Records Maintained on Individuals

Management System: Legal Services

Subject Area: Records Maintained on Individuals

Point of Contact: MIRIAM BARTOS
Management System Owner: KIMBERLY DONHAM
Secondary Management System Owner:     WENDY BRYANT

SCMS Home Page | Revision History | Subject Area Definitions

Issue Date:  08/28/2012
SCMS Revision:  2.3

1.0 Introduction

The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Science (SC) maintains certain agency records on individuals that are subject to the Privacy Act in the Privacy Act Systems of Records. Additionally, SC maintains agency records on individuals that are not in Privacy Act Systems of Records (i.e., records about individuals that are not retrieved by name or personal identifier). See Procedure 1, Processing Requests from Current and Former U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) and Contractor Employees, for information on how requests for records are processed by SC. See the SC Chicago Office (SC-CH) link at for information on how to submit a Privacy Act request to SC-CH. See the SC Oak Ridge Office (SC-OR) link at for information on how to submit a Privacy Act Request to SC-OR.

The SC Integrated Support Center (ISC) Privacy Act Officer (PAO) (i.e., the SC–CH PAO or the SC–OR PAO) and System Owners throughout the SC ISC perform other activities related to records maintained on individuals. These activities are in addition to receiving and processing Privacy Act and other requests from individuals for access to, or to correct or amend, records about themselves. See Procedure 2, Performing Other Activities Related to Records Maintained on Individuals, for process information on these activities. Also to note, related procedures relative to records maintained on individuals are contained in the SC Cyber Security Subject Area in Procedure 8, Privacy Impact Assessments, and Procedure 9, Response and Notification Procedures for Data Breaches Involving Personally Identifiable Information.

2.0 Contents


Procedure Content

1. Processing Requests from Current and Former U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) and Contractor Employees


  • Documents and reviews the request to verify elements of a valid Privacy Act request.
  • As needed, contacts the requester for further information.
  • Identifies the appropriate System Manager and, as needed, provides guidance.
  • Tracks requests.
  • Prepare appropriate letters as needed.
  • Receives, reviews, and responds to the copy of responsive records.
  • Transmits the final response to the requester.
  • Assists with litigation involving the Privacy Act in which DOE is a party.
  • Tracks request activity in tracking system.
  • Maintains Privacy Act request files.

2. Performing Other Activities Related to Records Maintained on Individuals


  • Safeguards Personally Identifiable Information (PII).
  • Implements Departmental Element privacy requirements.
  • Incorporates privacy-related authorities in contracts, as required, and oversees contractor compliance with privacy requirements.
  • Implements DOE Headquarters (HQ) privacy-related direction/guidance at the SC Field Office level.
  • Tracks and facilitates compliance reporting.
  • Maintains Privacy Web site content.
  • Educates and trains staff on privacy matters.
  • Drafts Privacy Act statements, as needed.
  • Manages resolution of privacy complaints in the Field.
  • Drafts and/or revises Privacy Act System of Records Notices (SORNs), and coordinates with DOE HQ Privacy Program Office, in the DOE HQ Office of Information Resources (MA‑90), on publication of SORNs in the Federal Register.
  • Advises on privacy issues related to the preparation of Privacy Needs Assessments (PNAs) and conduct of Privacy Impact Assessments (PIAs).
  • Advises on privacy issues related to the response and notification procedures for data breaches involving PII.

3.0 Exhibits/Forms


4.0 Related Information

5.0 Requirements

Document Title Requirement Decision Record
10 CFR 1008

Records Maintained on Individuals (Privacy Act)


DOE O 206.1

Department of Energy Privacy Program


74 Federal Register 994-1090

Privacy Act of 1974; Publication of Proposed Compilation of Privacy Act Systems of Records


OMB M-06-19

Reporting Incidents Involving Personally Identifiable Information and Incorporating the Cost for Security in Agency Information Technology Investments


5 U.S.C., Section 552a

Records Maintained on Individuals (Privacy Act)


6.0 Definitions


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Filename: /OrbitSearch/SubjArea/PA/PA_SA.cfm
Last Major SCMS Revision: 12/17/2009