variability from ice-sheet-wide velocity mapping”, Journal of Glaciology, 56 (197), 2010.

  • Laidre K.L. and M.P. Heide-Jørgensen, “Life in the lead: Extreme densities of narwhals in the offshore pack ice”, Marine Ecology Progress Series. In Press, 2011

  • Stroeve, J. C., J. Maslanik, M. C. Serreze, I. Rigor, W. Meier, and C. Fowler, Sea ice response to an extreme negative phase of the Arctic Oscillation during winter 2009/2010, Geophys. Res. Lett., 38, L02502, doi:10.1029/2010GL045662, 2011.

  • Stroeve, J.C., J. Maslanik, M.C. Serreze, I. Rigor, W. Meier, and C. Fowler, Sea ice response to an extreme negative phase of the Arctic Oscillation during winter 2009/2010, Geophys. Res. Lett., 38, L02502, doi: 10.1029/2010GL045662, 2011

  • Darby, D.A., W.B. Myers, M. Jakobsson, and I. Rigor, Modern dirty sea ice characteristics and sources: The role of anchor ice, J. Geophys. Res., 116, C09008, doi: 10.1029/2010JC006675, 2011

  • Polyakov, I.V., V.A.Alexeev, I.M.Ashik,S.Bacon, A.B-Moeller, E.C.Carmack, I.A.,Dmitrenko, L.Fortier, J-C. Gascard, E.Hansen, J.Hoelemann, V.V.Ivanov, T.Kikuchi, S.Kirillov, Y-D.Lenn, F.A.McLaughlin, J.Piechura, I.Repina, L.A.Timokhov, W.Walczowski and R.Woodgate, 2011, NOWCAST: Fate of mid-2000′s Arctic warm water pulse, B.American Meteorological Society, doi:10.1175/2010BAMS2921.1

  • Pickart, R.S., M.A.Spall, G.W.K.Moore, T.J. Weingartner, R.A. Woodgate, K. Aagaard and K.Shimada, 2011, Upwelling in the Alaskan Beaufort Sea: Atmospheric Forcing and Local versus non-local response, Progress in Oceanography, 88, 78-100

  • Rainville, L., C.M. Lee, and R.A. Woodgate. 2011. Impact of wind-driven mixing in the Arctic Ocean. Oceanography 24(3):136-145,

  • Beszczynska-Moller, A., R.A., Woodgate, C. Lee, H. Melling, and M. Karcher. 2011. A synthesis of exchanges through the main oceanic gateways to the Arctic Ocean. Oceanography 24(3): 82-99,

  • Jackson, J.M., S.E. Allen, F.A. McLaughlin, R.A. Woodgate and E.C.Carmack.,Changes to the near-surface waters in the Canada Basin, Arctic Ocean from 1993-2009: A basin in transition, Journal of Geophysical Research, 116, C10008, doi:10.1029/2011JC007069.

  • Morison, J., R. Kwok, C. Peralta-Ferriz, M. Alkire, I. Rigor, R. Andersen, M. Steele (2011), Changes in Arctic Ocean circulation and freshwater measure with ICESat altimetry, GRACE gravimetry, and in situ observations, Nature, 2011.

  • Woodgate, R.A, Arctic Ocean Circulation – going around at the Top of the World, invited paper for Nature Education Knowledge Project, June 2011.

  • Alkire, M.B., E. D’Asaro, C. Lee, M.J. Perry, A. Gray, I. Cetenic, N. Briggs, E. Rehm, E. Kallin, J. Kaiser, A. Gonzalez-Posada (2011), Estimates of net community production and export using high-resolution, Lagrangian measurements of O2, NO3-, and POC through the evolution of a spring diatom bloom in the North Atlantic, Deep-Sea Research I, in review.

  • Rainville, L., C.M. Lee, and R.A. Woodgate. 2011. Impact of wind-driven mixing in the Arctic Ocean. Oceanography 24(3):136–145,

  • Joughin, I. and R.B. Alley, Stability of the West Antarctic ice sheet in a warming world, Nature Geoscience, 4, 506-513, 2011.

  • Popova, E. E., A. Yool, A. C. Coward, F. Dupont, C. Deal, S. Elliott, E. Hunke, M. Jin, M. Steele, J. Zhang, What controls primary production in the Arctic Ocean? Results from an ecosystem model intercomparison, J. Geophys. Res., submitted, 2011.

  • C. Lique, G. Garric, A.M. Treguier, B. Barnier, N. Ferry, C.-E. Testu and F. Girard-Ardhuin, 2011: Evolution of the Arctic ocean salinity, 2007-2008: contrasts between the Canadian and the Eurasian basins, Journal of Climate, Vol. 24, No. 6.

  • Heide-Jorgensen, M.P., M. Iversen, N.H. Nielsen, C. Lockyer, H. Stern, and M.H. Ribergaard, 2011, Harbour porpoise respond to climate change, Ecology and Evolution, accepted.

  • Dietz, R., E.W. Born, R. Stewart, M.P. Heide-Jorgensen, H. Stern, F. Riget, L. Toudal, C. Lanthier, M. Villum Jensen, and J. Tielmann, 2011, Movements of walruses (Odobenus Rosmarus) between Central West Greenland and Southeast Baffin Island 2005-2008, submitted to NAMMCO Special Walrus Issue.

  • Proshutinsky, A., Y. Aksenov, J. Clement-Kinney, R. Gerdes, E. Golubeva, D. Holland, G. Holloway, A. John, M. Johnson, E. Popova, M. Steele, and E. Watanabe, Recent advances in Arctic Ocean studies employing models from the Arctic Ocean Model Intercomparison Project, Oceanography, 24(3), 102-113, 2011.

  • Steele, M., W. Ermold, and J. Zhang, Modeling the formation and fate of the near-surface temperature maximum in the Canadian Basin of the Arctic Ocean, J. Geophys. Res., 116, C11015, doi:10.1029/2010JC006803, 2011.

  • J. M. Jackson, C. Lique M. Alkire, M. Steele, C. M. Lee, W.M. Smethie and P. Schlosser: The hydrography of the North Ellesmere Shelf, Lincoln Sea, Arctic Ocean, from 1991-2011, under review for JGR.

  • Perovich, D.K., J. A. Richer-Menge, K. F. Jones, B. Light, B. C. Elder, C. Polashenski, D. Laroche, T. Markus, R. Lindsay (2011), Arctic  sea- ice melt in 2008 and the role of solar heating, Ann. Glac., 57, 355-359.

  • Perovich, D.K., K. F. Jones, B. Light, H. Eicken, T. Markus, J Stroeve, R. Lindsay (2011), Solar partitioning in a changing Arctic sea-ice cover, Ann. Glac., 52, 192-196.

  • Born, E. W., A. Heilmann, L. Kielsen Holm,and K. L. Laidre.2011. Polar bears in Northwest Greenland – An interview survey about the catch and the climate. Monographs on Greenland (Meddelelser om Grønland) Volume 351 ISBN 9788763531689. 250 pp.

  • Wiig, Ø, Bachmann, L., Heide-Jørgensen, M.P., C. Lindquist, Laidre, K.L., Postma, L, Dueck, L. Palsbøll, P, and L. Bachmann. 2011. Recaptures of genotyped bowhead whales (Balaena mysticetus) in Eastern Canada and West Greenland. Endangered Species Research 14: 235-242

  • Heide-Jørgensen M. P., K.L. Laidre, L. T. Quakenbush, and J. Citta. 2011. Northwest Passage opens for bowhead whales. Biology Letters. doi:10.1098/rsbl.2011.0731

  • Junge, K., B.C. Christner, and J.T. Staley, “Diversity of Psychrophilic Bacteria from Sea Ice – and Glacial Ice Communities“. In K. Horikoshi, G. Antranikian, A. Bull, F. Robb, and K. Stetter (eds), Extremophiles Handbook. Springer, Heidelberg, Germany. 1247 pp, 2011.

  • Laidre K.L. and M.P. Heide-Jørgensen. 2011. Life in the lead: Extreme densities of narwhals in the offshore pack ice. Marine Ecology Progress Series 423:269-278.

  • Frey, K.E., D.K. Perovich and B. Light (2011). The spatial distribution of solar radiation under a melting Arctic sea ice cover, Geophysical Research Letters 38: doi:10.1029/2011GL049421.

  • Skidmore, M., Jungblut, Anne, and Urschel, M. and K. Junge., “Cryospheric Environments in Polar regions (Glaciers and Ice Sheets, Sea Ice, Ice Shelves).”, In Polar Microbiology. L.Whyte and R. Miller (eds). ASM Press., (2011), Accepted.

  • Palmer, S., A. Shepherd, P. Nienow, and I. Joughin (2011), Seasonal speedup of the Greenland Ice Sheet linked to routing of surface water, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 302(3-4), 423-428.

  • McFadden, E. M., I. M. Howat, I. Joughin, B. Smith, and Y. Ahn, Changes in the dynamics of marine terminating outlet glaciers in west Greenland (2000-2009), J. Geophys. Res.-EarthSurf., 116, 2011.

  • Howat, I. M., Y. Ahn, I. Joughin, M. R. van den Broeke, J. T. M. Lenaerts, and B. Smith, Mass balance of Greenland’s three largest outlet glaciers, 2000-2010, Geophys. Res. Lett., 38, 2011.

  • Sole, A. J., D. W. F. Mair, P. W. Nienow, I. D. Bartholomew, M. A. King, M. J. Burke, and I. Joughin (2011), Seasonal speedup of a Greenland marine-terminating outlet glacier forced by surface melt-induced changes in subglacial hydrology, Journal Of Geophysical Research- Earth Surface, 116 , 2011.

  • Colgan, W., H. Rajaram, R. Anderson, K. Steffen, T. Phillips, I. Joughin, H. J. Zwally, and W. Abdalati, The annual glaciohydrology cycle in the ablation zone of the Greenland ice sheet: Part 1. Hydrology model, Journal Of Glaciology, 57(204), 697-709, 2011.

  • Christoffersen, P., R. I. Mugford, K. J. Heywood, I. Joughin, J. A. Dowdeswell, J. P. M. Syvitski, A. Luckman, and T. J. Benham, Warming of waters in an East Greenland fjord prior to glacier retreat: mechanisms and connection to large-scale atmospheric conditions, Cryosphere, 5(3), 701-714, 2011.

  • Morison, J., R. Kwok, C. Peralta-Ferriz, M. Alkire, I. Rigor, R. Andersen, M. Steele (2011), Changes in Arctic Ocean circulation and freshwater measure with ICESat altimetry, GRACE gravimetry, and in situ observations, Nature, accepted.

