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Tracking of moving radioactive sources

United States Patent

December 16, 2008
View the Complete Patent at the US Patent & Trademark Office
Argonne National Laboratory - Visit the Technology Development and Commercialization Website
A system for detecting unsecured nuclear materials. Whereas current portal monitors rely in part on physical prominence to deter materials from entering the country, their application at intra-modal transport points may actually serve to divert the movement of nuclear materials rather than aid in interception. A flexible and low-profile system has been developed for unobtrusive detection and tracking of radioactive sources in transit suited for deployment at traffic choke points such as rest stops, toll collection plazas, truck stops, and bridges. The system includes gamma radiation detectors, networking for linking these detectors, signal processing algorithms, and a central processing and control unit.
Klann; Raymond (Bolingbrook, IL), Vilim; Richard B. (Aurora, IL), Park; Young Soo (Naperville, IL)
UChicago Argonne LLC (Chicago, IL)
11/ 413,698
April 28, 2006
The United States Government has rights in this invention pursuant to Contract No. W-31-109-ENG-38 between the United States Government and Argonne National Laboratory.