Author Archives: Cameron Brenchley

Equity and Excellence Commission Delivers Report to Secretary Duncan

The need to improve the country’s education system is urgent, according to the Co-Chairs of the Equity and Excellence Commission who formally presented their report to Secretary of Education Arne Duncan on Tuesday. The Commission’s report, “For Each and Every … Continue reading

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In State of the Union, Obama Outlines Bold Education Proposals to Grow the Middle Class

In a State of the Union address focused on growing a strong middle class, President Obama outlined a series of bold proposals that will increase access to high-quality education. Among them were initiatives to make quality early education accessible to … Continue reading

Posted in Early Learning, Headlines, News, P-12 Reform, Schools and Community, Teachers | Tagged , , | 24 Comments

Duncan to Congress: Giving States Flexibility is Working

States and their schools are breaking free from the restrictions of No Child Left Behind and pursuing new and better ways to prepare and protect all students, Education Secretary Arne Duncan told a Senate committee Thursday. In a hearing before … Continue reading

Posted in ESEA Reauthorization, Headlines, News, P-12 Reform, Standards and assessments, Teachers, Teaching Profession | Tagged , , | 4 Comments

How Are Race to the Top States Doing in Year Two?

In only two years, the 12 states with Race to the Top grants continue to show improvements in teaching and learning in their schools. Last week, the U.S. Department of Education released state-specific reports for the 12 Race to the … Continue reading

Posted in Headlines, News, P-12 Reform, Race to the Top | 4 Comments

High School Graduation Rate at Highest Level in Three Decades

A new report from the Department of Education shows that high school graduation rates are at their highest level since 1974. According to the report, during the 2009-10 school year, 78.2 percent of high school students nationwide graduated on time, … Continue reading

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President Obama’s Plan to Make Our Schools Safer

Earlier today, President Obama introduced a new plan to keeps guns out of the wrong hands, make schools safer, and increase access to mental health services. “While reducing gun violence is a complicated challenge,” President Obama said during the announcement. … Continue reading

Posted in Headlines, News, Schools and Community, Teachers | Tagged | 19 Comments

Join us in a National Day of Service

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., said that “Everybody can be great … because anybody can serve.” On January 19, the country will honor the life and legacy of Dr. King, and what better way to do so than to volunteer … Continue reading

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2012 Tax Time: Don’t Forget Your 1098-E Tax Form

It’s tax time once again, and if you made federal student loan payments in 2012, you may be eligible to deduct a portion of the interest you paid on your 2012 federal tax return. Student loan interest payments are reported on … Continue reading

Posted in Federal Student Aid, Headlines, News | Tagged | 42 Comments

New Student Loan Repayment Option to Help Recent Graduates

For many recent college graduates, monthly student loan payments can be overwhelming. The good news is that a measure of relief is on the way for more than a million borrowers. The Obama Administration recently announced changes that will allow … Continue reading

Posted in Federal Student Aid, Headlines, News | Tagged , , | 14 Comments

Duncan Addresses School Safety During Promise Neighborhoods Announcement

In his first public comments since last week’s Sandy Hook Elementary School tragedy, U.S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan spoke on the importance of school safety at the Neval Thomas Elementary School in Washington, D.C., at an event where he … Continue reading

Posted in Headlines, News, Promise Neighborhoods, Schools and Community | Tagged | 12 Comments

Secretary Duncan Hails Sandy Hook Elementary Educators – and Thanks the Nation’s Teachers, School Leaders, and School Staff

We ask a lot of our nation’s teachers, Secretary Duncan said in a video message to the educators of Sandy Hook Elementary School. “But no one could possibly ask for this kind of sacrifice,” he said of the courage shown … Continue reading

Posted in Headlines, News, Teachers | 6 Comments

ED Contributes to Improving Government Efficiency

In 2009, President Obama introduced the SAVE  (Securing Americans Value and Efficiency) Award. The award is a way for federal employees to share their ideas on how to improve government’s performance and to ensure that we’re spending taxpayer money in … Continue reading

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