USDA Forest Service Celebrating Wildflowers

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Books Our Botanists Use


Publication's cover.Bristlecone Book: A Natural History of the World’s Oldest Trees. 2007. Ronald M. Lanner. Mountain Press Publishing Company.

Publication's cover.Cacti, Agaves, and Yuccas of California and Nevada. 2008. Stephen Ingraham. Cachuma Press.

Publication's cover.California Deserts. 2008. Bruce Pavlik. UC Press.

Publication's cover.California Desert Wildflowers. 2004. Sia Morhardt and Emil Morhardt. UC Press.

Publication's cover.California Forests and Woodlands: A Natural History. 1994. Verna R. Johnston. UC Press.

Publication's cover.California Grasslands: Ecology and Management. 2007. ed. by Mark R. Stromberg, Jeffrey D. Corbin and Carla M. D’Antonio. UC Press.

Publication's cover.Ecology and Management of Rare Plants of Northwestern California. 2004. ed. By Melisa B. Brooks, Sydney K. Caruthers and Tony Labanca. CNPS Press.

Publication's cover.Flora of the Santa Barbara Region, California. 1998. Clifton Smith. Santa Barbara Botanic Garden, Capra Press.

Publication's cover.Flowering Plants of the Santa Monica Mountains. 2000. Nancy Dale. CNPS Press.

Publication's cover.Grasses in California. 1974. Beecher Crampton. UC Press.

Publication's cover.Illustrated guide to Selected Rare Plants of northern California. 2001. Gary Nakamura and Julie Kierstead Nelson. ANR University of California Press.

Publication's cover.Introduction to California Chaparral. 2006. Ronald D. Quinn and Sterling Keeley. UC Press.

Publication's cover.Introduction to California Desert Wildflowers. 2004. Philip A. Munz. Ed. by Dianne L. Renshaw and Phyllis M. Faber. UC Press.

Publication's cover.Introduction to California Plant Life. 2003. Robert Ornduff, Phyllis M. Faber, and Todd Keeler-Wolf. UC Press.

Publication's cover.Introduction to California Mountain Wildflowers. 2003. Philip A. Munz. Ed. by Dianne L. Renshaw and Phyllis M. Faber. UC Press.

Publication's cover.Introduction to California Soils and Plants: Serpentine, Vernal Pools, and Other Geobotanical Wonders. 2006. Arthur R. Kruckeberg. University of California Press.

Publication's cover.Introduction to California Spring Wildflowers of the Foothills, Valleys, and Coasts. 2004. Philip A. Munz. Ed. by Dianne L. Renshaw and Phyllis M. Faber. UC Press.

Publication's cover.Introduction to Shore Wildflowers of California, Oregon and Washington. 2003. Philip A. Munz. Ed. by Dianne L. Renshaw and Phyllis M. Faber. UC Press.

Publication's cover.Introduction to the Plant Life of Southern California: Coast to Foothills. 2005. Phillip W. Rundell and Robert Gustafson. UC Press.

Publication's cover.Invasive Plants of California’s Wildlands. 2000. ed. by Carla C. Bossard, John M. Randall, and Marc C. Hoshovsky. UC Press.

Publication's cover.Jepson Desert Manual: Vascular Plants of Southeastern California. 2002. Margriet Wetherwax, managing editor. UC Press

Publication's cover.Jepson Manual: Higher Plants of California. 1993. ed. by James C. Hickman. UC Press.

Publication's cover.Plants of the Tahoe Basin: Flowering Plants, Trees, and Ferns. 1999. Michael Graf. UC Press.

Publication's cover.Poisonous Plants of California. 1987. Thomas C. Fuller and Elizabeth McClintock. UC Press.

Publication's cover.Sierra Nevada Flora. 1996. Norman F. Weeden. Wilderness Press.

Publication's cover.Sierra Nevada Wildflowers. 1998. Elizabeth L. Horn. Mountain Press Publishing Company.

Publication's cover.Terrestrial Vegetation of California. 3rd Ed. 2007. ed. By Michael Barbour, Todd Keeler-Wolf, and Allan A. Schoenherr. UC Press

Publication's cover.Trees and Shrubs of California. 2001. John D. Stuart and John O. Sawyer. UC Press.

Publication's cover.Wildflowers of Nevada and Placer Counties, California. 2007. Redbud Chapter. CNPS Press.

Publication's cover.Wildflowers of Northern California’s Wine Country & North Coast Ranges. 2007. Reny Parker. New Creek Ranch Press.

Publication's cover.Wildflowers of the Tahoe Sierra: From Forest Deep to Mountain Peak. 1997. Laird Blackwell. Lone Pine Publishing.

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Rangeland Management
Botany Program

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Last modified: Wednesday, 13-Oct-2010 14:31:20 EDT