Media Relations and Public Communications

Management System: Communications and Public Affairs

Subject Area: Media Relations and Public Communications

Point of Contact: DOLLINE HATCHETT
Management System Owner: JOHN SHEWAIRY
Secondary Management System Owner:     BRIAN QUIRKE

SCMS Home Page | Revision History | Subject Area Definitions

Issue Date:  03/27/2012
SCMS Revision:  2.2

1.0 Introduction

This subject area applies to the Office of Science (SC) Director, SC Office of Communications and Public Affairs (SC‑44.4); SC Integrated Support Center (ISC) Public Affairs Representatives; SC Site Office Public Affairs Staff; and the SC ISC or SC Site Office Supporting Public Affairs Officer (SPAO) involved in the processes and procedures used in preparing and coordinating the approval of press releases; coordinating media inquiries received at the field level with U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Headquarters (HQ) Office of Public Affairs (PA‑1) and DOE HQ Office of Science (SC‑1); conducting effective emergency public information operations related to emergency planning and events.

2.0 Contents


Procedure Content

1. Managing Media and Media Related Inquiries


  • Determining how to handle calls from reporters.
  • Coordinating with the supporting Public Affairs organization.
  • Preparing the response.
  • Coordinating review of the proposed response.
  • Delivering the answer to the reporter.

2. Coordinating Media Outreach and Interactions


  • Determining how and when to announce DOE action.
  • Identifying the proper methods and venues for press release.
  • Coordinating the review of the proposed action and materials for the announcement.

3. Coordinating and Approving News Releases


4. Responding to Emergency Public Affairs


  • Preparing for media interactions during an emergency.
  • Distributing information about an emergency to appropriate audiences.
  • Coordinating the review of information to be released.
  • The Public Information Officer (PIO) role in an emergency.

3.0 Exhibits/Forms

4.0 Related Information

5.0 Requirements

Document Title Requirement Decision Record
DOE O 151.1C

Comprehensive Emergency Management System


DOE M 515.1-1

Advisory Committee Management Program


Memo Garman (01/20/2006)

Memorandum from David K. Garman, Under Secretary for Energy, Science, and Environment, to the Heads of Energy, Science, and Environment Departmental Elements, titled 72-Hour Prior Notification, dated 01/20/2006


6.0 Definitions


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Filename: /OrbitSearch/SubjArea/MRPC/MRPC_SA.cfm
Last Major SCMS Revision: 04/12/2010