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Roadside Inspection Activity Summary Report
Safety Programs
November 2010
What is the Feature?

This month's feature showcases the Roadside Inspection Activity Summary report available in the Safety Programs module. This report presents a breakdown of roadside inspection and violation activity for selected years.

The reports included in the Safety Programs module are updated on a monthly basis with a snapshot of the most current data reported in MCMIS for reviews, roadside inspections, and traffic enforcements. The data presented in these reports are current as of the snapshot date, but are subject to change as new or additional information is reported to MCMIS.

What Can I Learn From This Feature?

The Roadside Inspection Activity Report presents a breakdown of roadside inspection and violation activities for years 2006-2010. The report can be filtered by fiscal or calendar year, carrier domicile (United States, Mexico, and Canada), or vehicle type (trucks and passenger carriers which includes buses, motorcoaches, school buses, limos, and vans). (A)

See text for description of image

The example above shows roadside inspection activity performed on all vehicles (trucks & passenger carriers) for the state of Arkansas for fiscal year 2009 in two views. The color coded 2D chart and data table (B) provides a comparison of roadside inspection and violation activity compared to the National figures.

For example, in 2009, Arkansas reported the number of inspections performed which resulted in no violations to be 36%, where the National numbers were 33%. (C) In 2009, Arkansas reported the number of OOS Violations to be 19% compared with the National figure of 14%. (D)

See text for description of image

Where can I find this Feature?

You can access the Roadside Inspection Activity report by going to Safety Programs module and clicking on the Roadside Inspections, Activity Summary link.

Hazardous Materials Module
A&I Online
October 2010
What is the Feature?

This month's feature showcases A&I Online's recently released Hazardous Materials (HM) module. The module provides reports and analysis on HM activity including Registrations, Reviews, and Roadside Inspections for five years along with current year-to-date information based on the FMCSA Motor Carrier Management Information System (MCMIS). Data will be updated on a monthly basis.

What Can I Learn From This Feature?

Users can access and analyze HM activity based on the following six reports now available as part of this initial release (A):

  • HM Census Registration
  • HM Reviews by Type
  • HM Reviews by Safety Ratings
  • HM Inspections by Level
  • HM Inspections OOS Rates
  • HM Radioactive Material Level VI Inspections

Each report can be generated by year (multi, fiscal or calendar year), carrier domicile and national, state comparison or state-specific views. In addition, data can be displayed as a table and/or graph and downloaded in Excel or PDF formats (B).

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For example, the report below shows the HM Reviews by Safety Rating for California for fiscal year 2009 displayed in table and 2D chart. (B)

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This report presents a breakdown of reviews conducted on HM carriers by safety rating for fiscal year 2009 and includes any review, including Motor Carrier Safety Compliance Reviews or CSA2010 reviews, resulting in a safety rating. The report can be filtered by fiscal or calendar year, carrier domicile, or carrier type.

The data table and 2D color-coded graph provides a side-by-side comparison for the state of California compared to the National figures for the same year. (C).

Where can I find this Feature?

The Hazardous Materials Module can be accessed via the A&I Online homepage.

Accessing and Using DataQs
September 2010
What is the Feature?

This month's feature showcases how to access and use the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration's (FMCSA) DataQs system for filing a request for data review, or data challenge. The DataQs system is an electronic means for filing concerns about Federal and State data released to the public by the FMCSA.

How Does this Feature Work?

The DataQs system (A) provides a single web-based location to file challenges to data released by the FMCSA regardless of the State or Federal office responsible for the data. To file a challenge, users must login to the system using a secure username and password. New users are required to Register Online (B) before a challenge can be entered.

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To access the DataQs system, users can log into the DataQs login page from either SafeStat Online (C) or the Data Quality module. Upon logging in users can begin the data challenge filing process by selecting "Add a Challenge".

See text for description of image

Once a challenge is filed, the DataQs system automatically forwards the information to the appropriate State or Federal office for resolution and provides the requestor with automatic updates when there is a change in status. DataQs also supports FMCSA and States in generating responses. For example, a motor carrier can use the DataQs system to file a challenge to crash, inspection, compliance review and enforcement action data in addition to household goods complaints (i.e., fraudulent or duplicate data). Once the challenge is filed, the motor carrier would be provided with updates on its status until resolution.

Why use this Feature?

DataQs provides users with an easy-to-use system to file and manage challenges to data released by the FMCSA. The system allows individuals to file a challenge through a single system, forwards the challenge to the appropriate agency, and allows the individual to monitor the status of the challenge from initiation through resolution.

DataQs also:

  • Allows documentation to be faxed or transferred into the system for viewing by all involved in the challenge.
  • Retains data challenges and supporting information for future reference.
  • Automatically notifies the appropriate agency when a challenge is filed.
  • Posts agency responses to data challenges and automatically notifies challenge submitters that the response was entered.

Where can I find this Feature?

DataQs can be accessed via the SafeStat Online or Data Quality modules.

Crash Mapping Tool
FARS Location Data Feature
Crash Statistics
August 2010
What is the Feature?

This month's feature showcases the Fatal Crash location mapping option available from the Crash Statistics Mapping Tool. This option allows users to generate a map that displays the location of commercial motor vehicle (CMV) fatal crash involvements from 2005–2008. The data displayed is based on the Fatality Analysis Reporting System (FARS) data source and is updated annually. (Note: 2009 FARS data is not yet available.)

The Crash Statistics Mapping Tool allows users to query, display, print, and download colorful maps and data tables with crash and roadside inspection data. The mapping tool provides a variety of mapping capabilities include viewing the data by calendar or fiscal year, major roads and cities, or by the location where the fatal crash occurred. The tool is based on two data sources: Motor Carrier Information System (MCMIS) and FARS. The MCMIS data is updated quarterly while FARS data is updated annually.

What Can I Learn From This Feature?

You can use the Fatal Crash (FARS) locating mapping feature to easily view the location of CMV fatal crash involvements along with summary table data, for a specific state or the nation. In addition, you can further select the vehicle type (large truck, bus or both) and year (2005–2008 or a specific year within that range) based on your area of interest and add layers, such as city, county and major roadways, to create a customized map.

For example, the map below presents the location of Large Truck Fatal Crash involvements for year 2008 for the state of Massachusetts. The map also includes the "State/County" names and "Major Roads". (A)

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Once the map is created, you can then utilize the zoom in or zoom out features (B) to maximize or minimize specific sections of the map. In addition, the map is available for download and the data tables are available for download for additional analysis. (C)

Where can I find this Feature?

To access the Crash Mapping Tool/FARS Location Data option, click on the Crash Statistics module from the A&I Online's home page. Next, select the State Profiles tab and then click Maps and choose the Fatal Crash (FARS) report from the drop down menu and select "Location of Fatal Crashes."

Large Truck Crash Facts Report
July 2010
What is the Feature?

This month's feature showcases the Large Truck Crash Facts Report located in the National Profiles area of the Crash Statistics module. The Large Truck Crash Facts Report is updated annually and contains descriptive statistics about fatal, injury, and property damage-only crashes involving large trucks and buses in 2008. Selected crash statistics on passenger vehicles are also presented for comparison purposes.

The major source data contained in this report comes from the Fatality Analysis Reporting System (FARS), Motor Carrier Management Information System (MCMIS), and General Estimates System (GES).