  • Heide-Jørgensen, M.P., K. L. Laidre, Ø. Wiig, L. Postma, L. Dueck, L. Bachmann, “Large scale sexual segregation of bowhead whales”, Endangered Species Research 13:73-78, 2010.

  • Zhang, J., R Woodgate, and R.Moritz, 2010, Sea Ice response to Atmospheric and Oceanic Forcing in the Bering Sea, J.Phys.Oceanogr., 40(8), 1729-1747.

  • Panteleev, G., D.A.Nechaev, A.Proshutinsky, R.Woodgate, and J.Zhang, 2010, Reconstruction and analysis of the Chukchi Sea circulation in 1990-1991, J.Geophys.Res., 115, C08023

  • Rawlings, M.A., M.Steele, M.M.Holland, J.C. Adam., J.E.Cherry, J.A.Francis, P.Y.Groisman, L.D.Hinzman, TG.Huntington, D.L.Kane, J.S.Kimball, R.Kwok, R.B.Lammers, C.M.Lee, D.P. Lettenmaier, K.C.McDonald, E.Podest, J.W.Pundsack, B.Rudels, M.C.Serreze, A.Shiklomanov, O.Skagseth, T.J.Troy, C.J.Vorosmarty, M.Wensnahan, E.F.Wood, R Woodgate, D.Yang, K.Zhang, T.Zhang, 2010, Analysis of the Arctic System for Freshwater Cycle Intersification: Observations and Expectations, Journal of Climate, 23, 5715-5737.

  • Zhang, J., R.A. Woodgate and S. Mangiameli, Towards seasonal prediction of the distributuion and extent of cold bottom waters on the Bering Sea shelf, sub. 2010 to Deep Sea Research II

  • Clement Kinney., J., W.Maslowski, Y.Aksenov, B. de Cuebas, J. Jakacki, A.Nguyen, R.Osinski, M.Steele, R.A. Woodgate, J. Zhang, On the Flow Through Bering Straight: A Synthesis of Model Results and Observations, sub. 2010 to Springer Book focused on the Pacific Artcic.

  • Zhang, J.L., M. Steele, and A. Schweiger, “Arctic sea ice response to atmospheric forcings with varying levels of anthropogenic warming and climate variability“, Geophys. Res. Lett, 37, L20505, doi: 10.1029/2010gl044988, 2010.

  • Heide-Jørgensen M. P., K. L. Laidre, M.L. Burt, D.L. Borchers, T. A. Marques, R. G. Hansen, M. Rasmussen and S. Fossette, “Abundance of narwhals (Monodon monoceros L.) on the hunting grounds in Greenland”, Journal of Mammalogy 91(5):1135–1151, 2010

  • Laidre, K. L., M. P. Heide-Jørgensen, M. L. Logsdon, L. Delwiche, T. G. Nielsen, “A whale of an opportunity: Examining the vertical structure of high Arctic waters using space-based ocean observations and instrumented marine predators”, Marine Biology Research 6:519-529, 2010.

  • Laidre, K. L., M. P. Heide-Jørgensen, P. Heagerty, A. Cossio, B. Bergstrom, and M. Simon, “Spatial associations between large baleen whales and their prey in West Greenland”, Marine Ecology Progress Series 402:269-284, 2010.

  • Laidre, K. L., M. P. Heide-Jørgensen, W. Ermold, and M. Steele, “Narwhals document continued warming of Baffin Bay”, Journal of Geophysical Research 115: C10049, doi:10.1029/2009JC005820, 2010.

  • Zhang, J., R.A. Woodgate and S. Mangiameli, Towards seasonal prediction of the distribution and extent of cold bottom waters on the Bering Sea shelf, sub. 2010 to Deep Sea Research II

  • Peralta-Ferriz, C. and J. Morison, “Understanding the annual cycle of the Arctic Ocean bottom pressure”, Geophys. Res. Lett., 37, L10603, doi:10.1029/2010GL042827, 2010.

  • Stern, H.. Record Number of Yachts Traverse Northwest Passage in Summer 2009, Polar Times, 3(15), 2010.

  • Levermann A., J. Bamber, S. Drijfhout, A. Ganopolski, W. Haeberli, N.R.P. Harris, M. Huss, T. M. Lenton, R.W. Lindsay, D. Notz, P. Wadhams, and S. Weber, 2010: Climatic Tipping Elements with potential impact on Europe, The European Topic Centre on Air and Climate Change, (ETC/ACC) Technical Paper 2010/3, July 2010.

  • C. Lique, A.M. Treguier, B. Blanke, N. Grima, 2010: On the origins of water masses exported along both sides of Greenland: Results from Lagrangian trajectories integrated in an ocean-sea ice global model, JGR-Ocean, 115, CO5019, doiL 10.1029/2009JC005316.

  • Levermann, A., Bamber, J., Drijfhout, S., Ganopolski, A., Haeberli, W., Harris, N. R. P., Huss, M., Krüger, Kirstin, Lenton, T., Lindsay, R. W., Notz, D., Wadhams, P. and Weber, S., 2010: Potential climatic transitions with profound impact on Europe – Review of the current state of six ‘tipping elements of the climate system’,  Climatic Change . ISSN 0165-0009.

  • Heide-Jørgensen, M.P., K.L. Laidre, D. Borchers, T.A. Marques, H. Stern, and M. Simon, 2010, The effect of sea-ice loss on beluga whales (Delphinapterus leucas) in West Greenland’, Polar Research, doi:10.1111/j.1751-8369.2009.00142.x, 2010.

  • Fudge, T.J., and B. Smith, “Instruments and Methods Light propagation in firn: application to borehole video“, J. Glaciology, 56(198), 614-624, 2010.

  • Jackson, J.M., S.E. Allen, F.A.McLaughlin, R.A. Woodgate and E.C. Carmack, Changes to the near-surface waters in the Canada Basin, Arctic Ocean from 1993-2009: A basin in transition, in final prep for Journal of Geophysical Research.

  • Hunt, G.L., A.Blanchard, P.Dalpadado, K.Drinkwater, L.Eisner, K.M.Kovacs, B.Norcross, P.Renaud, M.Reigstad, A.Whitehouse, R.A.Woodgate, “Comparisons of the Chukchi and Barents Seas: The importance of the source of Advected waters”, 2010.

  • Clement Kinney., J., W.Maslowski Y. Aksenov, Cuevas, J. Jakacki, A. Nguyen, R.Osinki, M.Steele, R.A. Woodgate, J.Zhang, “On the Flow Through Bering Strait: A Synthesis of Model Results and Observations”, AGU monograph, in review, 2011.

  • Heide-Jørgensen M. P., L. Witting, K.L. Laidre and  R.G. Hansen, M. Rasmussen. 2010. Estimates of minke whale abundance in West Greenland in 2007. Journal of Cetacean Research and Management 11(2):75-82.

  • Heide-Jørgensen M. P., K.L. Laidre and M. Simon, M. Rasmussen, M.L. Burt and D.L. Borchers. 2010. Abundance estimates of fin whales in West Greenland in 2007. Journal of Cetacean Research and Management 11(2):83-88.

  • Laidre, K. L., M. P. Heide-Jørgensen, W. Ermold, and M. Steele. 2010. Narwhals document continued warming of southern Baffin Bay. Journal of Geophysical Research 115: C10049, doi:10.1029/2009JC005820.

  • Dadic, R., B. Light, and S. G. Warren, “Migration of air bubbles in ice under a temperature gradient, with application to ‘Snowball Earth’“, J. Geophys. Res., 115, D181258, doi:10.1029/2010JD0141., 2010.

  • Shean, D. E. and D. R. Marchant, Seismic and GPR surveys of Mullins Glacier, McMurdo Dry Valleys, Antarctica: ice thickness, internal structure and implications for surface ridge formation, Journal of Glaciology, 56(195), 48-64, doi:10.3189/002214310791190901, 2010.

  • Fricker, H. A., T. Scambos, S. Carter, C. Davis, T. Haran, and I. Joughin, Synthesizing multiple remote-sensing techniques for subglacial hydrologic mapping: application to a lake system beneath MacAyeal Ice Stream, West Antarctica, J. Glaciol., 56(196), 187-199, 2010.

  • Shean, D.E., Candidate ice-rich material within equatorial craters on Mars, Geophysical Research Letters, 37, L24202, doi:10.1029/2010GL045181, 2010.

  • Joughin, I., B. E. Smith, and D. M. Holland (2010), Sensitivity of 21st century sea level to ocean-induced thinning of Pine Island Glacier, Antarctica, Geophys. Res. Lett., 37.

  • Joughin, I., B. E. Smith, and W. Abdalati, Glaciological advances made with interferometric synthetic aperture radar, J. Glaciol., 56(200), 1026-1042, 2010.

  • Khan, S. A., L. Liu, J. Wahr, I. Howat, I. Joughin, T. van Dam, and K. Fleming, GPS measurements of crustal uplift near Jakobshavn Isbrae due to glacial ice mass loss, J. Geophys. Res.-Solid Earth, 115, 2010.

  • Zhang, J., Y. H. Spitz, M. Steele, C. Ashjian, R. Campbell, L. Berline, and P. Matrai, Modeling the impact of declining sea ice on the arctic marine planktonic ecosystem, J. Geophys. Res., 115, C10015, doi:10.1029/2009JC005387, 2010.

  • Proshutinsky, A., M.-L. Timmermans, I. Ashik, A. Beszczynska-Moeller, E. Carmack, I. Frolov, R. Krishfield, F. McLaughlin, J. Morison, I. Polyakov, K. Shimada, V. Sokolov, M. Steele, J. Toole, and R. Woodgate, The Arctic, c. Ocean [in “State of the Climate in 2009”], Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 91 (6), S85-87, 2010.

  • Woodgate, R.A., T. Weingartner, and R. Lindsay,’ The 2007 Bering Strait oceanic heat flux and anomalous Arctic sea-ice retreat’, Geophys. Res. Lett., 37, doi:10.1029/2009GL041621, 2010.

  • Sirevaag, A., M.G. McPhee, J.H. Morison, W.J. Shaw, and T.P. Stanton, ‘Wintertime mixed layer measurements at Maud Rise, Weddell Sea‘, J. Geophys. Res., 115, doi:10.1029/2008JC005141, 2010.

  • Kwok, R., S. Farrell, R. Forsberg, K. Giles, S. Laxon, D. McAdoo, J. Morison, L. Padman, C. Peralta-Ferriz, A. Proshutinsky, and M. Steele,’ Combining satellite altimetry, time-variable gravity, and bottom pressure observations to understand the Arctic Ocean: A transformative opportunity’, Proceedings of the OceanObs09: Sustained Ocean Observations and Information for Society Conference, Venice, Italy, 21-25 September 2009, Hall, J., Harrison D.E. and Stammer, D., Eds., 2, ESA Publication WPP-30, 2010.

