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Headquarters and Service Battalion

Headquarters Marine Corps

Henderson Hall
ID Card Center
Dependent ID Cards

To Add a Spouse:

*Marriage Certificate (original or certified copy)

*Social Security card: if you do not have a social security card, a formal letter from the Social Security Administration with your social security number on it is acceptable.

*Drivers License or State Issued ID

To Add A Child:

*Marriage Certificate (original or certified copy)

*Birth Certificate (original or certified copy)

*Social Security Card

Renewal of Dependent ID Card

Any dependent that needs to renew an ID card must have the sponsor with them or an original signed 1172 from an ID card center or the 1172 can be faxed from one ID card center to another 703-693-3111. ATTN: ID Center

Dependent children who are 21 and currently enrolled and a four year higher learning institution must provide a letter from the registrars stating the dependent is a Full-time student, the start date and the anticipated graduation date. The ID card cannot be renewed without this information.

** Marine Corps only**

As of January 1, 2009 DD form 137-6 must be filled for dependent children 21 and over out and returned to MRP1 in Quantico within 60 days of receipt of the new ID card to continue receiving benefits. The form will be provided at your local DEERS office

All dependents over the age of 21 must have two acceptable forms of ID to renew their ID card. The first form must have a photo.

Acceptable forms of ID

Old Dependent ID Voters Registration
Drivers License (unexpired)
Current Passport (unexpired)
Social Security Card
Birth Certificate (original or certified copy)

(Valid Federal Gov’t ID (PNT, HOFF, and FOB2 are not acceptable)

Unremarried former spouse/ Unremarried Widow

Must provide two acceptable forms of Id (See above acceptable forms of ID)

Civilian Employees

Civilian employees must make sure their information has been put in with the Human Resources Office.

*Must have two acceptable forms of ID (see above Acceptable forms of ID)

*Must provide a .MIL email address, ID card will not work in the reader without the email address. (C.A.C. only holds one .MIL email address)

*Overseas civilian ID card: Must provide SF50 stating the position is emergency essential or provide a DD form 2365.


Information must be put into the CVS (Contractor Verification System) and be Verified.

*Must provide two acceptable forms of ID (see above Acceptable forms of ID) ID card will not work in the reader without the email address. ( C.A.C. only holds one .MIL email address)

*Must provide a valid .MIL email address

*Contractors going overseas must provide a L.O.A (Letter of Authorization) stating they are eligible to go overseas and entitled to benefits.


ID Card Center

(703) 693-7152
(703) 693-3111 (Fax)
ATTN: ID Card Center

Hours of Operation

Last customer will be accepted at 1500 to allow for proper closure

Last customer will be accepted at 1030 to allow for proper lunch