
As a first step towards the implementation of chemistry into WRF, "The Workshop on Modeling Chemistry in Cloud and Mesoscale Models" was held at NCAR on 6-8 March 2000  The goal of this workshop was produce  a community assessment of approaches and methodologies used for chemistry modeling in cloud and mesoscale models.

In 2002, a first version of WRF/Chem was made available as an "online" (or "inline") model.  In this form, the model is consistent, with all transport done by the meteorology model.  The same vertical and horizontal coordinates are used (no horizontal or vertical interpolation), the same physics parameterization utilized for subgrid scale transport, and no interpolation in time is performed.  This allows for easy handling from a data management standpoint, and is also the most efficient with regard to overall CPU costs.  WRF grid-scale transport of all species is conducted, with subgrid-scale transport by turbulence and convection.  Grid-scale advection in the mass coordinate WRF is mass and scalar conserving.

Presently, an improved version of WRF/Chem exists (version 3.0 released on 4 April 2008) as an "online" with an �offline� version of the model currently in development testing (see future plans). 


The Chemistry Package consists of the following components:


Current WRF version is 3.4.


Possible applications of the current modeling system:



Model Evaluation

Future Plans

WRF/chem FAQs

Real-time Air Quality Forecasts from WRF/CHEM

Publications related to WRF/Chem

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This page developed by Steven Peckham and Georg Grell
Model questions should be directed to WRF/Chem help.
Last modified: Monday 23 June 2012 11:25 AM