  • Born, E.W., A. Heilmann, L. Kielsen Holm, and K.L. Laidre,’ Polar bears in Northwest Greenland: an interview survey about the catch and the climate’, Monographs on Greenland, Copenhagen: Museum Tusculanum Press, 351, 250, 2010.

  • Steele, M., J. Zhang, and W. Ermold, Mechanisms of summertime upper Arctic Ocean warming and the effect on sea ice melt, J. Geophys. Res., 115, C11004, doi:10.1029/2009JC005849, 2010.

  • Rawlins, M. A., M. Steele, and others, Analysis of the arctic system for freshwater cycle intensification: observations and expectations, J. Climate, vol. 23, pp5715-5737, 2010.

  • Lindsay, R. W., 2010: A new sea ice thickness climate data record, Eos, 44, 405–406.

  • Alkire, M.B., K.K. Falkner, J. Morison, R.W. Collier, C.K.Guay, R.A. Desiderio, I.G. Rigor, M. McPhee (2010). Sensor-based profiles of the NO parameter in the central Arctic and southern Canada Basin: new insights regarding the cold halocline, Deep-Sea Research I 57: 1432-1443, 2010.

  • Polyakov, I. V., and others, incl. M. Steele, Arctic Ocean warming contributes to reduced polar ice cap, J. Phys. Oceanogr., 40, 2743-2756, 2010.

  • Alkire, M.B., K.K. Falkner, T. Boyd, R.W. Macdonald (2010), Sea-ice melt and meteoric water distributions in Baffin Bay and the Canadian Arctic archipelago, Journal of Marine Research 68(6), 767-798, 2010.

  • Alkire, M.B. (2010), Differentiating freshwater contributions and their variability to the surface and halocline layers of the Arctic and subarctic seas, Ph.D. Thesis, College of Oceanic & Atmospheric Sciences, Oregon State University, defended on March 19, 2010.

  • Alkire, M.B., K.K. Falkner, T. Boyd, R.W. Macdonald (2010), Sea-ice melt and meteoric water distributions in Baffin Bay and the Canadian Arctic archipelago, Journal of Marine Research 68(6), 767-798.

  • deSteur, L., M. Steele, J. Morison, I. G. Rigor, C. M. Lee, and E. Hansen, Recent changes in Arctic Ocean freshwater distribution, J. Climate, in review, 2010.

  • Matrai, P. A., E. Olson, S. Suttles, V. J. Hill, L. A. Codispoti, B. Light, and M. Steele, Synthesis of primary production in the Arctic Ocean: I. Surface waters, 1954-2007, Prog. Oceanogr., submitted, 2010.

  • Hill, V. J., P. A. Matrai, E. Olson, S. Suttles, M. Steele, L. A. Codispoti, R. Zimmerman, Synthesis of primary production in the Arctic Ocean: II.  In situ and remotely sensed integrated estimates, 1999-2007, Prog. Oceanogr., submitted, 2010.

  • Codispoti, L. A., V. Kelly, A.Thessen, P. Matrai, S. Suttles, V. J. Hill, M. Steele, B. Light, Synthesis of primary production in the Arctic Ocean: III. Nitrate and phosphate based estimates of net community production, Prog. Oceanogr., 2010.

  • Steele, M., W. Ermold, and J. Zhang, Modeling the formation and fate of the near-surface temperature maximum in the Canadian Basin of the Arctic Ocean, J. Geophys. Res., in review, 2010.

  • Woodgate R.A., T. Weingartner and R. Lindsay, 2010, The 2007 Bering Strait Oceanic Heat Flux and anomalous Arctic Sea-ice Retreat, Geophys. Res. Letters, 37, L01602, doi:10.1029/2009GL041621.

  • Proshutinsky, A., R. Krishfield, M. Steele, and others,’ The Arctic: Oceans [in “State of the Climate in 2008”]‘, Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 90(8), S99-S102, 2009.

  • Pickart, R.S., L.J. Pratt, D.J. Torres, T.E. Whitledge, A.Y. Proshutinsky, K. Aagaard, T.A. Agnew, G.W.K. Moore, and H.J. Dail,’ Evolution and dynamics of the flow through Herald Canyon in the western Chukchi Sea‘, Deep-Sea Res. II, doi:10.1016/j.dsr2.2009.08.002 , 2009

  • Perovich, D.K., T.C. Grenfell, B. Light, et al.,’ Transpolar observations of the morphological properties of Arctic sea ice’, J. Geophys. Res., 114, 10.1029/2008JC004892, 2009.

  • McPhee, M., A. Proshutinsky, J. Morison, M. Steele, and M. Alkire,’ Rapid change in freshwater content of the Arctic Ocean‘, Geophys. Res. Lett., 36, L10602, doi:10.1029/2009GL037525, 2009.

  • MacGregor, J.A., K. Matsuoka, M.R. Koutnik, E.D. Waddington, M. Studinger, and D.P. Winebrenner,’ Millennially averaged accumulation rates for the Vostok Subglacial Lake region inferred from deep internal layers’, Ann. Glaciol., 50, 25-34

  • Light, B., R. E. Brandt, and S. G. Warren,’ Hydrohalite in cold sea ice: Laboratory observations of single crystals, surface accumulations, and migration rates under a temperature gradient, with application to ‘Snowball Earth’‘, J. Geophys. Res., 114, C07018, doi:10.1029/2008JC005211, 2009.

  • Laidre, K.L., R.J. Jameson, E. Gurarie, S.J. Jeffries, and H. Allen,’ Spatial habitat use patterns of sea otters in coastal Washington’, J. Mammal., 90, 906-917, 2009.

  • Laidre, K.L., P. Heagerty, M.P. Heide-Jørgensen, L. Witting, and M. Simon,’ Sexual segregation of common minke whales (Balaenoptera acutorostrata) and sex ratio of catches in Greenland’, ICES J. Mar. Sci, 66, 2253-2266, 2009.

  • Kwok, R., and D.A. Rothrock,’ Decline in Arctic sea ice thickness from submarine and ICESat records: 1958-2008′, Geophys. Res. Lett., 36, doi:10.1029/2009GL039035, 2009.

  • McPhee, M., A. Proshutinsky, J. Morison, M. Steele, and M. Alkire, "Rapid change in freshwater content of the Arctic Ocean", Geophys. Res. Lett., 36, L10602, doi:10.1029/2009GL037525, 2009.
  • Rawlins, M. A., M. Steele, M. C. Serreze, C. J. Vorosmarty, W. Ermold, R. B. Lammers, K. C. McDonald, T. M. Pavelsky, A. Shilomanov, and J. Zhang, "Tracing freshwater anomalies through the air-land-ocean system: A case study from the Mackenzie River Basin and the Beaufort Gyre", Atmos. Ocean, 47(1), 79–97, doi:10.3137/OC301, 2009.
  • Conway, H., Smith, B., Vaswani, P. et al, “A low-frequency ice-penetrating radar system adapted for use from an airplane: test results from Bering and Malaspina Glaciers, Alaska, USA”, Annals Glaciology, 50(51), 93-97, 2009.

  • Stern, H. L. and R. W. Lindsay, 2009:  Spatial Scaling of Arctic Sea Ice Deformation. J. Geophys. Res., 114, C10017, doi:10.1029/2009JC005380.

  • Vavrus, S., D. Waliser, A. Schweiger, and J. Francis, “Simulations of 20th and 21st century Arctic cloud amount in the global climate models assessed in the IPCC AR4″, Clim Dynam, 33, 1099-1115, 2009.

  • Rawlins, M. A., M. Steele, M. C. Serreze, C. J. Vorosmarty, W. Ermold, R. B. Lammers, K. C. McDonald, T. M. Pavelsky, A. Shilomanov, and J. Zhang,’ Tracing freshwater anomalies through the air-land-ocean system: A case study from the Mackenzie River Basin and the Beaufort Gyre’, Atmos. Ocean, 47(1), 79–97, doi:10.3137/OC301, 2009.

  • Rainville, L., and R.A. Woodgate,’ Observations of internal wave generation in the seasonally ice-free Arctic’, Geophys. Res. Lett., 36, 10.1029/2009GL041291, 2009.

  • Lindsay, R.W., J. Zhang, A. Schweiger, M.A. Steele and H. Stern, “Arctic Sea Ice Retreat in 2007 Follows Thinning Trend”, J. Clim., 22, 165-176, doi: 10.1175/2008JCLI2521., 2009.

  • Kwok, R., G.F. Cunningham, M. Wensnahan, I. Rigor, H.J. Zwally, and D. Yi,’ Thinning and volume loss of the Arctic Ocean sea ice cover: 2003-2008′, J. Geophys. Res., 114, doi:10.1029/2009JC005312, 2009.

  • Krawczynski, M.J., M.D. Behn, S.B. Das, and I. Joughin,’ Constraints on the lake volume required for hydro-fracture through ice sheets’, Geophys. Res. Lett., 36, 10.1029/2008GL036765, 2009.

  • Koutnik, M.R., E.D. Waddington, and D.P. Winebrenner,’ A method to infer past surface mass balance and topography from internal layers in martian polar layered deposits’, Icarus, 204, 458-470, 2009.

  • Kikuchi, T., S. Nishino, R. Woodgate, B. Rabe, U. Schauer, and S. Pisarev,’ Confluence and mixing of Atlantic, Pacific and Siberian shelf water masses around the Mendeleev Ridge of the Arctic Ocean’, Eos Trans. AGU, 90, Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract GCS1A-0715, 2009.

  • Kadko, D., and K. Aagaard,’ Glimpses of Arctic Ocean shelf-basin interaction from submarine-borne radium sampling‘, Deep-Sea Res. I,, 56, 32-40, 2009.

  • Joughin, I., S. Tulaczyk, J.L. Bamber, D. Blankenship, J.W. Holt, T. Scambos, and D.G. Vaughan,’ Basal conditions for Pine Island and Thwaites glaciers, West Antarctica, determined using satellite and airborne data’, J. Glaciol., 55, 245-257, 2009.

  • Heide-Jørgensen, M.P., and K.L. Laidre,’ Marine apex predators’, The Greenland Ice Sheet in a Changing Climate, edited by D. Dahl-Jensen et al. Oslo, Norway, Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Program, 76-78, 2009.

  • Gurarie, E., R. Andrews, and K.L. Laidre,’ A novel method for identifying behavioral changes in animal movement data’, Ecol. Lett., 12, 395-408, 2009.

  • Francis, J.A., D.M. White, J.J. Cassano, W.J. Gutowski, L.D. Hinzman, M.M. Holland, M.A. Steele, and C.J. Vörösmarty,’ An arctic hydrologic system in transition: Feedbacks and impacts on terrestrial, marine, and human life’, J. Geophys. Res., 114, doi:10.1029/2008JG000902, 2009.

