Coordinating Special Events

Management System: Communications and Public Affairs

Subject Area: Coordinating Special Events

Point of Contact: JOHN CARTER
Management System Owner: JOHN SHEWAIRY
Secondary Management System Owner:     BRIAN QUIRKE

SCMS Home Page | Revision History | Subject Area Definitions

Issue Date:  03/26/2012
SCMS Revision:  1.6

1.0 Introduction

This Subject Area sets forth the processes and procedures used to plan and conduct special events such as Very Important Person (VIP) visits to Field Offices and/or facilities under Office of Science (SC) Site Office jurisdiction, major ceremonies, and educational competitions, also activities in Washington, D.C., or the Field celebrating SC related awards, accomplishments, decisions, participation in national meetings, and/or other highly visible events important to SC. It identifies the protocols used in planning special events, the development of agendas, logistics considerations, media and community involvement and related activities.

It is expected there will be significant planning and coordination of special events at U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Headquarters (HQ), Field Offices, Laboratories, or other locations. For such events, the plan should define the roles and responsibilities of both SC and contractor staffs, and ensure effective communication and coordination with all interested parties, including appropriate offices at the DOE HQ. This expectation is to ensure appropriate, equitable, and consistent response to all special events.

2.0 Contents


Procedure Content

1. Coordinating Very Important Person (VIP) Visits


  • Approve, plan, coordinate, and report on VIP visits.

2. Conducting Workforce Development for Teachers and Scientists-Sponsored Competitions


  • Approve, plan, coordinate, and report on a major competition sponsored by the SC.

3. Planning and Coordinating Ceremonies


  • Approve, plan, coordinate, and report on ceremonies honoring individuals or Laboratories within or associated with SC.

4. Coordinating National Meetings


  • Approve, plan, coordinate, and report on a national meeting of importance to SC.

5. Coordinating a Major Facility/Infrastructure Construction Event


  • Approve, plan, coordinate, and report on commemorating start of work or milestone for a construction project.

6. Coordinating Field Office-Specific Events


  • Approve, plan, coordinate, and report on a specific public event that involves the SC.

3.0 Exhibits/Forms

4.0 Related Information

5.0 Requirements

Document Title Requirement Decision Record
DEAR 952.204.75

Public Affairs


Memo Garman (01/20/2006)

Memorandum from David K. Garman, Under Secretary for Energy, Science, and Environment, to the Heads of Energy, Science, and Environment Departmental Elements, titled 72-Hour Prior Notification, dated 01/20/2006


6.0 Definitions


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Filename: /OrbitSearch/SubjArea/SPEC/SPEC_SA.cfm
Last Major SCMS Revision: 02/21/2008