What Can I Learn From This Feature?

The Large Truck Crash Facts report was designed to presents a variety of large truck and bus crash statistics, including trend information and data on various crash characteristics. The report is organized into four chapters (Trends, Crashes, Vehicles, and People) which allow users to easily find the data that is of most interest to them.

For example, if you were interested in determining how the current year’s data compares to prior years, you would refer to the Trends chapter. In this chapter you would find large truck crash statistics originating with the first year in which statistics were available for that data source. (A)

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The Crashes chapter contains information on the circumstances, e.g., time of day, first harmful event, etc. surrounding large truck crashes while the Vehicles chapter presents information on large trucks, such as, cargo body type, gross vehicle weight rating, etc. involved in crashes. The People chapter contains information on drivers of large trucks and on people killed or injured in large truck crashes. It also includes some statistics for passenger vehicle drivers in order to make comparisons.

From the People chapter, the example below (B) displays a table of drivers involved in fatal crashes by driver-related factors and violations recorded.

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Where can I find this Feature?

You can access the Large Truck Crash Facts report in the National Profile Reports area of the Crash Statistics module.

Roadside Inspection Activity Summary Report
Safety Programs
June 2010
What is the Feature?

This month's feature showcases the Roadside Inspection Activity Summary report available in the Safety Programs module. This report presents a breakdown of roadside inspection and violation activity for selected years.

The reports included in the Safety Programs module are updated on a monthly basis with a snapshot of the most current data reported in MCMIS for reviews, roadside inspections, and traffic enforcements. The data presented in these reports are current as of the snapshot date, but are subject to change as new or additional information is reported to MCMIS.

What Can I Learn From This Feature?

The Roadside Inspection Activity Report presents a breakdown of roadside inspection and violation activities for years 2006-2010. The report can be filtered by fiscal or calendar year, carrier domicile (United States, Mexico, and Canada), or vehicle type (trucks and passenger carriers which includes buses, motorcoaches, school buses, limos, and vans). (A)

The example below shows roadside inspection activity performed on all vehicles (trucks & passenger carriers) for the state of Massachusetts for fiscal year 2009 in two views. The color coded graph provides a side by side comparison of roadside inspection and violation activity. (B) The data presented shows the percentage of inspections performed with/without violations, as well as inspections performed with OOS violations. The roadside violations graph presents the percentage of violations categorized as OOS violations or other violations.

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This report also provides the user with the options to see this data displayed as a data table (C), as a data table with 3D graphics or as a data table with a formatted trend line. (D) A PDF and Excel option for importing the data and printing the data easily is also available.

Where can I find this Feature?

You can access the Roadside Inspection Activity report by going to Safety Programs module and clicking on the Roadside Inspections, Activity Summary link.

Traffic Enforcement Activity Maps
Crash Statistics
May 2010
What is the Feature?

This month's feature showcases a new mapping feature made to the Crash Statistics Mapping Tool. This update allows users to view a selection of maps which provides statistics on Traffic Enforcement (TE) Activity for years 2006 – 2010.

The Crash Statistics Mapping Tool allows users to query, display, print, and download colorful maps and data tables with crash and roadside inspection data. For every query, results are provided in both map and table format. A variety of mapping capabilities include viewing the data by:

  • calendar or fiscal year
  • state and county, major roads and cities, or by the location where the fatal crash occurred.

What Can I Learn From This Feature?

At the state level, users can view All Traffic Enforcement activity, Traffic Enforcement and Crash Activity, Driver, Vehicle, and Hazardous Material Traffic Enforcements and Out of Service (OOS) Rates for years 2006–2010. (A) The data to generate the maps is retrieved from MCMIS and updated quarterly.

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The example below displays all Traffic Enforcement activity performed for Large Trucks and Buses in calendar year 2009 on the state of Massachusetts. The map displays the data by major city (B) and corresponds to a color coded key that displays the areas where traffic enforcement activity took place within the state. The accompanying data table presents the data by each county within Massachusetts. (C) Users can take the data presented in the table format and download that information into an excel file to be used in other reports.

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Users are also given the option to download the map for insertion into a report or other document and to view the current report in a PDF format for easy printing.

Where can I find this Feature?

To access the Traffic Enforcement Maps, go to the Crash Statisitcs Module located on A&I Online and click Maps under State Profiles.

Data Quality
SSDQ Mapping Tool
April 2010
What is the Feature?

This month's feature showcases the State Safety Data Quality (SSDQ) Mapping Tool available in the Data Quality Module. This interactive tool enables users to display SSDQ evaluation results from 2004 through the current months.

The SSDQ Evaluation was developed by FMCSA to evaluate the completeness, timeliness, accuracy, and consistency of State-reported commercial motor vehicle crash and inspection records in the Motor Carrier Management Information System (MCMIS). The quality of this data is evaluated each month and the States receive ratings of "Good," "Fair," or "Poor" for seven SSDQ Measures. Based on these individual ratings, plus the Overriding Indicator, States receive an Overall State Rating. States also receive a Crash Rating that considers only the SSDQ Crash Measures and the Overriding Indicator.

What Can I Learn From This Feature?

The SSDQ Mapping Tool enables users to choose an SSDQ evaluation report and an evaluation timeframe to create a map that shows the data requested plus a history table for the previous 12 months. Users can query crash and inspection data evaluation results by selecting one of the 10 report measure options then selecting the desired crash or inspection measure from the down menu. The following is a list of the crash and inspection measures available to query.

  1. Overall State Rating
  2. Crash Rating*
  3. Crash Record Completeness*
  4. Non-Fatal Crash Completeness*
  5. Fatal Crash Completeness
  6. Crash Timeliness
  7. Crash Accuracy
  8. Inspection Timeliness
  9. Inspection Accuracy
  10. Crash Consistency Indicator
  11. *Data is only available for these measures since September 2007.

Next, the year and month of interest would be selected.

The example below shows a query to view Crash Timeliness Measure results through December 2009. (A) Once the measure is selected a map of each states crash rating is generated along with a data table. (B)

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Users are also given the option to download the map for insertion into a report or other document and to view the current report in a PDF format for easy printing.

Where can I find this Feature?

To access the SSDQ Mapping Tool, go to the Data Quality Module located on A&I Online and click the Mapping Tool link under State Safety Data Quality.

MCSAP Program
State Quarterly Report and CVSP Data Dashboard Overview
March 2010
What is the Feature?

The Data Dashboard is a new tool that provides a single location to assist states with preparing their Motor Carrier Safety Assistance Program (MCSAP) Quarterly Reports and monitors MCSAP activities identified in their Commercial Vehicle Safety Plan (CVSP).

What Can I Learn From This Feature?

The tool provides quarterly and fiscal year-to-date State-specific data to support reporting on select National Program Elements, including Driver/Vehicle Inspections, Traffic Enforcements, and Compliance Reviews. Users can also view data supporting example State Safety Objectives, including CMV Crash Reduction, which involves data on large truck crash involvements; HM Transportation Safety, which displays HM OOS rates; and Passenger Transportation Safety, which includes data on bus crash involvements. State Safety Data Quality (SSDQ) evaluation results are also available. (A)

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The example below focuses on Driver/Vehicle Inspections for the first quarter of fiscal year 2010 for Massachusetts and is part of the National Program Elements option. The data can also be shown in year-to-date totals for fiscal year 2010.