  • Dmitrenko, I.A., et al., including R.A. Woodgate,’ Seasonal modification of the Arctic Ocean intermediate water layer off the eastern Laptev Sea continental shelf break’, J. Geophys. Res., 114, doi:10.1029/2008JC005229, 2009.

  • Darby, D.A., J. Ortiz, L. Polyak, S. Lund, M. Jakobsson, and R.A. Woodgate,’ The role of currents and sea ice in both slowly deposited central Arctic and rapidly deposited Chukchi-Alaskan margin sediments’, Global Planet. Change, 68, 56-70, 2009.

  • C. Lique, A.M. Treguier, M. Scheinert, T. Penduff, 2009: A model-based study of ice and freshwater transport variability along both sides of Greenland, Climate Dynamics, 33 (5), 685-705, DOI: 10.1007/s00382-008-0510-7.

  • Smith, B.E., Fricker, H.A., Joughin, I.R.., and S. Tulaczyk, ‘An inventory of active subglacial lakes in Antarctica detected by ICESat (2003-2008)’, J. Glaciology, 55(192), 573-595, 2009.

  • Heide-Jørgensen, M.P. and Laidre, K.L. 2009. Chapter 4.2.3 Marine apex predators. P. 76-78. In: The Greenland Ice Sheet in a Changing Climate. (eds. D. Dahl-Jensen, J. Bamber, C.E. Bøggild, E. Buch., J.H. Christensen, K. Dethloff, M. Fahnestock, S. Marshall, M. Rosing, K. Steffen, R. Thomas, M. Truffer, M. van den Broeke and C.J. van der Veen). Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Program, Oslo 115 pp.

  • Woodgate, R., T. Winegartner, and R. Lindsay, 2009: The 2007 Bering Strait Oceanic Heat Flux and anomalous Arctic Sea-ice Retreat.  Geophys. Res. Lett., 37, L01602, doi:10.1029/2009GL041621.

  • Shepherd, A., A. Hubbard, P. Nienow, M. King, M. McMillan, and I. Joughin, Greenland ice sheet motion coupled with daily melting in late summer, Geophys. Res. Lett., 36, 4, 2009.

  • Byrne, S., C. M. Dundas, M. R. Kennedy, M. T. Mellon, A. S. McEwen, S. C. Cull, I. J. Daubar, D. E. Shean, K. D. Seelos, S. L. Murchie, B A. Cantor, R. E. Arvidson, K. S. Edgett, A. Reufer, N. Thomas, T. N. Harrison, L. V. Posiolova, and F. P. Seelos, Distribution of Mid-Latitude Ground Ice on Mars from New Impact Craters, Science 325, 1674-1676, doi:10.1126/science.1175307, 2009.

  • Nick, F. M., A. Vieli, I. M. Howat, and I. Joughin, Large-scale changes in Greenland outlet glacier dynamics triggered at the terminus, Nat. Geosci., 2(2), 110-114, 2009.

  • Woodgate, R. A., T. Weingartner and R. Lindsay,’ The 2007 Bering Strait Oceanic Heat Flux and anomalous Arctic Sea-ice Retreat’, Geophys. Res. Letters, accepted 2009

  • Wang, J., J. Zhang, E. Watanabe, M. Ikeda, K. Mizobata, J.E. Walsh, X. Bai, and B. Wu,’ Is the dipole anomaly a major driver to record lows in arctic summer sea ice extent?’, Geophys. Res. Lett., 36, doi:10.1029/2008GL036706, 2009.

  • Stern, H.L., and R.W. Lindsay,’ Spatial scaling of Arctic sea ice deformation’, J. Geophys. Res., 114, doi:10.1029/2009JC005380, 2009.

  • Shepherd, A., A. Hubbard, M. King, M. McMillan, and I. Joughin,’ Greenland ice sheet motion coupled with daily melting in late summer’, Geophys. Res. Lett., 36, 10.1029/2008GL035758, 2009.

  • Shaw, W.J., T.P. Stanton, M.G. McPhee, J.H. Morison, and D.G. Martinson,’ Role of the upper ocean in the energy budget of Arctic sea ice during SHEBA’, J. Geophys. Res., 114, doi:10.1029/2008JC004991, 2009.

  • Rawlings, M.A., et al. including R.A. Woodgate,’ Analysis of the arctic system for freshwater cycle intensification: Observations and expectations’, Eos Trans., AGU, 90, Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract GC42A-05, 2009.

  • Abrahamsen, E.P., M.P. Meredith, K.K. Falkner, S. Torres-Valdes, M.J. Leng, M.B. Alkire, S. Bacon, I. Polyakov, V. Ivanov, S. Kirillov (2009). Tracer-derived freshwater budget of the Siberian Continental Shelf following the extreme Arctic summer of 2007, Geophysical Research Letters 36: doi:10.1029/2009GL037341.

  • McPhee, M., J. Morison, A. Proshutinsky, M. Steele, M. Alkire (2009), Rapid Change in Freshwater Content of the Arctic Ocean, Geophysical Research Letters 36: doi:10.1029/2009GL037525.

  • Rainville, L., and R.A. Woodgate, 2009, Observations of internal wave generation in the seasonally ice-free Arctic, Geophys. Res. Letters, 36, L23604, doi:10.1029/2009GL041291

  • Rothrock, D. A., D. B. Percival, and M. Wensnahan, “The decline in arctic sea-ice thickness: Separating the spatial, annual, and interannual variability in a quarter century of submarine data”, J. Geophys. Res., 113, C05003, doi:10.1029/2007JC004252, 2008.

  • Polyakov, I. V., V. Alexeev, G. I. Belchansky, I. A. Dmitrenko, V. Ivanov, S. Kirillov, A. Korablev, M. Steele, L. A. Timokhov, and I. Yashayaev,’ Arctic Ocean freshwater changes over the past 100 years and their causes’, J. Climate, 21, 364-384, 2008.

  • Perovich, D. K., J. A. Richter-Menge, K. F. Jones, and B. Light,’ Sunlight, water, and ice: Extreme Arctic sea ice melt during the summer of 2007′, Geophys. Res. Lett., 35, L11501, doi:10.1029/2008GL034007, 2008.

  • Percival, D. B., D. A. Rothrock, A. S. Thorndike, and T. Gneiting, “The variance of mean sea-ice thickness: Effect of long-range dependence”, J. Geophys. Res., 113, C01004, doi:10.1029/2007JC004391, 2008

  • Mizobata, K., K.Shimada, R.Woodgate, S-I. Saitoh and J. Wang,’ Estimation of heat flux through the eastern Bering Strait’, Journal of Oceanography, submitted 2008.

  • Melling, H., K.K.Falkner, R.A.Woodgate, S.Prinsenberg, A.Muenchow, D.Greenberg, T.Agnew, R.Samelson, C.Lee, B.Petrie,’ Freshwater Fluxes via Pacific and Arctic Outflows across the Canadian Polar Shelf’, ASOF (Arctic Subarctic Ocean Fluxes) special volume, Springer-Verlag, 2008.

  • Howat, I.M., Smith, B.E., Joughin, I., et al, Rates of southeast Greenland ice volume loss from combined ICESat and ASTER observations, Geophys. Res. Lett., 35(17), L17505, 2008.

  • Laidre, K. L., M. P Heide-Jørgensen, J. Nyland, A. Mosbech, and D. Boertmann, “Latitudinal gradients in sea ice and primary production determine Arctic seabird colony size in Greenland”, Proceedings of the Royal Society B. 275: 2695–2702 doi:10.1098/rspb.2008.0874, 2008.

  • Stern, H.L., R.E. Moritz, E. Lettvin, D. Schatz, and L. Russell (2008), Polar Science Weekend: A University / Science Center Collaboration, Eos Trans. AGU, 89(53), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract ED33A-0620.

  • Nghiem, S.V., I.G. Rigor, P. Clemente-Colón, D. K. Perovich, and G. Neumann, New record reduction of Arctic perennial sea ice in winter 2008, Jet Propul. Lab. Doc. D-44233, Pasadena, Calif., 2008.

  • Haas, C., A. Pfaffling, S. Hendriks, L. Rabenstein, J.-L. Etienne, and I. Rigor, Reduced ice thickness in Arctic Transpolar Drift favors rapid ice retreat, Geophys. Res. Lett., 35, L17501, doi:10.1029/2008GL034457, 2008.

  • Ogi, M; Rigor, IG; McPhee, MG; Wallace, JM, “Summer retreat of Arctic sea ice: Role of summer winds”, Geophys. Res. Lett., vol. 35, 10.1029/2008GL03567, 2008.

  • Joughin, I., I. Howat, M. Fahnestock, B. Smith, W. Krabill, R. Alley, H. Stern, and M. Truffer, 2008, Continued Evolution of Jakobshavn Isbrae Following its Rapid Speedup, J. Geophys. Res., 113, F04006, doi:10.1029/2008JF001023.

  • Rampal, P., Weiss, D. Marsan, R. Lindsay, and H. Stern, 2008, Scaling properties of sea ice deformation from buoy dispersion analysis, J. Geophys. Res., 113, C03002, doi: 10.1029/2007JC004143.

  • Heide-Jørgensen, M. P., R. Dietz, K. L. Laidre, P. Nicklen, E. Garde, P. Richard, J. Orr. 2008. Resighting of a narwhal (Monodon monoceros) instrumented with a satellite transmitter. Arctic 61(4) 395-398.

  • Dietz, R., M. P. Heide-Jørgensen, P. Richard, J. Orr, K. L. Laidre, and H. C. Schmidt. 2008. Movements of narwhals (Monodon monoceros) from Admiralty Inlet monitored by satellite telemetry. Polar Biology 31(11):1295-1306.

  • Heide-Jørgensen, M. P., D. L. Borchers, L. Witting, K. L. Laidre, M. J. Simon, A. Rosing-Asvid, and D. Pike. 2008. Estimates of large whale abundance in West Greenland waters from an aerial survey in 2005. Journal of Cetacean Research and Management 10(2):119-129.

  • Stafford, K., S. E. Moore, K. L. Laidre, and M. P. Heide-Jørgensen. 2008. Bowhead whale springtime song offshore West Greenland. J of Acoustical Society of America 124(5): 3315-3323.

  • Alley, R. B., H. J. Horgan, I. Joughin, K. M. Cuffey, T. K. Dupont, B. R. Parizek, S. Anandakrishnan, and J. Bassis, A Simple Law for Ice-Shelf Calving, Science, 322(5906), 1344-1344,2008.

  • Alley, R. B., M. Fahnestock, and I. Joughin, Climate change understanding glacier flow in changing times, Science, 322(5904), 1061-1062, 2008.

