Biomass Basics

Biomass is an energy resource derived from organic matter, which includes wood, agricultural waste, and other living-cell material that can be burned to produce heat energy. It also includes algae, sewage, and other organic substances that may be used to make energy through chemical processes. Biomass currently supplies about 3% of total U.S. energy consumption in the form of electricity, process heat, and transportation fuels—all of which help to diversify the nation's energy supply and support rural economies. More and more energy companies are increasing the amount of electricity and fuels produced from renewable energy resources in response to consumer demand and policy incentives. This section of the site serves as preliminary resource for those just starting to learn about biomass. Find basic information about biofuels, biopower, and bioproducts, as well as the benefits derived from the use of biomass.


Biofuels Basics
Biopower Basics
Bioproducts Basics
Bio-Benefits Basics 

For more information regarding biomass-related programs and research, please visit the Related Links page. For biomass-related blogs, please visit DOE's blog page.