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The chart above shows the breakdown of state roadside inspections for the selected reporting period for Levels I through VI (B).

The table breaks down this data further by reporting results for each level of inspection ranging from a Level I, which is an all-inclusive inspection, down to a Level VI, which in an inspection of shipments including radioactive materials. The data is reported for non-hazmat trucks, hazmat trucks, motorcoaches, passenger carrier vehicles, and vehicles classified as "Other" (C). The dashboard also displays Driver versus Vehicle inspection statistics. Data will be updated at the end of each quarter, within the fiscal year, with the next update planned for March 2010.

Where can I find this Feature?

You can access the Quarterly Report & CVSP Data Dashboard from the A&I Online Homepage under the MCSAP Program module.

Traffic Enforcement Out-Of-Service Report
Safety Programs
February 2010
What is the Feature?

This month's feature showcases the recently enhanced Traffic Enforcement (TE) Out-Of-Service (OOS) Report available from the Safety Programs module. This report presents driver, vehicle, and hazmat OOS rates for the TE inspection program for years 2006–2010. This report is updated on a monthly basis.

What Can I Learn From This Feature?

The TE OOS Rates report allows users to generate and view summary TE OOS rate information based on their area of interest. For example, the report can be generated at three levels — national, all states or for a specific state. In addition, the report can be filtered by year (fiscal or calendar), carrier domicile (US, Mexico, Canada), and vehicle type (all vehicles, all trucks and passenger carriers) for the most recent five years.

If you were interested in viewing the OOS rates for all states in FY2009, you would select "All States" from the Report Focus option and the year 2009 from the Time Period drop down menu. The example below shows a partial screen shot of the report that is generated from these options. Users can also view the TE OOS rates for individual states or they can utilize the "create peer group" function to select specific states for display. (A)

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Each inspection category displays data for the total number of inspections conducted, the number of inspections that resulted in one or more Out-of Service orders, and the percentage of inspections that resulted in one or more Out-of Service orders. These columns can be sorted by federal or state views. (B)

Where can I find this Feature?

The Traffic Enforcement Out-Of-Service Report is located in the Safety Programs module of A&I Online under the Traffic Enforcement heading.

Peer Group Report Display
Safety Programs Reports
January 2010
What is the Feature?

This month features the "Create Peer Group" option available for all reports on the recently expanded and enhanced Safety Programs area of A&I Online. The Safety Programs area provides information on three safety programs (Reviews, Roadside Inspections, and Traffic Enforcements) established to support FMCSA's mission of reducing crashes, injuries, and fatalities involving large trucks and buses.

In December 2009, the Safety Programs area was significantly enhanced to include monthly data updates, new reports, state and federal data and expanded report filtering and sorting capabilities, including the updated "Create Peer Group" enhancement.

How does the Feature work?

The "Create Peer Group" option provides users with the ability to create reports that display data by FMCSA Service Center, Northern/Southern Border States or any combination of states.

In order to utilize the feature, users would first select a report from the Safety Programs area and then –

  • Select the "All States" Report Focus filter, and
  • Click the "Submit" button to display the "Create Peer Group" display option (A).

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Once the "Create Peer Group" option is presented, users can then build their desired peer group by selecting states or groups of states from the list on the left panel of the tool and then clicking the single Arrow icon to add their selection(s) to the right panel of the tool. (B)

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A report is then generated based on what peer group options were selected. (C)

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In addition, once the peer group is created, users can then select and view other reports in the Safety Programs area for the selected "Peer Group" until the group is either cancelled or cleared. (D) The example below shows the same peer group that was selected displayed in the Safety Audits by Type report.

See text for description of image

Where can I find this Feature?

You can access the reports located in the Safety Programs module from the A&I Online Homepage and then follow the steps above to access the "Create Peer Group" feature.

New and Enhanced Safety Programs Reports
December 2009
What is the Feature?

This month's feature showcases the newly enhanced Safety Programs area of A&I Online.

The Safety Programs area, (formally called Program Measures), provides information on three safety programs (Reviews, Roadside Inspections, and Traffic Enforcements) established by FMCSA to support their mission of reducing crashes, injuries, and fatalities involving large trucks and buses.

New features include monthly updates, new reports, state/federal information and expanded report filtering and sorting.

To illustrate the new features we will walk through the Review Violation Summary report as an example. This report provides Violation Summary data as a result of Reviews performed at the Federal and State level. Reviews covered by the report include: Motor Carrier Safety Compliance Reviews, Cargo Tank Facility Reviews, Shipper Reviews, Non-Rated Reviews (excluding SCRs), CSA Offsite Reviews, CSA Onsite Focus Reviews, and CSA Onsite Comprehensive Reviews.

How will these new Features help me?

New filtering capabilities have been added to enhance this report. These enhancements include the ability to filter by:

  • fiscal or calendar year for years 2006–2010 (year-to-date),
  • carrier domicile (US, Mexico, Canada), or
  • carrier type (Hazmat, All Passenger, Motorcoach, Household Goods) (A)

See text for description of image

The data can also be viewed at a National level, for all states (i.e., a state by state comparison). The example below shows a partial view of the Violation Summary report for All Passenger Carrier Reviews performed at a national level for all states for fiscal year 2009 (B). This report can also be viewed for all states for FY2006–2010 (year-to-date).

See text for description of image

Another new feature includes viewing the data as a data table (C) or as a data table with an accompanying 2D or 3D bar chart. The examples below shows the Violation Summary report for All Passenger Carrier Reviews performed in the state of California and those with Acute or Critical Violations for fiscal year 2009. The 2D graph (D) provides a nice side by side comparison for the state compared to the National figures for the same year. The data is presented as a color coded graph for each violation type.

See text for description of image

See text for description of image

This report also provided a PDF and Excel option for importing the data and printing the data easily.

Where can I find this Feature?

You can access the Violation Summary report by going to Safety Programs' Reviews Area and clicking on the Violation Summary link.

Review Violation Summary Report Enhancements
Safety Programs
November 2009
What is the Feature?

This month's feature showcases the newly enhanced Review Violation Summary report located in the Safety Programs, Review Area. The report provides Violation Summary data as a result of Reviews performed at the Federal and State level. Reviews include: Motor Carrier Safety Compliance Reviews, Cargo Tank Facility Reviews, Shipper Reviews, Non-Rated Reviews (excluding SCRs), CSA Offsite Reviews, CSA Onsite Focus Reviews, and CSA Onsite Comprehensive Reviews.

The Safety Program area, (formally called Program Measures), provides information on three safety programs (Reviews, Roadside Inspections, and Traffic Enforcements) established by FMCSA to support their mission of reducing crashes, injuries, and fatalities involving large trucks and buses.

All reports will be updated on a monthly basis based on data from the FMCSA’s Motor Carrier Management Information System (MCMIS).

What can I learn from this Feature?