  • Das, S. B., I. Joughin, M. Behn, M. King, I. M. Howat, D. Lizarralde, and M. Bahtia, Water- driven fracture propagation to the bed of the Greenland Ice Sheet during supraglacial lake drainage, Science, 320(5877), 778-781, 2008.

  • Howat, I. M., I. Joughin, M. Fahnestock, B. E. Smith, and T. A. Scambos, Synchronous retreat and acceleration of southeast Greenland outlet glaciers 2000-06: ice dynamics and coupling to climate, J. Glaciol., 54(187), 646-660, 2008.

  • Laidre, K.L., I. Stirling, L. Lowry, Ø. Wiig, M. P. Heide-Jørgensen, and S. Ferguson,’ Quantifying the sensitivity of arctic marine mammals to climate-induced habitat change’, Ecological Applications, 18(2):S97-S125, 2007.

  • Junge, K., and B.D. Swanson,’ High-resolution ice nucleation spectra of sea-ice bacteria: Implications for cloud formation and life in frozen environments‘, Biogeosciences Discussion, 4, 4261-4282, 2008.

  • Zhang, J., M.Steele, and R.A. Woodgate,’ The role of Pacific Water in the dramatic retreat of arctic sea-ice during summer 2007′, Geophys. Res. Lett., in press.

  • Zhang J., M. Steele, R. Lindsay, A. Schweiger, J. Morison, “Ensemble 1-Year predictions of Arctic sea ice for the spring and summer of 2008″, Journal of Polar Science,submitted 2008.

  • Zhang, J, R.W Lindsay, M. Steele and A. Schweiger, “What Drove the Dramatic Retreat of Arctic Sea Ice During Summer 2007?”, Geophys. Res. Lett., doi:10.1029/2008GL034005.

  • Steele, M., W. Ermold, and J. Zhang,’ Arctic Ocean surface warming trends over the past 100 years’, Geophys. Res. Lett., 35, L02614, doi:10.1029/2007GL031651, 2008.

  • Schweiger, A.J. , J. Zhang, R.W. Lindsay and M. Steele,’ Did unusually sunny skies help drive the sea ice anomaly of 2007′, Geophysical Research Letters, Vol. 35, L10503, doi:10.1029/2008GL033463, 2008.

  • Schweiger, A.J., Lindsay, R.W., Vavrus, S., Francis, J.A., “Relationships between Arctic Sea Ice and Clouds during Autumn”, Journal of Climate, doi: 10.1175/2008JCLI2156.1, 2008a.

  • Lindsay, R.W., J. Zhang, A. Schweiger and M.A. Steele, “Seasonal predictions of ice extent in the Arctic Ocean”, J. Geophys. Res., 113(C2), 2008.

  • Light, B., T. C. Grenfell, and D. K. Perovich, “Transmission and absorption of solar radiation by Arctic sea ice during the melt season”, J. Geophys. Res., 113, C03023, doi:10.1029/2006JC003977, 2008.

  • Dmitrenko, I. A., S. A. Kirillov, V.V. Ivanov, and R. A. Woodgate,’ Mesoscale Atlantic Water Eddy off the Laptev Sea continental slope carries the signature of upstream interaction’, J. Geophys. Res., 113, C07005, doi: 10.1029/ 2007JC00449, 2008.

  • Aagaard, K., R. Andersen, J. Swift, and J. Johnson,’ A large eddy in the central Arctic Ocean’, Geophys. Res. Lett., 35, L09601, doi:10.1029/2008GL033461, 2008.

  • Polyakov, I. V., V. Alexeev, G. I. Belchansky, I. A. Dmitrenko, V. Ivanov, S. Kirillov, A. Korablev, M. Steele, L. A. Timokhov, and I. Yashayaev, "Arctic Ocean freshwater changes over the past 100 years and their causes", J. Climate, 21, 364-384, 2008.
  • Joughin, I., I. Howat, R. Alley, G. Ekstrom, M. Fahnestock, T. Moon, M. Nettles, M. Truffer, V. Tsai, “Ice-front variation and tidewater behavior on Helheim and Kangerdlugssuaq Glaciers, Greenland”, Journal of Geophysical Research, 13, F1, 2008.

  • Joughin, I., S. Das, M. King, B. Smith, I. Howat, T. Moon, “Seasonal speedup along the western flank of the Greenland Ice Sheet”, Science, 320, 5877, 2008.

  • Moon, T. and I. Joughin, “Changes in ice front position on Greenland’s outlet glaciers from 1992 to 2007″, Journal of Geophysical Research, 13, F2, 2008.

  • Lindsay, R.W., R. Kwok, L. de Steur, W. Miere, “Halo of Ice Deformation Observed Over the Maud Rise Seamount”, Geophys. Res. Lett., 35, L15501, doi:10.1029/2008GL034629, 2008.

  • Schweiger, A.J., J. Zhang, R.W. Lindsay, and M. Steele, “Did unusually sunny skies help drive the record sea ice minimum of 2007?”, Geophys. Res. Lett, 35, 10, 6, doi: L10503,10.1029/2008gl033463, 2008b.

  • Wensnahan, M., D. A. Rothrock and P. Hezel, “New arctic sea ice draft data from submarines”, EOS, 88(5), 55-6, 20

  • Weiss, J., E.M. Schulson, and H. Stern,’ Sea ice rheology from in-situ, satellite and laboratory observations: Fracture and friction’, Earth and Planetary Science Letters,255, 1-8, 2007.

  • Untersteiner, N., A.S. Thorndike, D.A. Rothrock, and K.L. Hunkins,’ AIDJEX revisited: A look back at the U.S.-Canadian Arctic Ice Dynamics Joint Experiment 1970–1978′, Arctic, 60(3), 327-336, 2007.

  • Stern, H., R. Lindsay, C. Bitz, and P. Hezel, 2008, What is the Trajectory of Arctic Sea Ice?, in Arctic Sea Ice Decline: Observations, Projections, Mechanisms, and Implications, Geophysical Monograph Series 180, American Geophysical Union, doi:10.1029/180GM03.

  • Steele, M. and W. Ermold,’ Steric sea level change in the Northern Seas‘, J. Climate, 20(3), 403–417, 2007.

  • Heide-Jørgensen, M.P., K. Laidre, D. Borchers, F. Samarra, and H. Stern,’ Increasing abundance of bowhead whales in West Greenland’, Biol. Lett., 3, 577-580, doi:10.1098/rsbl.2007.0310, 2007.

  • Häkkinen, S., F. Dupont, M. Karcher, F. Kauker, D. Worthen, and J. Zhang,’ Model simulation of Greenland Sea upper-ocean variability’, J. Geophys. Res., 112, C06S90, doi:10.1029/2006JC003687, 2007.

  • Briegleb, B. P. and B. Light, “A Delta-Eddington Multiple Scattering Parameterization for Solar Radiation in the Sea Ice Component of the Community Climate System Model“, NCAR/TN-472+STR, 100pp, 2007.

  • Bell, R. E., M. Studinger, C. A. Shuman, M. A. Fahnestock, and I. Joughin,’ Large subglacial lakes in East Antarctica at the onset of fast-flowing ice streams’, Nature, 445, 904-907, 2007.

  • Bamber, J. L., R. B. Alley, and I. Joughin,’ Rapid response of modern day ice sheets to external forcing’, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 257, 1-13, 2007.

  • Alkire, M. B., K. K. Falkner, I. Rigor, M. Steele, and J. H. Morison,’ The return of Pacific waters to the upper layers of the central Arctic Ocean’, Deep-Sea Res., Part I, 54, 1509-1529, 2007.

  • Alkire, M. B., K. K. Falkner, I. Rigor, M. Steele, and J. H. Morison, “The return of Pacific waters to the upper layers of the central Arctic Ocean”, Deep-Sea Res. Part I, 54, 1509–1529, 2007.
  • Shean, D. E., J. W. Head, J. Fastook, and D. R. Marchant, Recent glaciation at high elevations on Arsia Mons, Mars: Implications for the formation and evolution of large tropical mountain glaciers, Journal of Geophysical Research, 112(E03004), doi:10.1029/2006JE002761, 2007.

  • Shean, D. E., J. W. Head, and D. R. Marchant, Shallow seismic surveys and ice thickness estimates of the Mullins Valley debris-covered glacier, McMurdo Dry Valleys, Antarctica, Antarctic Science, 19(4), 485-496, doi:10.1017/S0954102007000624, 2007.

  • Perovich D.K., S.V. Nghiem, T. Markus, A. Schweiger, “Seasonal evolution and interannual variability of the local solar energy absorbed by the Arctic sea ice-ocean system”, J. Geophys. Res.-Oceans, 112 (C3): Art. No. C03005, 2007.

  • Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Working Group I, Contribution to the Fourth Assessment Report of the IPCC – Climate Change 2007: The Physical Science Basis. (Rigor, I.G. is a Contributing Author).

  • Sasaki, Y.N. Y. Katagiri, S. Minobe, and I.G. Rigor, Autumn atmospheric preconditioning for interannual variability of wintertime sea-ice in the Okhotsk Sea, J. Oceanography, v. 63, n. 2, pp. 255-265, 2007.

  • Nghiem, S.V., I.G.Rigor, D.K. Perovich, P. Clemente-Colón, J. Richter-Menge, J. W. Weatherly, and G. Neumann, Rapid reduction of Arctic perennial sea ice, Geophys. Res. Lett., iv. 24, L19504, doi:10.1029/2007GL031128, 2007.

  • Heide-Jørgensen, M. P, H. Stern, and K. L. Laidre. 2007. Dynamics of the sea ice edge in Davis Strait. Journal of Marine Systems 67:170-178.

  • Heide-Jørgensen, M. P., M. Juul Simon, and K. L. Laidre. 2007. Estimates of large whale abundance in Greenland in September 2005. Journal of Cetacean Research and Management 9(2): 95-104.

  • Heide-Jørgensen, M. P., and K. L. Laidre. 2007. Autumn-space use patterns of humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae) in West Greenland. Journal of Cetacean Research and Management 9(2):121-126.

  • Laidre, K. L., M. P. Heide-Jørgensen, and T. G. Nielsen. 2007. The role of the bowhead whale as a predator in West Greenland. Marine Ecology Progress Series 346: 285-297.

  • Heide-Jørgensen, M.P., K. L. Laidre, D. Borchers, F. Samara, and H. Stern. 2007. Increasing abundance of bowhead whales in West Greenland. Biology Letters 3: 577-580.

  • Zurk, L.M., B. Orlowski, D.P. Winebrenner, E.I. Thorsos, M.R. Leahy-Hoppa, and L.M. Hayden,’ Terahertz scattering from granular material’, Journal of the Optical Society of America, B 24(9), pp. 2238-2243, 2007.

