USDA Forest Service Celebrating Wildflowers

USDA Logo and Forest Service Shield


Celebrating Wildflowers is providing you a beautiful way to customize your computer's desktop background! You can use one of our wildflower photos below to give your desktop a colorful, fresh look.


  1. Select the photo from the following thumbnail pictures below to decorate your desktop's background.
  2. We are providing three common desktop sizes for you to use. Select the size that matches your desktop's display size.
  3. When the photo you have selected appears in your Web browser, using your mouse's right button, click on the photo, and then select Set as Background on the context menu. (This refers to Internet Explorer's option, however other Web browsers have a similar option.)
  4. View your desktop to see the photo displayed.

Thumbnail Golden columbine wallpaper.
Golden columbine (Aquilegia chrysantha). Photo by Steve Olson.

1600 x 1200 pixels
1280 x 960 pixels
1024 x 768 pixels

Thumbnail Red columbine wallpaper.
Red columbine (Aquilegia canadensis). Photo by Larry Stritch.

1600 x 1200 pixels
1280 x 960 pixels
1024 x 768 pixels

Thumbnail arrowleaf balsamroot wallpaper.
Arrowleaf balsamroot (Balsamorhiza sagittata). Photo by Maret Pajutee.

1600 x 1200 pixels
1280 x 960 pixels
1024 x 768 pixels

Thumbnail Shirley's meadow mariposa lily wallpaper.
Shirley's meadow mariposa lily (Calchortus westonii). Photo by Fletcher Linton.

1600 x 1200 pixels
1280 x 960 pixels
1024 x 768 pixels

Thumbnail Springville Clarkia wallpaper.
Springville Clarkia (Clarkia springvillensis). Photo by Fletcher Linton.

1600 x 1200 pixels
1280 x 960 pixels
1024 x 768 pixels

Thumbnail Hairy clematis wallpaper.
Hairy clematis (Clematis hirsutissima). Photo by Teresa Prendusi.

1600 x 1200 pixels
1280 x 960 pixels
1024 x 768 pixels

Thumbnail Bunchberry wallpaper.
Bunchberry (Cornus canadensis). Photo by Craig Odegard.

1600 x 1200 pixels
1280 x 960 pixels
1024 x 768 pixels

Thumbnail Spotted ladyslipper orchid wallpaper.
Spotted ladyslipper orchid (Cypripedium guttatum). Photo by Mary Stensvold.

1600 x 1200 pixels
1280 x 960 pixels
1024 x 768 pixels

Thumbnail Mountain ladyslipper orchid wallpaper.
Mountain ladyslipper orchid (Cypripedium montanum). Photo by Andrew Kratz.

1600 x 1200 pixels
1280 x 960 pixels
1024 x 768 pixels

Thumbnail Greater Yellow Ladyslipper orchid wallpaper.
Greater Yellow Ladyslipper orchid (Cypripedium parviflorum var.pubescens). Photo by Steve Olson.

1600 x 1200 pixels
1280 x 960 pixels
1024 x 768 pixels

Thumbnail Mountain ladyslipper orchid wallpaper.
California pitcherplant (Darlingtonia californica). Photo by Nancy Cotner.

1600 x 1200 pixels
1280 x 960 pixels
1024 x 768 pixels

Thumbnail Venus flytrap wallpaper.
Venus flytrap (Dionaea muscipula). Photo by Gary Kauffman.

1600 x 1200 pixels
1280 x 960 pixels
1024 x 768 pixels

Thumbnail Kingcup cactus wallpaper.
Kingcup cactus (Echinocereus triglochidiatus). Photo by Teresa Prendusi.

1600 x 1200 pixels
1280 x 960 pixels
1024 x 768 pixels

Thumbnail Dogtooth violet wallpaper.
Dogtooth violet (Erythronium americanum). Photo by Steve Janke.

1600 x 1200 pixels
1280 x 960 pixels
1024 x 768 pixels

Thumbnail Spinystar wallpaper.
Spinystar (Escobaria vivipara). Photo by Barbara Beasley.

1600 x 1200 pixels
1280 x 960 pixels
1024 x 768 pixels

Thumbnail Showy orchis wallpaper.
Showy orchis (Galearis spectabilis). Photo by Mark Pistrang.

1600 x 1200 pixels
1280 x 960 pixels
1024 x 768 pixels

Thumbnail Oak fern and Deer heart lily wallpaper.
Oak fern (Gymnocarpium dryopteris) and Deer heart lily (Maianthemum dilatatum). Photo by Mary Stensvold.

1600 x 1200 pixels
1280 x 960 pixels
1024 x 768 pixels

Thumbnail Oneflower Helianthella wallpaper.
Oneflower Helianthella (Helianthella uniflora). Photo by Teresa Prendusi.

1600 x 1200 pixels
1280 x 960 pixels
1024 x 768 pixels

Thumbnail Hepatica wallpaper.
Hepatica (Hepatica nobillis var. acuta). Photo by Diane Burbank.

1600 x 1200 pixels
1280 x 960 pixels
1024 x 768 pixels

Thumbnail dwarf iris wallpaper.
Dwarf iris (Iris cristata). Photo by Mark Pistrang.

1600 x 1200 pixels
1280 x 960 pixels
1024 x 768 pixels

Thumbnail mountain laurel wallpaper.
Mountain laurel (Kalmia latifolia). Photo by Mark Pistrang.

1600 x 1200 pixels
1280 x 960 pixels
1024 x 768 pixels

Thumbnail bitterroot wallpaper.
Bitterroot (Lewisia rediviva). Photo by Ron Halvorson.

1600 x 1200 pixels
1280 x 960 pixels
1024 x 768 pixels

Thumbnail Metolius River wallpaper.
Metolius River, Deschutes National Forest, Oregon. Photo by John Hutmacher.

1600 x 1200 pixels
1280 x 960 pixels
1024 x 768 pixels

Thumbnail baby blue eyes wallpaper.
Baby blue eyes (Nemophila menziesii). Photo by Teresa Prendusi.

1600 x 1200 pixels
1280 x 960 pixels
1024 x 768 pixels

Thumbnail Knowlton's miniature cactus wallpaper.
Knowlton's miniature cactus (Pediocactus knowltonii). Photo by Robert Sivinski.

1600 x 1200 pixels
1280 x 960 pixels
1024 x 768 pixels

Thumbnail Knowlton's miniature cactus wallpaper.
Flame azalea (Rhododendron calendulaceum). Photo by Mark Pistrang.

1600 x 1200 pixels
1280 x 960 pixels
1024 x 768 pixels

Thumbnail Graylocks four-nerve daisy wallpaper.
Graylocks four-nerve daisy (Tetraneuris grandiflora). Photo by Teresa Prendusi.

1600 x 1200 pixels
1280 x 960 pixels
1024 x 768 pixels

U.S. Forest Service
Rangeland Management
Botany Program

1400 Independence Ave., SW, Mailstop Code: 1103
Washington DC 20250-1103 logo

Last modified: Wednesday, 13-Oct-2010 14:31:53 EDT