The Violation Summary Report provides information to help you analyze an array of violation data, such as –

  • the number of reviews with or without violations recorded;
  • the categories of violations recorded (acute, critical, or other); and
  • the number of violations present (A)

New filtering capabilities have also been added to enhance this report. These enhancements include the ability to filter by –

  • fiscal or calendar year for years 2006 – 2010 (year-to-date),
  • carrier domicile (US, Mexico, Canada), or
  • carrier type (Hazmat, All Passenger, Motorcoach, Household Goods) (B)

See text for description of image

The data can also be viewed at a National level, for all states (i.e., a state by state comparison). The example below shows a partial view of the Violation Summary report for All Passenger Carrier Reviews performed at a national level for all states for fiscal year 2009. The data is presented for each state compared to the national level figures for each violation type. (C) This report can also be viewed for all states for FY2006-2010 (year-to-date).

See text for description of image

Another new feature includes viewing the data as a data table (D) or as a data table with an accompanying 2D or 3D bar chart. The examples below shows the Violation Summary report for All Passenger Carrier Reviews performed in the state of California and those with Acute or Critical Violations for fiscal year 2009. The 2D graph (E) provides a nice side by side comparison for the state compared to the National figures for the same year. The data is presented as a color coded graph for each violation type.

See text for description of image

This report also provided a PDF and Excel option for importing the data and printing the data easily.

Where can I find this Feature?

You can access the Violation Summary report by going to Safety Programs’ Reviews Area and clicking on the Violation Summary link.

A&I Online
Subscription Service Notification
October 2009
What is the Feature?

This month's feature focuses on the A&I Online Email Subscription Service. The subscription service is an email notification offered to FMCSA, State Partners, and the motor carrier community as a way to keep abreast of the latest data updates and enhancements made to A&I Online in an effort to improve motor carrier safety.

What can I learn from this Feature?

You can learn about the latest information or features added to A&I Online, quickly and easily, by simply signing up for the subscription service from the A&I Online Home Page (A). To sign up, a user would choose the "eSubscribe" link from A&I Online's Home Page and be brought to an online form (B) to enter basic contact information. Once you sign-up, you will receive notifications as new content is added to A&I Online. In the event you choose not to receive these notifications any longer, simply reply to the email message and type "unsubscribe" in the subject line.

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If you are interested in learning more about the types of improvements made to A&I Online, you can refer to the "What's New" section of the website. This area provides a historical inventory of all the data releases and enhancements made to A&I Online and highlights the most recent updates on the A&I Online home page (C). Many of these new enhancements are the direct results of the feedback we receive from our stakeholders.

Where can I find this Feature?

You can sign up for the A&I Online Subscription notification service by choosing the "eSubscribe" link located on the A&I Online Home Page and completing the online form.

SafeStat Online
Driver Safety Evaluation Area (SEA)
September 2009
What is the Feature?

This month's feature focuses on the Driver Safety Evaluation Area (SEA) which is one of four SEAs that are evaluated each month in SafeStat to determine the relative safety status of individual motor carriers. The three remaining SEAs are Accident, Vehicle, and Driver. All the SEA values are updated each month based on event and exposure data reported to FMCSA's Motor Carrier Information System.

What can I learn from the Feature?

The Driver SEA evaluates a carrier's driver related performance in regards to safety and compliance procedures. The Driver SEA value reflects a carrier's driver safety posture relative to its peers. Specifically, when calculating the Driver SEA value, the following safety events are evaluated: inspections, compliance reviews, and moving violations. If sufficient data is available, a measure is created for each safety event.

  • The Driver Inspection Measure (DIM) is based on driver roadside OOS inspection violations.
  • The Driver Review Measure (DRM) is based on the violations of driver-related acute and critical regulations discovered during a compliance review.
  • The Moving Violation Measure (MVM) is based on moving violations recorded in conjunction with roadside inspections.

These measures are than ranked and assigned a percentile value (indicator) from 1-100 with 100 being highest or worst. The three indicators Driver Inspection Indicator (DII), Driver Review Indicator (DRI), and Moving Violation Indicator (MVI) are then combined into the Driver SEA value (A). Review the SafeStat Methodology document for a full description of the SafeStat algorithm.

You can then further review the detailed data related to the Driver SEA. For example, you can view the detailed data that relates to Compliance Reviews or Moving Violations or you can select detailed reports relating to Driver Inspections (B).

If you are a motor carrier user reviewing your results, and believe a correction needs to be made to the data, you can click on the DataQs system link. Note: Motor Carrier users may login to A&I Online using the FMCSA portal or your U.S. DOT # and Personal Identification Number (PIN) to obtain more detailed information (C).

See text for description of image

Where can I find this Feature?

In order to review a Driver SEA for a carrier, you must access SafeStat Online and generate an individual carrier’s results by using the search tabs on the module. Access SafeStat Online here.

NAFTA Safety Stats
Border Maps
August 2009
What is the Feature?

This month's feature focus on the NAFTA Safety Stats Border Maps report which allow users to view border crossing data for specific ports of entry in fourteen states.

Data on border traffic is collected by the U.S., Department of Homeland Security, Customs and Border Protection, and provided to the U.S. DOT Bureau of Transportation Statistics on a monthly basis. The NAFTA Safety Stats Module is updated on a quarterly basis.

What can I learn from the Feature?

The Border Maps report presents users with data and statistics on border traffic and trade data for a specific port of entry in fourteen states. A port of entry is selected by first selecting a border state from the pull down menu. Once the submit button has been clicked, a graphic of that particular state appears (A).

Select a border state is highlighted

Next a port of entry is selected by clicking on the desired port (B). The data table presents data for the number of incoming truck and bus crossings between 1999 and 2008. The table also shows the percentage of incoming truck and bus border traffic for the state, U.S- Mexico or U.S.-Canada (as applicable), and all Border States. Data showing the amount of import and export dollars for trade with both Canada and Mexico is also presented (C).

Example of border selection and point of entry

Where can I find this Feature?

You can find the NAFTA Border Maps report by selecting the NAFTA Safety Stats module from the A&I Online homepage and selecting Border Maps from the left side navigation bar.

A&I Online's Feedback Form
July 2009
What is the Feature?

This month's feature showcases the Feedback Form which allows A&I Online users to submit questions or comments regarding A&I Online's functionality and features.

Why is the Feature Beneficial?

The Feedback Form provides users with a simple, easy way to submit questions, request information, provide comments or suggest enhancements to A&I Online.

To use the form, users can click on the "Feedback" link from the A&I home page or any other page on the site (A).

Highlight on Feedback link at the top of the A&I homepage.

The user would then be brought into the web generated feedback form where identifying information is entered and questions as to specific safety data or comments and suggestions can be posed that relate to A&I Online (B).

Example of A&I's online Feedback form

Once the form is submitted, the user will receive an emailed confirmation that their request was received and a response will then be provided either by email or phone by a member of the A&I Online team. In addition, the questions and comments submitted also help the A&I Online team identify new requirements for the site or areas that should be further highlighted.

The example below is a question that was submitted by one our state partners and the response that was given by a member of the A&I team.

Example of a question submitted through the feedback form and the answer from A&I staff.

Where can I find this Feature?

The Feedback Form link is located in the top right hand corner of the A&I Online homepage and any other page of A&I Online.

Passenger Carrier Statistics Module
June 2009
What is the Feature?

This month's feature showcases A&I Online's newest module, Passenger Carrier Statistics. The module presents reports focused on passenger vehicles and carriers. All reports provide options to choose fiscal or calendar year, and the carrier domicile (All, United States, Canada, and Mexico). The module is updated on a monthly basis.