  • Zhang, J., and M. Steele, “Effect of vertical mixing on the Atlantic Water layer circulation in the Arctic Ocean”, J. Geophys. Res., 112, C04S04, doi:10.1029/2006JC003732,2007.

  • Zhang, J.,’ Increasing Antarctic sea ice under warming atmospheric and oceanic conditions’, J. Climate, 20, 2515–2529, 2007.

  • Woodgate, R.A., K. Aagaard, J.H. Swift, W.M. Smethie and K.K. Falkner, “Atlantic Water Circulation over the Mendeleev Ridge and Chukchi Borderland from Thermohaline Intrusions and Water Mass Properties”, Journal of Geophysical Research, 112, C02005, doi:10.1029/2005JC003416, 2007.

  • White, D., L. Hinzman, L. Alessa, J. Cassano, M. Chambers, K. Falkner, J. Francis, B. Gutowski, M. Holland, M. Holmes, H. Huntington, D. Kane, A. Kliskey, C. Lee, J. McClelland, B. Peterson, F. Straneo, M. Steele, R. Woodgate, D. Yang, K. Yoshikawa, T. Zhang,’ The Arctic Freshwater System: Changes and impacts’, Journal of Geophysical Research, 112, G04S54, doi:10.1029/2006JG000353, 2007.

  • Serreze, M. C., A. P. Barrett, A. J. Slater, M. Steele, J. Zhang and K. Trenberth,’ The large-scale energy budget of the arctic’, ”J. Geophys. Res., 112, D11122, doi:10.1029/2006JD008230, 2007.

  • Rothrock, D.A. and M. Wensnahan,’ The accuracy of sea-ice drafts measured from U. S. Navy submarines‘, J. Atmos. Oceanic Technol., doi:10.1175/JTECH2097.1, 2007.

  • Proshutinsky, A., I. Ashik, S. Hakkinen, E. Hunke, R. Krishfield, M. Maltrud, W. Maslowski, and J. Zhang,’ Sea level variability in the Arctic Ocean from AOMIP models’, J. Geophys Res., 112, C04S08, doi:10.1029/2006JC003916, 2007.

  • Polyakov, I. V., et al., M. Steele, et al.,’ Observational program tracks Arctic Ocean transition to a warmer state’, EOS, Trans. Amer. Geophys. Union, 88(40) 398-399, 2007.

  • Polyakov, I. V., V. Alexeev, G. I. Belchansky, I. A. Dmitrenko, V. Ivanov, S. Kirillov, A. Korablev, M. Steele, L. A. Timokhov, and I. Yashayaev,’ Arctic Ocean freshwater changes over the past 100 years and their causes’, J. Climate, doi: 10.1175/2007JCLI1748.1, 2007.

  • Perovich, D. K., B. Light, H. Eicken, K. F. Jones, K. Runciman, and S. V. Nghiem,’ Increasing solar heating of the Arctic Ocean and adjacent seas, 1979–2005: Attribution and role in the ice-albedo feedback’, Geophys. Res. Lett., 34, L19505, doi:10.1029/2007GL031480, 2007.

  • Payne, A. J., P. R. Holland, A. P. Shepherd, I. C. Rutt, A. Jenkins, and I. Joughin,’ Numerical modeling of ocean-ice interactions under Pine Island Bay’s ice shelf’, J. Geophys. Res.-Oceans, 112(C10), 14., 2007

  • Morison, J., J. Wahr, R. Kwok, and C. Peralta-Ferriz,’ Recent trends in Arctic Ocean mass distribution revealed by GRACE’, Geophys. Res. Lett., 34, L07602, doi:10.1029/2006GL029016, 2007.

  • Mock, T. and K. Junge, “Psychrophilic Diatoms: Mechanisms for Survival in Freeze-thaw cycles”, Algae and Cyanobacteria in Extreme Environments, Springer Netherlands; DOI10.1007/978-1-4020-6112-7, pp. 343 to 364, 2007.

  • MacGregor, J.A., D.P. Winebrenner, H. Conway, K. Matsuoka, P.A. Mayewski, and G.D. Clow,’ Modeling englacial radar attenuation at Siple Dome, West Antarctica using ice chemistry and temperature data’, Journal of Geophysical Research , 112 F03008, doi:10.1029/2006JF000717, 2007.

  • Laidre, K. L., M. P. Heide-Jørgensen, and T. G. Nielsen,’ The role of the bowhead whale as a predator in West Greenland’, Marine Ecology Progress Series, 346: 285-297,2007.

  • Laidre, K. L., M. P. Heide-Jørgensen,’ Using narwhals as oceanographic sampling platforms in the high Arctic’, Oceanography, in press, 2007.

  • Krembs C., Deming J.W.,’ The role of exopolymers in microbial adaptation to sea ice’, Psychrophiles: from biodiversity to biotechnology, (Eds) Margesin R, Schinner F., Marx J-C, Gerday C., Springer-Verlag, doi: 10.1007/978-3-540-74335-4_15, 2007.

  • Karcher, M., F. Kauker, R. Gerdes, E. Hunke, and J. Zhang,’ On the dynamics of Atlantic Water circulation in the Arctic Ocean’, J. Geophys. Res., 112, C04S02, doi:10.1029/2006JC003630, 2007.

  • Huck, P., B. Light, H. Eicken, and M. Haller, “Mapping sediment-laden sea ice in the Arctic using AVHRR remote-sensing data: Atmospheric correction and determination of reflectances as a function of ice type and sediment load“, Remote Sensing of Environment, 107, 484-495, 2007.

  • Howat, I. M., I. Joughin, and T. A. Scambos,’ Rapid changes in ice discharge from Greenland outlet glaciers’, Science, 315, 1559-1561, 2007.

  • Holloway G., F. Dupont, E. Golubeva, S. Hakkinen, E. Hunke, M. Jin, M. Karcher, F. Kauker, M. Maltrud, M. A. Morales Maqueda, W. Maslowski, G. Platov, D. Stark, M. Steele, T. Suzuki, J. Wang, and J. Zhang,’ Water properties and circulation in Arctic Ocean models’, J. Geophys Res., 112, C04S03, doi:10.1029/2006JC003642, 2007.

  • Heide-Jørgensen, M. P., K. L. Laidre, M. L. Logsdon, and T. G. Nielsen,’ Springtime coupling between phytoplankton, sea ice and sea temperature in Disko Bay, West Greenland’, Progress in Oceanography, 73:79-95, 2007.

  • Heide-Jørgensen, M.P., H. Stern, and K. Laidre,’ Dynamics of the ice edge in Davis Strait’, Journal of Marine Systems, 67, 170-178, 2007

  • Alkire, M.B., K.K. Falkner, I. Rigor, M. Steele, J. Morison (2007). The return of Pacific waters to the upper layers of the central Arctic Ocean, Deep-Sea Research I 54: 1509-1529.

  • Bamber, J. L., F. Ferraccioli, I. Joughin, T. Shepherd, D. M. Rippin, M. J. Siegert, and D. G. Vaughan,’ East Antarctic ice stream tributary underlain by major sedimentary basin’, Geology, 34, 33-36, 2006

  • Arthern, R. J., D. P. Winebrenner, and D. G. Vaughan,’ Antarctic Snow Accumulation Mapped Using Polarization of 4.3-cm Wavelength Microwave Emission’, J. Geophys. Res., Vol. iii, D06107, doi:10.1029/2004JD005667, 2006.

  • Aagaard, K., T.J. Weingartner, S.L. Danielson, R.A. Woodgate, G.C. Johnson, and T.E. Whitledge,’ Some controls on flow and salinity in Bering Strait’, Geophys. Res. Lett., 33, L19602, doi:10.1029/2006GL026612, 2006.

  • Liu, Y. H., J.R. Key, A. J. Schweiger and J. A Francis, “Characteristics of satellite-derived clear-sky atmospheric temperature inversion strength in the Arctic 1980-96″, J Climate, 19(19), 4902-4913, 2006.

  • Shean, D., Norris geyser basin’s dynamic hydrothermal features: Using historical aerial photographs to detect change, Yellowstone Science, 14(4), 24-28, 2006.

  • M.L. Laucks, A. Sengupta, K. Junge, E.J. Davis and B.D. Swanson. “Comparison of psychro-active Arctic marine bacteria and common mesophilic bacteria using surface-enhanced raman spectroscopy”. Appl. Spectroscopy 10: 1222-1228, 2006.

  • K. Junge, H. Eicken, B. D. Swanson and, J. W. Deming. “Bacterial incorporation of leucine into protein down to –20°C with evidence for potential activity in subeutectic saline ice formations”. Cryobiol. 52: 417–429, 2006.

  • Smith, B.E., Raymond, C.F. and T. Scambos, “Anisotropic texture of ice sheet surfaces”, J. Geophys. Res., 111(F1), F01019, 2006.

  • Serreze, M. C., A. P. Barrett, A. J. Slater,  R. A. Woodgate,  K. Aagaard,  R. Lammers, M. Steele,  R. Moritz, M. Meredith,  C. Lee, The large-scale freshwater cycle of the arctic, J. Geophys. Res., 111, C11010, doi:10.1029/2005JC003424, 2006.

  • Richter-Menge, J.A., and many other including I.G. Rigor, State of the Arctic. FY 2005 NOAA Annual Report: The State of the Ocean and the Ocean Observing System For Climate, ed. Diane M. Stanitski, NOAA Office of Climate Observation, Silver Spring, MD, 20910. USA, 2006.

  • Heide-Jørgensen, M. P., K. L. Laidre, M.V. Jensen, L. Dueck and L. D. Postma. 2006. Dissolving stock discreteness with satellite tracking: Bowhead whales in Baffin Bay.  Marine Mammal Science: 22(1):34-45.

  • Koski, W. R., M. P. Heide-Jørgensen, K. L. Laidre. 2006. Winter abundance of bowhead whales, Balaena mysticetus, in Hudson Strait in March 1981. Journal of Cetacean Research and Management 8(2): 139-144.

  • Moore, S. E. and K. L. Laidre. 2006. Analysis of sea ice trends scaled to habitats used by bowhead whales in the western Arctic. Ecological Applications 16(3): 932-944

  • Laidre K. L. and R. J. Jameson. 2006. Foraging patterns and prey selection in an increasing and expanding sea otter population. Journal of Mammalogy 87(4): 799-807.

  • Laidre K. L., J. A. Estes, M. T. Tinker, J. Bodkin, D. Monson, K. Schneider. 2006. Patterns of growth and body condition in sea otters from the Aleutian archipelago before and after the recent population decline. Journal of Animal Ecology 75:978-989.

