Page 1 of 1 Steel Service Center Institute Comments on ‘Reseller Liquidation’ – Item No. IV November 13, 1998 IV. Any Change in Policy Should Be Prospective Only Comment: In its Federal Register Notice, the DOC has recognized the significance of its proposed change in practice by limiting its new policy to “all entries for which the anniversary date for requesting an administrative review is on or after the date of publication of a final notice on this issue.” However, if adopted, the DOC’s new policy will create considerable hardship for resellers currently importing merchandise which would be subjected to the new policy in an upcoming Administrative Review. For example, assume that the DOC ultimately adopts its proposed new policy in March 1999, and that the anniversary date for an Outstanding Order is August 1999. This means that the new policy would apply to entries from August 1, 1998 through July 31, 1999, notwithstanding the fact that the new policy was not formally adopted until March 1999. Thus, resellers would have exported merchandise from August 1998 through March 1999 based on the understanding that the DOC’s current policy would remain in place, and without knowledge that they would be faced with the potential dilemma of requesting a reseller specific review or being subjected to assessment at a prohibitive initial “all others” rate. In addition to this severe adverse impact on resellers, the DOC also will be required to perform additional work if its new policy is adopted midstream. In contrast, Petitioners will not be subjected to any adverse affects if the DOC agrees to delay the effective date of its new policy, since any Petitioner who is not satisfied with the cash deposit rate applicable to a particular reseller can request that the DOC conduct a reseller specific review by filing a relatively simple letter with the DOC. Accordingly, should the DOC decide to implement its proposed policy, we request that such modification apply only to AD initial investigations initiated after the DOC’s Final Notice is published, or at the very least to Annual Reviews of AD Orders which do not encompass merchandise entered prior to the publication of the DOC’s Final Policy.