What can I learn from the Feature?

Users can access a variety of information on passenger vehicles and carriers and view the data based on their specific needs. For example, the module includes reports in the following areas:

  • Authority Granted — Applications Submitted and Granted
  • Compliance Reviews — Summary Activity, Monthly Activity, and Violation Details
  • Roadside Inspections — Summary and Violation Details
  • Safety Audit — Summary Activity

Each report allows for further stratification by Year (calendar or fiscal year), Carrier Domicile, Carrier Type, and National or State views. In addition, some reports may allow for further filtering for more specific analysis.

For example, if you were interested in obtaining information on the number of Driver Inspections in Massachusetts for fiscal years 2005–2009, you would:

  • Select the "Roadside Inspection" report area
  • Click on the "State" radio button and choose Massachusetts
  • Click on the "Inspection Type" pull down and pick "Driver" , and
  • Click on "Submit" (A)

Passenger Carrier Driver Inspections webpage.

The report generated, Passenger Carrier — Driver Inspections, (B) would then present a breakdown of driver inspections conducted by Federal and State personnel on motorcoaches, school buses, vans, limousines, and buses for fiscal years 2005 – 2009 operated by all domiciled carriers.

You can then download the report to a PDF or excel file for further analysis and/or insertion into a report. (C)

Passenger Carrier Driver Inspections webpage.

Where can I find this Feature?

The Passenger Carrier Statistics module can be accessed via the A&I Online Home Page.

Data Quality
New State Data Analysis Reports
May 2009
This Month's Feature

This month's feature showcases two new reports added to the State Data Analysis Reports area of the Data Quality module. The Crash Record Completeness: Monthly Analysis report and the Complete Record Analysis report have been developed to provide additional information to assist States in identifying and monitoring their state's data quality activities that directly impact their monthly State Safety Data Quality (SSDQ) evaluation results.

What is the Feature?

Crash Record Completeness: Complete Record Analysis Report

The "Complete Record Analysis" report presents an analysis of all FMCSA-required fields in each crash record submitted to FMCSA. A crash record contains information important to identify the carrier and driver, the location of the crash, if hazardous materials were transported, and the sequence of crash events. A field is considered complete if it contains any data. Monitoring the completeness of the fields is important to FMCSA and the States for complete and accurate reporting purposes. In the example below, (A) the field name labeled "First Name" shows that 2,673 crash records were evaluated. Out of 2,673 crash records, the field "First Name" was completed in 2,523 crash records making the reporting of that field 95% complete for the State of Massachusetts.

Massachusetts Crash Record Completeness report example.

Crash Record Completeness: Monthly Analysis Report

The "Monthly Analysis" report presents an analysis of the driver and vehicle fields in each crash record reported to FMCSA broken down by 1 month increments for the 12-month analysis period. For each month, the 10 data fields (driver license number, driver date-of-birth, driver first name, driver last name, license class, vehicle identification number, license plate number, vehicle configuration, cargo body type, and gross vehicle weight rating) are individually analyzed for completeness. The example below (B) shows a partial screen shot of the Monthly Analysis report focusing on the Driver Identification Completeness analysis. The data presented shows the "License #" field was complete in 223 out of 235 records from 11/1/2008 –11/30/2008. The field is 95% complete during that month.

Massachusetts Driver Identification Completeness - Monthly Analysis report example.

The records represented in these reports contain all interstate and intrastate carriers and include large truck and bus vehicle types.

Where can I find this Feature?

The Crash Record Completeness: Complete Record Analysis and Monthly Analysis reports are located in the Improvement Tools section of the Data Quality Module under State Data Analysis Reports. They are located on a secure area of the A&I Online website.

New MCS-150 Update Feature
April 2009
What is the Feature?

A&I Online would like to showcase the new MCS-150 Update Notification feature added to the SafeStat Overview page.

The MCS-150 is familiar to most motor carriers because it is one of the first forms a motor carrier files in order to obtain its operating authority and USDOT number. The MCS-150 form provides the Department of Transportation (DOT) with basic information about a motor carrier and its operations (e.g., miles traveled, cargo carried, types of equipment, etc.). The FMCSA regulation on this issue states that all motor carriers, unless exempted, must file either the Motor Carrier Identification Report (MCS-150) or the Combined Motor Carrier Identification Report and HM Permit Application (MCS-150B) every 24 months and this new feature let’s a carrier know it’s time to update their form.

Where can I find this Feature?

This feature can be found when searching for SafeStat information for interstate and intrastate hazmat motor carriers with a registered DOT number. When searching for a carrier using the Carrier Overview page (A) and the data results have been found,

Search for motor carrier safety fitness information.

the date the MCS-150 was last updated will be displayed on the Carrier Information page along with a flag to indicate the MCS-150 data is beyond 24 months and needs to be updated. (B) An "outdated" link is provided which when selected will give the motor carrier a reminder that it's time to update their MCS-150 information. (C)

Carrier information screen.

When a motor carrier logs onto A&I Online using their U.S. DOT number and motor carrier PIN, (D) a more detailed pop up window appears which gives the motor carrier detailed information on the 24 month filing requirement and how to update the registration information with related links and telephone numbers for additional help with updating the registration form. (E)

Carrier information screen.

Data Quality
FARS/MCMIS Matching Tool
March 2009
What is the Feature?

This month's feature showcases the FARS (Fatality Analysis Reporting System) /MCMIS (Motor Carrier Management Information System) Matching Tool available to authorized FMCSA and State enforcement users via the Data Quality module. The Tool was designed to help States reconcile differences between the number of fatal crash records found in the FARS and MCMIS databases. Records are presented in sets as "matched", "potentially matched", and "not matched" at the National and State levels.

The Tool was recently updated based on the December 19, 2008 MCMIS data snapshot and the 2007 Fatality Analysis Reporting System (FARS) fatal crash data.

What can I learn from this Feature?

Users can review the results of the Tool to determine if all reportable fatal large truck and bus crash records have been reported to MCMIS from their State database and/or whether records may have been incorrectly categorized in MCMIS or FARS. For example, if you were interested in a specific State's results you would select "State Results" (A), and select a State to view the results for the following three categories:

  • Records Matched — One FARS crash record is matched to one MCMIS fatal crash record for one calendar year.
  • Records Potentially Matched — The records that were not definitely matched by the matching algorithm were evaluated as potential matches against non-truck and bus vehicle types in FARS (e.g., car, small truck) and MCMIS non-fatal crash records.
  • Records Not Matched — The FARS and MCMIS fatal crash records that were evaluated by the matching algorithm but could not be matched are identified in two separate lists: FARS Truck and Bus records, and MCMIS fatal crash records. (C)

FAR/MCMIS Fatal Crash Record Matching Tool.

You could then review these results and determine what additional steps may need to be taken to reconcile the databases.

The Tool also allows you to add comments to each record (or pair of records) to describe the steps the State has taken to match a record or reasons why records may not match. To add a comment, you would select the "Yes" radio button next to the Show Comments option and then select the "Add Comment" link displayed on the results page. (D)

In addition to the State Specific results, users can also view National results. For example, if you were interested in viewing the FARS to MCMIS matched results for all States, you would select the "National Results" link. (B)

Where can I find this Feature?

