Requirements Management

Management System: Requirements Management

Subject Area: Requirements Management

Point of Contact: WAYNE ALBAUGH
Management System Owner: JOHN SHEWAIRY
Secondary Management System Owner:     TRACY SIMS

SCMS Home Page | Revision History | Subject Area Definitions

Issue Date:  10/26/2012
SCMS Revision:  5.2

1.0  Introduction

This subject area addresses the Office of Science (SC) approach to identifying, assessing, and commenting on requirements applicable to the SC mission within the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE). SC utilizes Management System Owners (MSOs) to manage requirements within assigned functional areas. The appointment of an MSO is made based on an individual's technical expertise and leadership capabilities. Each MSO is further supported by Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) across the SC organization to ensure varying perspectives are considered in either the review of draft or emerging requirements and/or the development of implementing procedures. Within the Office of SCience Management System (SCMS), all requirements generally applicable to SC organizations and/or its contractors are mapped to individual Management Systems and therefore assigned to a specific MSO to address. Mapping of requirements to individual Management Systems/MSOs is maintained by the SCMS Operations Center. Sources of requirements may include but are not limited to:

2.0  Contents


Procedure Content

1. Identifying and Proposing New or Revised Requirements


  • Complete Requirements Proposal Form.
  • Perform review and acquire approval.

2. Reviewing and Commenting on DOE Justification Memoranda, DOE Project Justification Statements, Draft DOE Policies, and Draft DOE Notices, and Certification Letters


  • Review and comment on Justification Memoranda, DOE Project Justification Statements, Draft DOE Policies, Draft DOE Notices, and Certification Letters.
  • Develop a response including consideration of all major risks as defined by the Enterprise Risk Management Model.
  • Compile and submit final comment package.
  • Acquire approval/disapproval and make recommendations.

3. Reviewing and Commenting on Draft DOE Directives


  • Review and comment on Draft DOE Directives.
  • Develop a response including consideration of all major risks as defined by the Enterprise Risk Management Model.
  • If the Draft DOE Directive mandates the requirements in a Draft DOE Technical Standard, a collaborative response must be developed assessing the impact of both simultaneously.
  • Prepare an Executive Summary of major issues.
  • Compile and submit final comment package.
  • Acquire approval/disapproval and make recommendations.

4. Processing Approved Requirements


  • Complete the Requirement Decision Record (RDR) form.
  • Receive approvals and submit to SCMS.

5. Identifying and Removing Requirements


  • Notification of Canceled Directives.
  • Complete the Requirement Deletion Form (RDF).
  • Receive approvals and submit to SCMS.

6. Reviewing and Commenting on Draft DOE Technical Standards Mandated by a DOE Directive


  • Review and comment on Draft DOE Technical Standards Mandated by a DOE Directive.
  • Develop a response in coordination with the associated DOE Directive mandating the DOE Technical Standard so the impact of both can be assessed simultaneously.
  • Prepare an Executive Summary of essential issues.
  • Compile and submit final comment package.
  • Acquire approval/disapproval and make recommendations.

3.0 Exhibits/Forms

4.0  Related Information

5.0  Requirements

Document Title Requirement Decision Record
DOE O 251.1C

Departmental Directives Program


DOE O 252.1A

Technical Standards Program


6.0  Definitions


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Filename: /OrbitSearch/SubjArea/RM/RM_SA.cfm
Last Major SCMS Revision: 07/26/2012