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John H. Russell Elementary School
Russell Raccoon

School Information

School Supplies | School Safety

Russell Elementary School serves preschool through third grade students
in the following housing areas:

        • 16000 -16087 Masters Hill
        • Perkins Street
        • Thomason Park
        • West Lyman Park
All the students ride buses to and from school.
Please contact the school  (703-630-7065) for the specific bus your student will ride and the times for pick-up and drop off
School Supplies

Pre K and Kindergarten Supply List

1st through 3rd Grade Supply List

Some items may be available in school store


School Safety
Playground Rules

Grades K-3 should have 30 minutes per day for physical activity.  This could include recess, free play, and organized games.  Teachers should mingle with the children as they supervise the playground.

Active supervision is required of teachers when classes are on the playground.

Games should be played on the fields away from any equipment. i.e. football, tag, soccer.

Encourage children to walk safely around equipment, especially swings, ladders, and bats.
Teach children how to safely get on and off all equipment.

It is requested that all teachers review the following playground rules with their children.

A.  General Playground Rules

1. Play safely.
2. Be polite.
3. Take care of our toys.  Put them away when finished playing with them.
4. Have fun.
5. All paper and debris should be picked up and put in waste can.
6. Do not bring play guns, baseballs, bats, knives, etc., to school.
7. Get permission from teacher to go into the building when necessary.
8. Do NOT throw rocks, sticks, stones, snowballs.
9. Hard balls may not be used on the playground; children may not play tackle football, or any other combative game.
10. Jump ropes should be used for jumping and related games only.  They should not be used for tying or lassoing.
11. Children should wear proper shoes.

Back Playground

A. Swings

1. Sit on the swings.
2. Standing or tummy swings is not allowed.
3. Slow down to get off the swing.
4. Keep away from swings when not swinging.
5. Do NOT jump out of the swing.
6. Only one person in a swing.
7. No twisting chains.
8.  Do not swing side to side
B. Slides
1. Only one on the ladder going up the slide.
2. Slide down the slide one at a time.
3. Always slide sitting and facing forward.
4. Do not stand or sit at the end of the slide while someone is coming down.
5. Wait your turn standing in line at the back of the slide without pushing.
6. No climbing or swinging on bars supporting slide.
C. Eagles Perch - Jungle Gym
1. Children should use caution when climbing and should not hang upside down
2. Chasing or tagging games are not allowed on climbing equipment.
3. Be aware of crowded conditions and children playing inside the dome.  (Grabbing legs, dropping on or near children playing in the sand.)
4. Do not play in sand under the dome.
D. Horizontal Ladder - Monkey Bars
1. Cross the bars using your hands on the sides or rungs.  Do not skip rungs.
2. Do not get on top of the bars or have chicken fights.
3. Cross one at a time going in the same direction.
4. Use the appropriate size ladder.
E. Digger
1. If there are children waiting to play with the digger, only allow three scoops

 F.  Buck-Abouts

1. Line up outside the circle.
2. If there is a line, the child riding the individual Buck-About gets to stay on until the count of 10.
3. For the 3-seater, wait until everyone is seated, then start riding as the children in line say the alphabet.

G.  Fire Engine

1. Hold on
2. Keep your feet on the floor of the fire engine
3. Take turns "driving"
4. Ride safely

H.  See-Saw

1. Sit on the seat and hold on to the handle
2. Wait until everyone is seated before riding
3. Your feet should touch the ground on the "down" end, in order to avoid "bumps"
4. Bumping up and down is not allowed
5. Get on and off properly
6. If you are waiting in line, do not help those on the see-saw go up/down
7. Do not sit, stand, or "play" by the center where the see-saws are attached
8. Stay outside the white line while waiting for your turn

Front Playground

A.  Climbing Tower

1.  Climb carefully watching for other climbers
2.  Jump off from lower rungs only

B.  Parallel Bars

1.  One person on the bars at a time

C.  Play Gym

1.  Climb ladders first
2.  Curve steps - up or down

D.  Climbing Wall

1.  Climb side to side
2.  Wait until the first person is half way across
3.  Climb toward the building

E.  Cargo Net

1.  Climb toward the building (back playground)
2.  Climb one at a time

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Last Updated on December 20, 2012

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