Authorized FMCSA and State enforcement users can access the FARS/MCMIS Matching Tool by first logging into the A&I Online website and selecting Data Quality from the A&I Online main menu, or simply click here.

Accessing and Using DataQs
February 2009
What is the Feature?

This month's feature showcases how to access and use the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration’s (FMCSA) DataQs system for filing a data challenge. The DataQs system is an electronic means for filing concerns about Federal and State data released to the public by the FMCSA.

How Does this Feature Work?

The DataQs system (A) provides a single web-based location to file challenges to data released by the FMCSA regardless of the State or Federal office responsible for the data. To file a challenge, users must login to the system using a secure username and password. New users are required to Register Online (B) before a challenge can be entered.

DataQs provides a single web-based location to file challenges to data released by the FMCSA.

To access the DataQs system, users can log into the DataQs login page from either SafeStat Online (C) or Data Quality. Upon logging in users can begin the data challenge filing process by selecting "Add a Challenge".

To access the DataQs system, users can log into the DataQs login page from SafeStat Online.

Once a challenge is filed, the DataQs system automatically forwards the information to the appropriate State or Federal office for resolution and provides the requestor with automatic updates when there is a change in status. DataQs also supports FMCSA and States in generating responses. For example, a motor carrier can use the DataQs system to file a challenge to crash, inspection, compliance review and enforcement action data in addition to household goods complaints (i.e., fraudulent or duplicate data). Once the challenge is filed, the motor carrier would be provided with updates on its status until resolution.

Why use this Feature?

DataQs provides users with an easy-to-use system to file and manage challenges to data released by the FMCSA. The system allows individuals to file a challenge through a single system, forwards the challenge to the appropriate agency, and allows the individual to monitor the status of the challenge from initiation through resolution.

DataQs also:
  • Allows documentation to be faxed or transferred into the system for viewing by all involved in the challenge.
  • Retains data challenges and supporting information for future reference.
  • Automatically notifies the appropriate agency when a challenge is filed.
  • Posts agency responses to data challenges and automatically notifies challenge submitters that the response was entered.

Where can I find this Feature?

The feature can be reached by accessing the SafeStat Online or Data Quality modules or directly at click here.

Crash Statistics
Crash Statistics Mapping Tool
January 2009
What is the Feature?

This month’s feature showcases the Crash Statistics Mapping Tool available from the Crash Statistics Module. This tool allows users to dynamically generate, display, print, and download maps and tables with crash and inspection and other geographic information related to large truck and bus crashes and inspections in the United States.

The Crash Statistics module is updated semi-annually based on fatal and non-fatal crash data from the Motor Carrier Management Information System (MCMIS) and annually with fatal crash data from the Fatality Analysis Reporting System (FARS). This month’s feature is based on the September 26, 2008 data snapshot.

How Does this Feature Work?

The Crash Statistics Mapping Tool allow users to dynamically generate maps and tables displaying large truck or bus crash and inspection data at a National, State, or county level. Crash data is currently available for five years (2003-2007) while inspection data is available for three years (2005-2007) (A).

Maps and data tables can be generated based on the number of large trucks or buses involved in (B):

  • Fatal Crashes (FARS or MCMIS)
  • Non-Fatal Crashes (MCMIS)
  • Tow-away, Injury, or HM Crashes (MCMIS)
  • Number of Injuries or Fatalities (FARS or MCMIS)
  • Crashes and Inspections

In addition, maps and tables can be generated for All Inspections or Driver, Vehicle, and HM Inspections and Out-of-Service (OOS) Rates.

US: Large Trucks Involved in Fatal and Non-fatal Crashes (FARS & MCMIS) (CY 2007)

In addition, users have the option to display State and county names, major roads, major cities, and the location of fatal crashes. (B)

Why use the Crash Mapping Tool?

The tool allows you to quickly access a variety of large truck and bus crash and inspection statistics at the National, State and county level. For example, the dynamic color-coded maps provide an exceptional option for quickly analyzing where types of crashes occur and their frequency down to the county level (when generating maps by State).

Along with the map display, users automatically view a "History Report" (C) that shows the most current five years of data displayed by county name in both calendar and fiscal year formats. In addition, users can download the map by selecting the "Downloadable Map" (D) link, copying the image, and pasting it into a document.

Users can download the map by selecting the 'Downloadable Map'

Where can I find this Feature?

You can access the Crash Statistics Mapping Tool in the Crash Statistics module, State Profiles area, from A&I Online’s home page by clicking on Crash Statistics and selecting State Profiles. Or, just click here.

Program Measures
Program Effectiveness sub-module
December 2008
What is the Feature?

This month’s feature showcases Program Measures’ Program Effectiveness sub-module. The sub-module presents research based on two models that measures the effectiveness of three FMCSA Safety Programs: Compliance Reviews (CRs), Roadside Inspections, and Traffic Enforcement.

What can I learn from this Feature?

You can access information to learn about the effectiveness of these programs in terms of crashes and reducing the number of related injuries and fatalities based on two models: the Compliance Review Effectiveness Model and the Intervention Model: Roadside Inspection and Traffic Enforcement Effectiveness Model (A).

The Compliance Review Effectiveness Model was developed to measure the effectiveness of the CR in terms of crashes avoided, injuries avoided, and lives saved. The results of the model show the benefits of the CR and also illustrate that certain motor carriers respond to CRS (i.e., lower their crash rates more) than other motor carriers.

The Intervention Model is based on the premise that Roadside Inspections and Traffic Enforcements —directly and indirectly contribute to a reduction in crashes as a result of the intervention.

Compliance Review Effectiveness Model and the Intervention Model: Roadside Inspection and Traffic Enforcement Effectiveness Model

The results of these two models are presented as one-page summaries and detailed technical reports located within the Program Effectiveness sub-module and can be used by FMCSA managers to study the effectiveness and benefits of implementing these important safety initiatives. (B)

Where can I find this Feature?

You can access Program Measures' Program Effectiveness sub-module, by selecting Program Measures from A&I Online’s home page. Next, select "Program Effectiveness" from the tabs or, just: click here.

FARS Reports
Crash Statistics/National Profiles Area
November 2008
What is the Feature?

This month’s feature showcases eighteen (18) updated Fatality Analysis Reporting System (FARS) reports that are available through the Crash Statistics module. These reports contain descriptive statistics about fatal crashes that involved large trucks, motor coaches, and buses for each state and can be used to analyze multi-year trends.

The FARS is a census of crashes involving any motor vehicle on a traffic-way, but only fatal crashes. FARS is maintained by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA).

What can I learn from this Feature?

The reports can be used to analyze State trends for a variety of fatal crash reports, e.g., large truck, motor coach, and bus crash statistics from 1994 – 2007. This information can be used to analyze States’ trends and to monitor areas for commercial motor vehicle improvement.

For example, to view statistics for all buses involved in fatal crashes for years 1994 – 2007, a user would select the Table 8 (A) report to view this data. Users can view other reports related to fatal crash involvements including the number of Large Trucks Involved in Fatal Crashes, the number of Motor Coaches involved in Fatal Crashes, and the resulting number of Fatalities in these crashes to name just a few. These reports are available in PDF, Excel, or simple text formats (B).

FARS Reports section (A). Table 8 - All Buses Inovolved in Fatal Crashes (B)

Where can I find this Feature?