  • Laidre, K. L., M. P. Heide-Jørgensen, and J. Orr. 2006. Reactions of narwhals, Monodon monoceros, to killer whale, Orcinus orca, attacks in the eastern Canadian High Arctic. Canadian Field-Naturalist 120: 457-465.

  • Woodgate, R.A., K.Aagaard and T.J. Weingartner,’ Interannual changes in the Bering Strait fluxes of Volume, Heat and Freshwater between 1991 and 2004‘, Geophys. Res. Lett., 33, L15609, doi:10.1029/2006GL026931, 2006.

  • Williams, W.J., E.C. Carmack, K. Shimada, H. Melling, K. Aagaard, R.W. Macdonald, and R.G. Ingram,’ Joint effects of wind and ice motion in forcing upwelling in Mackenzie Trough, Beaufort Sea’, Cont. Shelf Res., 26, 2352-2366, doi:10.1016/j.csr.2006.06.012, 2006.

  • Steele, M., A. Porcelli, and J. Zhang, Origins of the SHEBA freshwater anomaly in the Mackenzie River delta, Geophys. Res. Lett., 33, L09601, doi:10.1029/2005GL024813, 2006.

  • Serreze, M.C. and I.G. Rigor,’ The cryosphere and climate change: perspectives on the Arctic’s shrinking sea ice cover’, Glacier Science and Environmental Change, ed. P. Knight, Blackwell Publishing, Ltd, Oxford, 2006.

  • Richter-Menge, J.A., D.K. Perovich, B.C. Elder, K. Claffey, I.Rigor, M. Ortmeyer, “Ice Mass Balance Buoys: A tool for measuring and attributing changes in the thickness of Arctic sea ice cover“, Annals of Glaciology, V.44, 2006.

  • Richter-Menge, J., J. Overland, A. Proshutinsky, V. Romanovsky, L. Bengtsson, L. Brigham, M. Dyurgerov, J.C. Gascard, S. Gerland, R. Graversen, C. Haas, M. Karcher, P. Kuhry, J. Maslanik, H. Melling, W. Maslowski, J. Morison, D. Perovich, R. Przybylak, V. Rachold, I.G. Rigor, A. Shiklomanov, J. Stroeve, D. Walker, and J. Walsh,’ State of the Arctic‘, NOAA OAR Special Report, NOAA/OAR/PMEL, Seattle, WA, 36 pp, 2006.

  • Peterson, B.J., J. McClelland, R. Curry, R.M. Holmes, J.E. Walsh, and K. Aagaard,’ Trajectory shifts in the arctic and subarctic freshwater cycle’, Science, 313, 1061-1066, 2006.

  • Morison, J., M. Steele, T. Kikuchi, K. Falkner, and W. Smethie,’ The relaxation of Central Arctic Ocean hydrography toward pre-1990s climatology‘, Geophys. Res. Lett.,33, L17604, doi: 10.1029/2006GL026826, 2006.

  • Lindsay, R. W. and J. Zhang, “Assimilation of ice concentration in an ice-ocean model”, J. Atmos. Ocean. Tech., 23, 742-749, 2006.

  • Lindsay, R. W. and J. Zhang, “Arctic Ocean ice thickness: modes of variability and the best locations from which to monitor them”, J. Physical Ocean, 36, 496-506, 2006.

  • Laidre, K. L., M. P. Heide-Jørgensen, and J. Orr,’ Reactions of narwhals, Monodon monoceros, to killer whale, Orcinus orca, attacks in the eastern Canadian High Arctic’,Canadian Field Naturalist, 120(4): 457–465., 2006.

  • Karlöf, L., D. P. Winebrenner, and D. B. Percival,’ How Representative is a Time Series Derived from a Firn Core? A Study at a Low Accumulation Site of the Antarctic Plateau’, submitted to J. Geophys. Res., 2006.

  • Joughin, I., J. L. Bamber, T. Scambos, S. Tulaczyk, M. Fahnestock, and D. R. MacAyeal,’ Integrating satellite observations with modeling: basal shear stress of the Filcher-Ronne ice streams’, Antarctica, Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc., A 364, 1795-1814, 2006.

  • Joughin, I., ‘Climate change – Greenland rumbles louder as glaciers accelerate’, Science, 311, 1719-1720, 2006.

  • Danielson, S., K. Aagaard, T. Weingartner, S. Martin, P. Winsor, G. Gawarkiewicz, and D. Quadfasel,’ The St. Lawrence polynya and the Bering shelf circulation: New observations that test the models’, J. Geophys. Res., 111, C09023, doi:10.1029/2005JC003268, 2006.

  • Bitz, C., P. Gent, R.A. Woodgate, A. Hall, M. Holland and R. Lindsay,’ The influence of sea-ice on ocean heat uptake in response to increasing CO2′, J. Climate, 19, 2437-2450, 2006.

  • Joughin, I., J. L. Bamber, T. Scambos, S. Tulaczyk, M. Fahnestock, and D. R. MacAyeal, Integrating satellite observations with modelling: basal shear stress of the Filcher-Ronne ice streams, Antarctica, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society a-Mathematical Physical and Engineering Sciences, 364, 1795-1814, 2006.

  • Alkire, M.B., J.H. Trefry (2006). Transport of spring floodwater from rivers under ice to the Alaskan Beaufort Sea, Journal of Geophysical Research 111: doi:10.1029/2005JC003446.

  • Swift, J.H., K. Aagaard, L. Timokhov, and E.G. Nikiforov,’ Long-term variability of Arctic Ocean waters: Evidence from a reanalysis of the EWG data set’, J. Geophys. Res.,110, No. C3, C03012, doi:10.1029/2004JC02312, 2005.

  • Proshutinsky, A. et al. including M. Steele and J. Zhang, “Arctic Ocean study: Synthesis of model results and observations”, EOS, 40(4), 2005.

  • Stern, H.L., 2005, North Pole, in Encyclopedia of the Arctic, Mark Nuttall, editor, Routledge, New York.

  • Stern, H.L., 2005, Arctic Circle, in Encyclopedia of the Arctic, Mark Nuttall, editor, Routledge, New York.

  • Deming, J. W. and K. Junge. ‘‘Colwellia’’, in The Proteobacteria, Part B, Bergey’s Manual of Systematic Bacteriology, G. T. Staley, D. J. Benner, N. R. Krieg, and G. M. Garrity, Eds. (Springer, New York, 2005), 2nd., Vol. 2, pp. 447–454, 2005.

  • Rigor, I.G., and Jackie Richter-Menge, Sea Ice Extent and Thickness. FY 2004 NOAA Annual Report: The State of the Ocean and the Ocean Observing System For Climate, ed. Diane M. Stanitski, NOAA Office of Climate Observation, Silver Spring, MD, 20910. USA, pp. 67-74, 2005.

  • Rigor, I.G., Interdecadal Variations in Arctic Sea Ice, Ph. D. Dissertation, Univ. of Washington, Seattle, pp. 100, 2005.

  • Zhang, J., and D.A. Rothrock, “The effect of sea-ice rheology in numerical investigations of climate“, J. Geophys. Res., 110, C08014, doi:10.1029/2004JC002599, 2005.

  • Zhang, J., “Warming of the arctic ice-ocean system is faster than the global average since the 1960s“, Geophys. Res. Lett., 32, L19602, doi:10.1029/2005GL024216, 2005.

  • Woodgate, R.A., K. Aagaard, J.H. Swift, K.K. Falkner and W.M. Smethie,’ Pacific Ventilation of the Arctic Ocean’s lower halocline by upwelling and diapycnal mixing over the continental margin‘, Geophysical Research Letters, 32, L18609, doi:10.1029/2005GL023999, 2005.

  • Woodgate, R.A, K. Aagaard and T. Weingartner,’ A year in the Physical Oceanography of the Chukchi Sea. Moored measurements from Autumn 1990-1991‘, Deep Sea Research Part II, 52, 3116-3149, doi:10.1016/j.dsr2.2005.10.016, 2005.

  • Woodgate, R.A.,’ Bering Strait Mooring Cruise Report‘, CCGS Sir Wilfrid Laurier, 2005.

  • Woodgate, R.A., K. Aagaard, and T.J. Weingartner,’ Monthly temperature, salinity, and transport variability of the Bering Strait through flow‘, Geophys. Res. Lett., 32, 10.1029/2004GL021880, 2005.

  • Woodgate, R.A., and K. Aagaard,’ Revising the Bering Strait freshwater flux into the Arctic Ocean‘, Geophys. Res. Lett., 32, 10.1029/2004GL021747, 2005.

  • Wensnahan M. and D.A. Rothrock, “Sea-ice draft from submarine-based sonar: Establishing a consistent record from analog and digitally recorded data“, Geophys. Res. Lett., 32, L11502, doi:10.1029/2005GL022507, 2005.

  • Weingartner, T., K. Aagaard, R. Woodgate, S. Danielson, Y. Sasaki, D. Cavalieri,’ Circulation on the North Central Chukchi Sea Shelf’, Deep Sea Research Part II, 52, 3150-3174, doi:10.1016/j.dsr2.2005.10.015, 2005.

  • Vogel, S. W., Tulaczyk, S., Kamb, B., Engelhardt, H., Carsey, F. D., Behar, A. E., Lane, A. L. & Joughin, I,’ Subglacial conditions during and after stoppage of an Antarctic Ice Stream: Is reactivation imminent?’, Geophysical Research Letters, 32, 2005.

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  • Hulbe, C.L., W.L. Wang, I.R. Joughin, and M.J. Siegert, The role of lateral and vertical shear in tributary flow toward a West Antarctic ice stream, in Annals of Glaciology, Vol 36, pp. 244- 250, 2003.

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  • Fahnestock, M.A., I. Joughin, T.A. Scambos, R. Kwok, W.B. Krabill, and S. Gogineni, Ice- stream-related patterns of ice flow in the interior of northeast Greenland, J. Geophys. Res.- Atmos., 106(D24), 34035-34045, 2001.

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  • Fahnestock, M., W. Abdalati, I. Joughin, J. Brozena, and P. Gogineni, High geothermal heat row, basal melt, and the origin of rapid ice how in central Greenland, Science, 294(5550), 2338-2342, 2001.

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  • Zhang, J. and D.A. Rothrock: Modeling Arctic Sea ice with an efficient plastic solution, J. Geophys. Res., 105, 3325-3338, 2000.

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  • Ukita, J. and R. E. Moritz. Geometry and the deformation of pack ice: II. Simulation with a random isotropic model and implication in sea-ice rheology. Annals of Glaciology, 31, 323-326, 2000.

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  • Hulbe, C.L., I.R. Joughin, D.L. Morse, and R.A. Bindschadler, Tributaries to West Antarctic ice streams: Characteristics deduced from numerical modelling of ice flow, Ann. Glaciol., 31, 184-190, 2000.

