Facility Operations

Management System: Safeguards, Security, and Emergency Management

Subject Area: Facility Operations

Point of Contact: PEGGY JACKSON
Management System Owner: EARL HICKS
Secondary Management System Owner:     THOMAS GRADLE

SCMS Home Page | Revision History | Subject Area Definitions

Issue Date: 12/21/2012
SCMS Revision:  2.3

1.0 Introduction

This subject area (SA) establishes the procedures and functional responsibilities for Facility Operations. Facility Operations consists of six key elements:

  1. Classified Matter Protection and Control (CMPC): The CMPC Program is a program that ensures protection and control of classified matter. Its objectives are to:

  1. Incidents of Security Concern (IOSC): The IOSC Program is a program that sets forth requirements for timely identification and notification of, response to, inquiry into, reporting of, and closure actions for incidents of security concern.

  1. Operation Security (OPSEC):
  1. Nuclear Material Control and Accountability (NMC&A):

    The primary role of NMC&A is to help prevent and detect the theft of nuclear material from DOE-owned and DOE-leased facilities, and DOE-owned nuclear materials at other facilities that are exempt from licensing by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC). Material control and material accountability are distinct, but complimentary activities. The goal of material control is to prevent the loss or provide timely detection of thief or diversion of nuclear material, while the goal of material accountability is to provide assurance that no loss of materials has occurred. NMC&A functions are implemented through a single organization that is independent from organizations having responsibility for operations or production. This requirement is intended to avoid possible conflicts of interest with production-related activities.

  1. Nuclear Materials Management (NMM):

    The role of NMM is to effectively manage DOE-owned and/or DOE-managed accountable nuclear materials for use in national defense and in other DOE and non-DOE programs. The utilization of nuclear materials involves major expenditures and long lead times; therefore, NMM includes annual assessments of nuclear material inventories; evaluations of current and projected mission needs; and identification of consolidation and disposition opportunities.

  1. Classification:

2.0 Contents


Procedure Content

1. Managing A Classified Matter Protection and Control (CMPC) Program


  • Receive CMPC Point of Contact (POC) appointment documentation from SC Contractor facility.
  • Update CMPC Point of Contact Listing as changes occur.
  • Annually review DOE Orders/Manuals and identify changes in CMPC policy/requirements.
  • Make any necessary changes to locally-developed Federal CMPC procedures and training/briefing and provide to DOE CSA for approval. If approved, post on locally-developed web sites/networks, and conduct performance tests to ensure changes have been incorporated and associated links are working.
  • Transmit a DOECAST to federal and direct support contractor personnel notifying them of implementation.
  • If the changes are not approved, revise and resubmit to the DOE CSA.
  • Receive Contractor CMPC procedure(s) for approval. If substantial changes are necessary, provide comments back to the contractor through appropriate channels.
  • If changes are not necessary, submit contractor CMPC procedures to the DOE Cognizant Security Authority (CSA) for approval and transmit approval page to the contractor through appropriate channels.

2. Implementing and Managing an Incident of Security Concern (IOSC) Program


  • Annually transmit an informal communication (e.g., email message) to site’s Facility Security Officer's (FSO's) designee requesting appointments for or changes to inquiry officials.
  • For new appointments, review requests for completion of required DOE NTC IOSC training or previous inquiry/investigative experience, prepare inquiry official appointment letter, and transmit to FSO.
  • For renewals or changes, document and file. Renewals do not require communication of reappointment of inquiry officials.
  • Annually review DOE Order/Manuals and identify changes in IOSC policy/requirements.
  • Make necessary changes to locally-developed IOSC implementing instructions, provide to DOE CSA for approval, and transmit to contractor sites through appropriate channels.
  • Receive contractor IOSC procedures for review and approval. If changes are necessary, provide comments back to the contractor through appropriate channels.
  • If changes are not necessary, submit contractor IOSC procedure to the DOE CSA for approval and transmit approval page to the contractor through appropriate channels.
  • Receive notification of IOSC, provide a local tracking number, and report to Headquarters, as required in current DOE M 470.4‑1, Change 2, Part 2, Section N, IOSC.
  • Conduct inquiry into IOSCs as required in DOE M 470.4‑1, Change 2, Part 2, Section N, IOSC.
  • Collect monthly IMI‑4 IOSC data from contractor sites and input into Headquarters Safeguards and Security Information Management System (SSIMS).
  • Develop tracking and trending of IOSCs for management’s review.