To access the updated FARS reports simply select the Crash Statistics module from A&I Online, then select National Profiles from the top navigation bar and scroll down to the State Comparison reports. The reports are listed under the subheading "FARS Reports". These reports can also be accessed via the Analysis Results and Reports module of the A&I Online.

Analysis Results and Reports
Presentations and Outreach Area
October 2008
What is the Feature?

This month’s feature showcases the Presentations and Outreach area of the Analysis Results & Reports module. Many of the presentations contained in this area have been used in conjunction with various conferences and training venues and can now be adapted for your use.

What can I learn from this Feature?

The Presentations and Outreach area is divided into six sections (A):

  • A&I Online
  • SafeStat Online
  • Crash Statistics
  • Program Effectiveness
  • Data Quality
  • FMCSA Tools

The Presentations and Outreach area is divided into six sections.

Users can access the materials provided in each of these areas to gain an overview of the topic presented. In addition, FMCSA and State enforcement personnel can use these materials in their outreach efforts.

For example, the SafeStat Online section includes presentations on how to access SafeStat results as a motor carrier user and an excellent overview of the SafeStat process, including how safety data is used to calculate a SafeStat score (B). These presentations could be used to educate a motor carrier on SafeStat’s methodology and how SafeStat can be used to monitor their SafeStat results.

The SafeStat Online section includes presentations on how to access SafeStat results.

In addition, the Data Quality section includes presentations that highlight various data quality initiatives within FMCSA’s Data Quality Improvement program. These presentations provide information on how FMCSA is working to improve the quality of state-reported safety data, including why this data is important (C).

The Data Quality section includes presentations that highlight various data quality initiatives.

Some of the other information users can access from this area include information on various webinars given throughout the year on topics such as overviews of our A&I Modules, proposed new safety measures, and the new FARS/MCMIS Matching Tool.

Where can I find this Feature?

To access these presentations, select the Presentations and Outreach section located in the Analysis Results & Reports module on A&I Online.

NAFTA Safety Stats
Border Crossing Summary Report
September 2008
What is the Feature?

This month’s feature showcases the Border Crossing Summary report located within NAFTA Safety Stats. The Border Crossing Summary report presents statistics on incoming border traffic by State Port of Entry, the number of crossings recorded, and the percent of crossings from 1997-2006. Data on inbound border traffic is collected by the U.S. Customs Service and provided to the U.S. DOT Bureau of Transportation Statistics on a monthly basis. The U.S. Customs Service does not collect comparable data on outbound vehicles.

The NAFTA Safety Stats Module includes information and statistics on the U.S operations of interstate motor carriers and intrastate HM motor carriers registered in the U.S for the three North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) nations: the United States, Canada, and Mexico.

What can I learn from this Feature?

Users have the ability to view incoming border crossing statistics based on the number of trucks and buses that cross into the 14 U.S. border states.

Users have the ability to view incoming border crossing statistics based on the number of trucks and buses that cross into the 14 U.S. border states

The data presented in the report can be displayed by year using the pull down option and in different formats by simply selecting from the "border" or "vehicle" radio buttons.

The "border" radio button allows users to see statistics by: (A)

  • All Border States
  • US-Canada Border
  • US-Mexico Border

The "vehicle" radio button allows users to see data displayed by: (A)
  • Both Truck and Bus Crossings
  • Truck Crossings
  • Bus Crossings

Once the report has been generated, users will see data displayed by the port of entry for each border state, the numbers of crossings for each port of entry and the total percent of each crossing (B) . The Border Crossing Summary report shows users which state’s port of entry has the highest number of crossings, as well as which state’s port of entry has the fewest number of crossings. In the example above, we can see that Laredo, TX (C) had the highest number of crossings for a Southern border state. You can also see that Detroit, MI (D) had the highest number of crossings recorded for a Northern border state while Nighthawk, WA (E) recorded the lowest number of crossings for a Northern border state.

Where can I find this Feature?

You can access NAFTA Safety Stats from A&I Online’s home page. Next, select "Border Crossing Summary" from the side navigation bar. Or, just: click here.

SafeStat Online
Detailed Crash Report
August 2008
What is the Feature?

This month’s feature showcases the Detailed Crash Report available through SafeStat Online. The Detailed Crash Report is available through the Accident Safety Evaluation Area (SEA).

What can I learn from this Feature?

The Detailed Crash Report gives users the ability to view detailed information related to any state reported crash involving a large truck or bus. This feature allows users to view the specific details of a crash with regards to carrier information, crash details such as the number of fatalities or injuries, location, crash environment, vehicle and driver information. (A)

View crash details such as the number of fatalities or injuries, location, crash environment, vehicle and driver information.

Where can I find this Feature?

You can access SafeStat Online’s Detailed Crash Report by selecting SafeStat Online from A&I Online’s main menu. Next, enter a carrier by DOT# or name. Once the carrier information is displayed, then select the Accident button from the SafeStat menu bar at the top of the page. (B). The Accident SEA area provides crash information for Compliance Reviews and state reported crashes. To access information for state reported crashes, select the View Detail Data link (C). This option presents a list of crashes for the past 30 months. Next, select the record number in the first column to view the details of the crash (D).

To access SafeStat Online, click here.

To view the details of the crash.

Large Truck Crash Facts Report
July 2008
What is the Feature?

This month's feature showcases the Large Truck Crash Facts Report located in the National Profiles area of the Crash Statistics module. The Large Truck Crash Facts Report is updated annually and contains descriptive statistics about fatal, injury, and property damage-only crashes involving large trucks in 2006. This year’s report includes, for the first time, ten tables that show bus crash statistics.

The major sources for the data contained in the report come from the Fatality Analysis Reporting System (FARS), Motor Carrier Management Information System (MCMIS), and General Estimates System (GES).

What can I learn from this Feature?

The Large Truck Crash Facts report was designed to presents a variety of large truck crash statistics, including trend information and data on various crash characteristics. The report is organized into four chapters (Trends, Crashes, Vehicles, and People) which allow users to easily find the data that is of most interest to them.

For example, if you were interested in determining how the current year’s data compares to prior years, you would refer to the Trends chapter. In this chapter you would find large truck crash statistics originating with the first year in which statistics were available for that data source. (A)

To use this feature.

The Crashes chapter contains information on the circumstances, e.g., time of day, first harmful event, etc. surrounding large truck crashes while the Vehicles chapter presents information on large trucks, such as, cargo body type, gross vehicle weight rating, etc. involved in crashes. The People chapter contains information on drivers of large trucks and on people killed or injured in large truck crashes. It also includes some statistics for passenger vehicle drivers in order to make comparisons.

From the People chapter, the example below (B) displays a table of drivers involved in fatal crashes by driver- related factors and violations recorded.

To use this feature.

Where can I find this Feature?

You can access the Large Truck Crash Facts report in the National Profile Reports area of the Crash Statistics module or just click here.

Data Quality
SSDQ Mapping Tool
February 2008
What is the Feature?

This month's feature showcases the State Safety Data Quality (SSDQ) Mapping Tool available on the Data Quality Module. This interactive tool enables users to display SSDQ evaluation results from 2004 through the current month.

