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Korea.stripes.com is an interactive version of Stripes Korea, a newspaper serving the U.S. military community in South Korea with local, community-focused news and information on events, dining, activities, travel, and entertainment.  Stripes Korea and korea.stripes.com were established in May 2012 to meet the demand of the U.S. military community for local, Korean Peninsula-focused news and information in an easily accessible, English-language format.

Stripes Korea is printed every two weeks and is a product of Stars and Stripes Pacific.  Stripes Korea and Stripes’ other community products are supplements of the daily Stars and Stripes newspaper and its corresponding website, stripes.com.  Stars and Stripes is authorized for publication by the Department of Defense (DOD) for members of the U.S. military serving overseas.

The contents of Stripes Korea and its corresponding website, korea.stripes.com, are unofficial, and are not to be considered as the official views of, or endorsed by, the U.S. government, including the Department of Defense or the U.S. Pacific Command.

As a DOD-authorized newspaper, Stripes Korea may be distributed through official channels and may use appropriated funds for distribution to remote and isolated locations where overseas DOD personnel are located.

The appearance of advertising in this publication and on its corresponding website (including online links, printed inserts, and supplements), does not constitute endorsement of those products by the DOD or Stars and Stripes.

Products or services advertised in this publication and website shall be made available for purchase, use, or patronage without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, marital status, physical handicap, political affiliation, sexual orientation, or any other non-merit factor of the purchaser, user, or patron.