Head Start

An Office of the Administration for Children and Families Early Childhood Learning and Knowledge Center (ECLKC).

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Focus on Language Development: Supplementary Materials

Welcome to the supplementary materials section. Progams may find these resources useful.


While we do not endorse any of these resources, we value their information. These websites are constantly changing and adding new information to support teachers and parents of all children, including DLLs. Check back often to find new resources!

Policy and Technical Reports

Center for Applied Linguistics. Developing Literacy in Second-Language Learners: Report of the National Literacy Panel on Language-Minority Children and Youth. Executive Summary. 2006. [PDF, 96.1KB].

Foundation for Child Development. Challenging Common Myths about Young English Language Learners in English and Chinese. 2008. [PDF, 2.37MB].

Office of Head Start. "English Language Learners Focus Group Report." (2002). [PDF, 192KB].

Teachers College, Columbia University. "From English Language Learners to Emergent Bilinguals. A Research Initiative of the Campaign for Educational Equity" [PDF, 1.91MB]. 

Website Articles

American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. "Learning More Than One Language."

California Department of Education. "Foundations in English-Language Development." Preschool Learning Foundations, Vol. 1: 103-142. [PDF, 5.43MB].

Ellis, Rod. "Principles of Instructed Second Language Acquisition." The Center for Applied Linguistics. 

Eric Digest. "Myths and Misconceptions about Second Language Learning." [PDF, 30.9KB].

FPG Snapshot Child Development Institute. Relationship of English-Only to Young Children’s Social and Language Skills. [PDF, 110KB].

Genesee, Fred. "Bilingual Acquisition." Colorin Colorado. 

Reading Rockets. "Launching Young Readers: Becoming Bilingual."

Smallwood, Betty Ansin and Haynes, Erin Flynn. "Singable Books: Sing and Read Your Way to English Proficiency." The Center for Applied Linguistics.  

Be Sure to visit the Dual Language Learners (DLLs) and Their Families section for more information.

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Focus on Language Development: Supplementary Materials. HHS/ACF/OHS. 2009. English.

Last Reviewed: September 2010