3. Managing An Operations Security (OPSEC) Plan


  • Request the site, facility, and overall concerns from OPSEC POCs about critical operational and programmatic data on an annual basis.
  • Develop CPI from information supplied by the OPSEC POCs.
  • Submit the updated OPSEC Plan for signature by DOE Integrated Support Center (ISC) OPSEC Manager or designee.
  • Select site-specific Indicators of the OPSEC Plan to review at the ISC or facility.
  • Contact all of the applicable DOE Program Office Managers to request participation in the preparation of the Local Threat Statement.

4. Reviewing and Approving Shipper/Receiver Agreements


  • Reviewing Facility Inventory Difference Data.
  • Reviewing and Approving of Shipper/Receiver Agreements

5. Reviewing Significant Shipper/Receiver Differences


  • Reviewing Facility Inventory Difference Data.
  • Reviewing Significant Shipper/Receiver Differences

6. Establishing and Updating Nuclear Material Project Numbers


  • Establishing and Updating Nuclear Materials Project Numbers

7. Submitting Nuclear Materials Inventory Assessments


  • Submitting Nuclear Materials Inventory Assessment

8. Identifying and Facilitating Classification Documentation


  • Receive requests for review of documentation that may be classified or otherwise sensitive in a secure manner.
  • Review proposed communication and determines if it warrants protection as classified (UCNI, ECI or OUO) per the applicable DOE Order and/or classification guide(s).
  • Conduct Oversight (appraisals of contractors and self assessments) in accordance with DOE O 475.2A, Identifying Classified Information, and submit the Oversight information to the Director, Office of Classification (HS-60).
  • Receive CSCS Form and description of contract activities from FOCI/FDAR Coordinator for assignment of appropriate classification guide(s).
  • Assign appropriate classification guide(s), sign the CSCS Form as CO and return it to the FOCI/FDAR Coordinator.

3.0 Exhibits/Forms

4.0 Related Information

5.0 Requirements

Document Title Requirement Decision Record
10 CFR 1046

Physical Protection Of Security Interest


DOE M 142.2-1

Manual For Implementation Of The Voluntary Offer Safeguards Agreement And Additional Protocol With The International Atomic Energy Agency


DOE O 142.2A

Voluntary Offer Safeguards Agreement And Additional Protocol With The International Atomic Energy Agency


DOE O 410.2

Management of Nuclear Materials


DOE O 457.1

Nuclear Counterterrorism


DOE M 457.1-1

Control Of Improvised Nuclear Device Information (Official Use Only)


DOE P 470.1A

Safeguards and Security Program


DOE O 470.3B

Graded Security Protection Policy


DOE O 471.1B

Identification and Protection of Unclassified Controlled Nuclear Information


DOE O 471.3, Admin. Change 1

Identifying and Protecting Official Use Only Information


DOE M 471.3-1, Admin. Change 1

Manual for Identifying and Protecting Official Use Only Information


DOE O 473.3

Protection Program Operations


DOE O 475.2A

Identifying Classified Information


DOE O 5670.1A

Management And Control Of Foreign Intelligence


DOE CG-SS-4, Change 6

Classification and UNCI Guide for Safeguards and Security Information (Official Use Only)



National Industrial Security Policy


6.0 Definitions


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Filename: /OrbitSearch/SubjArea/FO/FO_SA.cfm
Last Major SCMS Revision: 03/31/2008