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Nitrogen enriched combustion of a natural gas internal combustion engine to reduce NO.sub.x emissions

United States Patent

November 25, 2008
View the Complete Patent at the US Patent & Trademark Office
Argonne National Laboratory - Visit the Technology Development and Commercialization Website
Novel Application of Air Separation Membranes Reduces Engine NOx Emissions
A method and system for reducing nitrous oxide emissions from an internal combustion engine. An input gas stream of natural gas includes a nitrogen gas enrichment which reduces nitrous oxide emissions. In addition ignition timing for gas combustion is advanced to improve FCE while maintaining lower nitrous oxide emissions.
Biruduganti; Munidhar S. (Naperville, IL), Gupta; Sreenath Borra (Naperville, IL), Sekar; R. Raj (Naperville, IL), McConnell; Steven S. (Shorewood, IL)
U Chicago Argonne LLC (Chicago, IL)
June 9, 2006
GOVERNMENT INTEREST The United States Government has certain rights in the invention pursuant to Contract No. W-31-109-ENG-38 between the U.S. Department of Energy and the University of Chicago operating Argonne National Laboratory.