BLS Handbook of Methods Contents

Preface and Introduction

Employment and Unemployment Statistics

  • Chapter 1. Labor force data derived from the Current Population Survey (HTML) (PDF)
  • Chapter 2. Employment, hours, and earnings from the establishment survey (HTML) (PDF)
  • Chapter 3. Occupational employment statistics (HTML) (PDF)
  • Chapter 4. Measurement of unemployment in States and local areas (HTML) (PDF) UPDATED
  • Chapter 5. Employment and wages covered by unemployment insurance (HTML) (PDF)
  • Chapter 6. Mass layoff statistics (HTML) (PDF)
  • Chapter 7. National longitudinal surveys (HTML) (PDF)

Compensation and Working Conditions

  • Chapter 8. National compensation measures (HTML) (PDF)

Occupational Safety and Health

  • Chapter 9. Occupational safety and health statistics (HTML) (PDF) UPDATED

Productivity and Technology

  • Chapter 10. Productivity measures: Business sector and major subsectors (HTML) (PDF)
  • Chapter 11. Industry productivity measures (HTML) (PDF)
  • Chapter 12. Foreign labor statistics: International Labor Comparisons (HTML) (PDF)

Employment Projections

  • Chapter 13. Employment projections (HTML) (PDF) UPDATED

Prices and Living Conditions

  • Chapter 14. Producer prices (HTML) (PDF)
  • Chapter 15. International price indexes (HTML) (PDF)
  • Chapter 16. Consumer expenditures and income (HTML) (PDF)
  • Chapter 17. Consumer price index (HTML) (PDF)


Last Modified Date: January 15, 2013