  • Bamber, J.L., D.G. Vaughan, and I. Joughin, Widespread complex plow in the interior of the Antarctic Ice Sheet, Science, 287(5456), 1248-1250, 2000.

  • Bamber, J.L., R.J. Hardy, and I. Joughin, An analysis of balance velocities over the Greenland ice sheet and comparison with synthetic aperture radar interferometry, J. Glaciol., 46(152), 67-74, 2000.

  • Bamber, J.L., R.J. Hardy, P. Huybrechts, and I. Joughin, A comparison of balance velocities, measured velocities and thermomechanically modelled velocities for the Greenland Ice Sheet, Ann. Glaciol., 30, 211-216, 2000.

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  • Joughin, I.R., M.A. Fahnestock, and J.L. Bamber, Ice flow in the northeast Greenland ice stream, Ann. Glaciol., 31, 141-146, 2000.

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  • Joughin, I., L. Gray, R. Bindschadler, S. Price, D. Morse, C. Hulbe, K. Mattar, and C. Werner, Tributaries of West Antarctic Ice streams revealed by RADARSAT interferometry, Science, 286(5438), 283-286, 1999.

  • Joughin, I., M. Fahnestock, R. Kwok, P. Gogineni, and C. Allen, Ice flow of Humboldt, Petermann and Ryder Gletscher, northern Greenland, J. Glaciol., 45(150), 231-241, 1999.

  • Zhang, J., W.D. Hibler, M. Steele, and D.A. Rothrock: Arctic ice-ocean modeling with and without climate restoring, J. Phys. Oceanogr., 28, 191-217, 1998.

  • Zhang, J., D.A. Rothrock, and M. Steele: Warming of the Arctic Ocean by a strengthened Atlantic inflow: Model results, Geophys. Res. Letters, 25, 1745-1748, 1998.

  • Key, J.R., and A.J. Schweiger, “Tools for atmospheric radiative transfer: Streamer and FluxNet”, Comput. Geosci., 24(5), 443-451, 1998.

  • Kwok, R., A. Schweiger, D. A. Rothrock, S. Pang, and C. Kottmeier, “Sea ice motion from satellite passive microwave imagery assessed with ERS SAR and buoy motions“, J.Geophys.Res., 103(C4), 8191-8214, 1998.

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  • Stern, H. (ed.), 1998, The Critical Role of SAR in Earth System Science, A White Paper by the Alaska SAR Facility User Working Group, Alaska SAR Facility, Fairbanks, Alaska.

  • Moritz, R. The Ice Budget of the Greenland Sea. APL-UW TR 8812, 117 pp., Applied Physics Laboratory, University of Washington (PhD Dissertation, Yale Univ.), 1998.

  • Morison, J. H., M. Steele, and R. Andersen, Hydrography of the upper Arctic Ocean measured from the nuclear submarine USS Pargo, Deep Sea Res. I, 45, 15-38, 1998.

  • Steele, M. and T. Boyd, Retreat of the cold halocline layer in the Arctic Ocean, J. Geophys. Res., 103, 10,419-10,435, 1998.

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  • Joughin, I.R., R. Kwok, and M.A. Fahnestock, Interferometric estimation of three-dimensional ice-flow using ascending and descending passes, IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sensing, 36(1), 25-37, 1998.

  • Steele, M., J. Zhang, D.A. Rothrock, and H. Stern: The force balance of sea ice in a numerical model of the Arctic Ocean, J. Geophys. Res., 102, 21061-21079, 1997.

  • Zhang, J. and W.D. Hibler: On an efficient numerical method for modeling sea ice dynamics, J. Geophys. Res., 102, 8691-8702, 1997.

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  • Battisti, D.M., C. M. Bitz and R. E. Moritz. Do general circulation models underestimate the natural variability of arctic climate? J. Climate, 10 (8), 1909-1920, 1999.

  • Pfirman, S.L., R. Colony, D. Nurnberg, H. Eicken, and I.G. Rigor, Reconstructing the Origin and Trajectory of Drifting Arctic Sea Ice, J. Geophys. Res., vol. 102 no.6 pp. 12575-12586, 1997.

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  • Joughin, I., D. Winebrenner, M. Fahnestock, R. Kwok, and W. Krabill, Measurement of ice- sheet topography using satellite radar interferometry, J. Glaciol., 42(140), 10-22, 1996.

  • Joughin, I., R. Kwok, and M. Fahnestock, Estimation of ice-sheet motion using satellite radar interferometry: Method and error analysis with application to Humboldt Glacier, Greenland, J. Glaciol., 42(142), 564-575, 1996.

  • Joughin, I., S. Tulaczyk, M. Fahnestock, and R. Kwok, A mini-surge on the Ryder Glacier, Greenland, observed by satellite radar interferometry, Science, 274(5285), 228-230, 1996.

  • Stern, H.L., D.A. Rothrock, and R. Kwok, 1995, Open water production in Arctic sea ice: Satellite measurements and model parameterizations, J. Geophys. Res., vol. 100, C10, pp. 20601-20612.

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  • Steele, M., J. H. Morison, and T. Curtin, Halocline water formation in the Barents Sea, J. Geophys. Res., 100, 881-894, 1995.

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  • Winebrenner, D.P., L.D. Farmer, and I.R. Joughin, On the Response of polarimetric synthetic- aperture radar signatures at 24-cm wavelength to sea-ice thickness in Arctic leads, Radio Sci., 30(2), 373-402, 1995.

  • Joughin, I.R., D.P. Winebrenner, and M.A. Fahnestock, Observations of ice-sheet motion in Greenland Using Satellite Radar Interferometry, Geophys. Res. Lett., 22(5), 571-574, 1995.

  • Key, J. R., J. A. Maslanik, T. Papakyriakou, M. C. Serreze, and A. J. Schweiger, “On the Validation of Satellite-Derived Sea-Ice Surface-Temperature”, Arctic, 47(3), 280-287, 1994.

  • Schweiger, A.J., and J.R. Key, “Arctic-Ocean Radiative Fluxes and Cloud Forcing Estimated from the Isccp C2 Cloud Dataset, 1983-1990″, Journal of Applied Meteorology, 33(8), 948-963, 1994.

  • Joughin, I.R., D.P. Winebrenner, and D.B. Percival, Probability Density-Functions for Multilook Polarimetric Signatures, IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sensing, 32(3), 562-574, 1994.

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  • Stern, H.L., D.A. Rothrock, R. Kwok, and B. Holt, 1993, The geophysical processor system: Automated analysis of ERS-1 SAR imagery, Proceedings of the Second ERS-1 Symposium, ESA SP-361 (January 1994), pp. 281-286, Hamburg, October 11-14.

  • Coon, M.D., G.S. Knoke, D.C. Echert, and H.L. Stern, 1993, Contemporaneous field measurements of pack ice stress and ice strain measurements from SAR imagery, Proceedings of Oceans ’93, vol. III, pp. 31-36, Victoria, Canada, October 18-21.

  • Schweiger, A. J., M. C. Serreze, and J. R. Key, “Arctic Sea Ice Albedo – a Comparison of 2 Satellite-Derived Data Sets“, Geophys. Res. Lett, 20(1), 41-44, 1993.

  • Steele, M. and J. Morison, Hydrography and vertical fluxes of heat and salt northeast of Svalbard in autumn, J. Geophys. Res., 98, 10,013-10,024, 1993.

  • Joughin, I.R., D.B. Percival, and D.P. Winebrenner, Maximum-likelihood-estimation of K- distribution parameters for SAR data, IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sensing, 31(5), 989-999, 1993.

  • Stern, H.L., 1992, Computing areas of regions with discretely defined boundaries, Solstice, Institute of Mathematical Geography, Ann Arbor, Michigan, vol. III, no. 1, pp 5-17.

  • Schweiger, A. J., and J. R. Key, Arctic cloudiness: comparison of ISCCP-C2 and Nimbus-7 satellite- derived cloud products with a surface-based cloud climatology, J Climate, 5(12), 1514-1527, 1992.

  • Rothrock, D.A., and H.L. Stern, 1992, Sea ice deformation observed with ERS-1 SAR, Proceedings of the First ERS-1 Symposium, Cannes, November 4-6.

  • Steele, M. and J. H. Morison, Obtaining smooth hydrographic profiles from a buoy deployed in sea ice, J. Atmos. and Ocean. Technol., 9, 812-826, 1992.

  • Steele, M., Sea ice melting and floe geometry in a simple ice-ocean model, J. Geophys. Res., 97, 17729-17738, 1992.

  • Steffen, K., and A. Schweiger, “NASA team algorithm for sea ice concentration retrieval from Defense Meteorological Satellite Program special sensor microwave imager: comparison with Landsat satellite imagery“, Journal of Geophysical Research, 96(C12), 21,971-921,987, 1991.

  • Steffen, K., and A.J. Schweiger, “A multisensor approach to sea ice classification for the validation of DMSP-SSM/I passive microwave derived sea ice products”, Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing, 56(1), 75-82, 1990.

  • Schweiger, A.J., and R.G. Barry, “Evaluation of algorithms for mapping snow cover parameters in the Federal Republic of Germany using passive microwave data”, Erdkunde, 43(2), 85-94, 1989.

  • Key, J. R., J. A. Maslanik, and A. J. Schweiger, “Classification of merged AVHRR and SMMR Arctic data with neural networks”, Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing, 55(9), 1331-1338, 1989.

  • Steele, M., J. H. Morison, and N. Untersteiner, The partition of air-ice-ocean momentum exchange as a function of ice concentration, floe size, and draft, J. Geophys. Res., 94, 12,739-12,750, 1989.

  • Steele, M., G. L. Mellor, and M. G. McPhee, Role of the molecular sublayer in the melting or freezing of sea ice, J. Phys. Oceangr., 19, 139-147, 1989.

  • Barry, R.G., R.G. Crane, A. Schweiger, and J. Newell, “Arctic cloudiness in spring from satellite imagery: a response”, Journal of Climatology, 8(5), 539-540, 1988.

  • McGuffie, K., R. G. Barry, A. Schweiger, D. A. Robinson, and J. Newell, “Intercomparison of satellite-derived cloud analyses for the Arctic Ocean in spring and summer”, International Journal of Remote Sensing, 9(3), 447-467, 1988.

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  • Steele, M., Numerical models of sea ice – ocean interaction in the Marginal Ice Zone, Ph.D. thesis, Princeton University, 203 pp., 1987.

  • Mellor, G. L., M. G. McPhee, and M. Steele, Ice-seawater turbulent boundary layer interaction with melting or freezing, J. Phys. Oceangr., 16, 1829-1846, 1986.