Benefits/Quality of Work Life

Management System: Human Resources Services

Subject Area: Benefits/Quality of Work Life

Management System Owner: REGENIA GRISWOLD
Secondary Management System Owner:     PATRICIA SMITH

SCMS Home Page | Revision History | Subject Area Definitions

Issue Date: 11/15/2012
SCMS Revision:  2.4

1.0 Introduction

This subject area provides the mechanisms to assist employees and managers in designing, selecting, and participating in Employee Benefits and Quality of Work Life programs that address their personal needs and support the Office of Science's (SC's) ability to attract and retain a high performing workforce.

2.0 Contents


Procedure Content

1. Enrolling in Benefits


2. Entering into a Telework Agreement


  • Request Telework Arrangement.
  • Determine eligibility.
  • Identify tasks, assignments, and schedule.
  • Complete Telework Agreement.
  • Approve/disapprove Telework Agreement.
  • Revise or amend Telework Agreement.
  • Re-certify Telework Agreement.

3. Administering Worker's Compensation


  • Issue U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) Form CA-1 to injured employee or issue DOL Form CA-2 to ill employee.
  • Send completed DOL Form CA-1or DOL Form CA-2 to U.S. DOL Office of Workers' Compensation Programs (OWCP) District Office.
  • Issue DOL Form CA-16 to employee for doctor's treatment authorization.
  • Receive approval of case from OWCP.

4. Administering Leave


5. Requesting an Alternate Work Schedule (AWS)


  • Complete the appropriate AWS form.
  • Approve requests for work schedule and/or participation in AWS program.
  • Employee maintains a daily timesheet.
  • Request/approve changes to work schedule.

6. Completing the Retirement Process


7. Processing Reimbursement for Professional Credentials


  • Complete appropriate reimbursement form and provide proof of payment (i.e., receipt).
  • Review and concur on the reimbursement form.
  • Process the reimbursement form and deposit reimbursement into employee's bank account.
  • Maintain copy of the reimbursement form.

8. Managing the Student Loan Repayment Program (SLRP)


  • Review and sign SLRP service agreement.
  • Approve SLRP process.
  • Select/initiate justification process.
  • Approve repayment of student loans.

3.0 Exhibits/Forms

4.0 Related Information

5.0 Requirements

Document Title Requirement Decision Record

Collective Bargaining Agreement between the Oak Ridge Office and the Office of Scientific and Technical Information and the Office and Professional Employees International Union, Local 2001, dated April 2009


5 CFR 630, Subpart I

Voluntary Leave Transfer Program


DOE O 322.1C

Pay and Leave Administration and Hours of Duty


DOE O 341.1A

Federal Employment Health Services


DOE O 3792.3, Change 1

Drug-Free Federal Workplace Testing Implementation Program


E.O. 5396

Special Leaves of Absence to be Given Disabled Veterans in Need of Medical Treatment


E.O. 12564

Drug-Free Federal Workplace


5 U.S.C., Chapter 81

Federal Employees Compensation Act


5 U.S.C., Section 552 (As Amended)

Freedom of Information Act


5 U.S.C., Section 6122

Flexible Schedules; Agencies Authorized to Use


6.0 Definitions


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Filename: /OrbitSearch/SubjArea/BQW/BQW_SA.cfm
Last Major SCMS Revision: 04/17/2012