United States Department of Veterans Affairs
Office of Academic Affiliations

VA Nursing Academy


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VA's world-class health care system partners with the country's finest nursing schools to provide compassionate, highly educated nurses to look after the health-care needs of the nation's veterans. This includes five new partnerships at competitively selected schools for the academic year 2009-2010.


Nurse and patient. The Enhancing Academic Partnerships Program enables stronger, mutually beneficial relationships between nursing schools and VA facilities by:

  1. Expanding faculty and professional development
  2. Increasing nursing student enrollment, primarily in baccalaureate programs although some increases in graduate programs may also occur,
  3. Providing opportunities for educational and practice innovations, and
  4. Increasing recruitment and retention of VA nurses as a result of enhanced roles in nursing education.

The VA Nursing Academy is not a nursing school itself but is a partnership with accredited nursing schools. Therefore, the VA Nursing Academy does not select or admit students. This is the responsibility of the school of nursing in the partnership.

Visit VA's Office of Nursing Services for more information and Nursing in VA.