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Retired June 1, 1966.   Died Dec. 9, 2009.

Arthur William Kellond was born in Honolulu, Hawaii, in 1916. He graduated from high school in 1935 at Texas Military Institute, San Antonio, Texas, and in 1949 he received a bachelor of arts degree from the University of California at Los Angeles. He enlisted in the Army Signal Corps June 25, 1935, became a flying cadet June 29, 1936, and received his pilot wings June 9, 1937. Today he is a command pilot.

After being commissioned in July 1937, Second Lieutenant Kellond's first assignment was to the 34 Attack Squadron, 17 Attack Group, General Headquarters Air Force, at March Field, Calif. He was later transferred to the 38 Reconnaissance Squadron on the same base. In August 1939 he received his Regular Army commission in the Air Corps.

In 1940 Lieutenant Kellond was ordered to Panama. While there he rose to the grade of lieutenant colonel in assignments to 6 Bomb Group, 19 Bomb Wing, VI Bomber Command, and Sixth Air Force Headquarters. Upon his return to the United States in 1943, he was assigned to Headquarters Second Air Force and to Headquarters 72 Fighter Wing with duty in Colorado Springs and Wendover, Utah, where he commanded the base. After training the Mexican Expeditionary Air Force, he was assigned with them to the Fifth Fighter Command in the Philippines.

During the period after World War II he had various assignments in the 72 Fighter Wing in Colorado, followed by an assignment from June 1946 to August 1947 as the senior instructor for the Delaware Air National Guard.

In November 1949 following an assignment at UCLA, he reported to duty as deputy wing commander of the 2143 Air Weather Wing, Tokyo, Japan. During this period the Korean War placed heavy demands on his organization and resulted in his spending much time in Korea.

Following his return to the United States and graduation from the Air War College in 1953, Colonel Kellond was assigned to the U.S. Air Force Security Service and duty as an intelligence staff officer with the National Security Agency, Washington, D.C., and later at Fort George G. Meade, Md.

Colonel Kellond's first association with the 6920 Security Wing was in September 1956, when he became commander of the 6902 Special Communications Group in Japan. In April 1958 he became deputy commander of the 6920 Security Wing and served in that position until his reassignment to a USAFSS billet at Fort George G. Meade, Md., in July 1959. Colonel Kellond returned to the 6920 Security Wing as commander in September 1960 and is now serving in that capacity. Colonel Kellond received his promotion to brigadier general in June 1961.

His decorations include the Legion of Merit with oak leaf cluster, the Air Medal, the Air Force Commendation Medal, and the Mexican Medal for Military Merit, 2d class.

(Up to date as of August 1961)


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