As you may already have picked up, I am a science aficionado. When given a choice, I tend to gravitate toward telescopes, formulae, experiments, science fiction, fossils, and volcanoes rather than some of the other recreational choices available to humans. I have never outgrown my childhood love of outer space, dinosaurs, and atoms. I think Albert Einstein was, and is, cool. I think kids who like science and technology are cool .. in fact, far cooler than some of the types who usually rule the roost during adolescence.

High school rock stars in action.

High school rock stars in action.

So, I had a particularly enjoyable day when I was in Auckland last week. I drove up to Massey University’s North Shore Campus in Albany to visit my robot-building friends from the Home School, Kristen School, Rangitoto College, Albany Senior High School, and Lynfield College. As you know from my prior Kiwibot post, these guys and girls have been doing wonderful work, and I wanted to see what they are up to now.

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