The SSDQ Evaluation was developed by FMCSA to evaluate the completeness, timeliness, accuracy, and consistency of State-reported commercial motor vehicle crash and inspection records in the Motor Carrier Management Information System (MCMIS). The quality of this data is evaluated each month and the States receive ratings of "Good," "Fair," or "Poor" for seven SSDQ Measures. Based on these individual ratings, plus the Overriding Indicator, States receive an Overall State Rating. States also receive a Crash Rating that considers only the SSDQ Crash Measures and the Overriding Indicator.

What can I learn from this Feature?

The SSDQ Mapping Tool enables users to choose an SSDQ evaluation report and an evaluation timeframe to create a map that shows the data requested plus a history table for the previous 12 months. Users can query crash and inspection data evaluation results by selecting from the 10 report measure options for available years and then select from the drop down menu the crash or inspection measure they want to see data displayed. The following is a list of the crash and inspection measures available to query.

  1. Overall State Rating
  2. Crash Rating*
  3. Crash Record Completeness*
  4. Non-Fatal Crash Completeness*
  5. Fatal Crash Completeness
  6. Crash Timeliness
  7. Crash Accuracy
  8. Inspection Timeliness
  9. Inspection Accuracy
  10. Crash Consistency Indicator

*Data is only available for these measures since September 2007.

Next, the year and month of interest would be selected.

The example below shows a query to view Crash Timeliness results through December 2007 (A). Once the measure is selected a map of each states crash rating is generated along with a data table. (B)

To use this feature.

Users are also given the option to download the map for insertion into a report or other document and to view the current report in a PDF format for easy printing.

Where can I find this Feature?

To access the SSDQ Mapping Tool, go to the Data Quality Module located on A&I Online and click the Mapping Tool link under State Safety Data Quality or just or just click here.

SafeStat Online
Downloadable File of Interstate Carriers
January 2008
What is the Feature?

This month’s feature showcases a new downloadable text file that contains the complete list of over 700,000 Interstate and Intrastate HM carriers available on SafeStat Online. The availability of this data allows users to perform customized analysis. In addition, the data is updated each month to allow for continued trend analysis.

What can I learn from this Feature?

Users can now download the complete list of Interstate and HM Intrastate carriers in order to support their own safety analysis. The data is available via a comma delimited text file (which is suitable for importing into analysis tools) and includes the carrier name (legal and DBA), Safety Evaluation Area (SEA) values (Driver, Vehicle and Safety Management), and the number of power units and drivers. Users can then analyze the data based on their area of interest.

Each new record of the text file starts on a new line and the company name and text information are surrounded by double quotes (A). All fields are separated by commas and contain the following field names (in order) for each carrier:

  1. DOT #
  2. Legal Name
  3. DBA Name
  4. Driver SEA
  5. Vehicle SEA
  6. Safety Management SEA
  7. # of Power Units
  8. # of Drivers

Example of Downloaded Text File

Note: FMCSA is not able to provide any additional analysis support or guidance on using this data file and is simply providing it “as-is” for your use.

Where can I find this Feature?

To access the Interstate Carriers file, go to the SafeStat Online Module and click on the SafeStat Reports tab and then click on the Interstate Carriers link (B) or just click here.

To find this feature.

Data Quality
New State Safety Data Quality Crash Measures
December 2007
What is the Feature?

This month’s feature showcases two new crash measures that have been added to the State Safety Data Quality methodology evaluation. The Crash Record Completeness measure determines a rating based on the completeness of driver and vehicle crash data reported to FMCSA and the Non-Fatal Crash Completeness measure determines a rating based on the percentage of non-fatal crash records reported to the Motor Carrier Management Information System (MCMIS) by the States over a 12-month time period.

What can I learn from this Feature?

The addition of the Crash Record Completeness measure to the State Safety Data Quality methodology allows users to determine if driver and vehicle information on their State crash forms are being reported. This measure's rating (A) is determined by evaluating the completeness of the driver data and vehicle data separately and then averaging these results together. This evaluation includes fatal and non-fatal crash records of interstate and intrastate carriers including large truck and bus vehicle types.

The Crash Record Completeness rating is determined as follows:

Good -Percentage of completed driver and vehicle information is >= 85%;Fair - Percentage of completed driver and vehicle information is 70-84%;Poor - Percentage of completed driver and vehicle information is < 70%

Below are the results of a Crash Record Completeness measure report for the state of Massachusetts.(B)

The completeness of the driver data is determined by the Driver Identification Completeness Evaluation and the completeness of the vehicle data is determined by the Vehicle Identification Completeness Evaluation. (C) Each set of results are determined by calculating the number of crash records with complete driver or vehicle information divided by the number of crash records reported over a 12-month time period.

Results of a Crash Record Completeness measure report for the State of Massachusetts

The addition of the Non-Fatal Crash Completeness measure to the State Safety Data Quality methodology allows users to determine if non-fatal crash records are being reported by the States to MCMIS. This measure's rating (D) is determined based on the percentage of non-fatal crash records predicted to be reported to MCMIS by the States over a 12-month time period divided by the actual number of non-fatal crash records reported to MCMIS by the States. This evaluation includes non-fatal crash records of interstate and intrastate carriers including large truck and bus vehicle types.

Below are the results of the Non-Fatal Crash Completeness Measure evaluation for the State of Massachusetts.(E)

Good - Percentage of non-fatal crash records reported is >= 75%;Fair - Percentage of non-fatal crash records reported is 50-75%;Poor - Percentage of non-fatal crash records reported is < 50%;Insufficient Data - State has < 15 average # of fatal crash records AND percentage of non-fatal crash records reported is < 50%

Results of the Non-Fatal Crash Completeness Measure evaluation for the State of Massachusetts

Where can I find this Feature?

You can learn more about these new crash measures, as well as the existing crash measures used to calculate the State Safety Data Quality evaluation results, by accessing the Data Quality module from A&I Online’s homepage and clicking on "Methodology" from the Evaluations section or click here.

Passenger Carrier Safety

November 2007
What is the Feature?

This month’s feature showcases A&I Online’s Passenger Carrier Safety, a one-stop source for safety information designed to inform consumers about passenger carriers that are licensed to operate motor coach, school bus, van/mini bus, and limousine services in interstate commerce.

What can I learn from this Feature?

Passenger Carrier Safety benefits the public by providing them with up-to-date safety information to assist in selecting the safest passenger carrier companies available to meet their needs. Users can use the site to determine the type of carrier that best fits their travel requirements and then use the search options to identify passenger carriers that serve their area and retrieve their safety information.

For example, to start the search, users simply type the zip code or select a state from a drop down box. Next, users have the option to select the vehicle type they want whether that is a motorcoach, school bus, van, or limousine. If the user knows the company name, then an option to search by company name is also provided. (A) Once the information is entered, users can then review all the carriers found by their inquiry.

Search by zip code, state, or by company name

The example below shows the user a partial list of limousine carriers in the state of California and displays their latest Safety Rating and principal location. (B)

A partial list of limousine carriers in the state of California

To view more specific information on a particular carrier, a user can select (C) the carrier’s name to obtain a more detailed carrier report.(D)

Detailed carrier report

Note: This list does not include passenger carriers that only operate in intrastate commerce (transportation wholly within the borders of a single State). You may want to consult your local phone directory or other source for intrastate transportation service providers.

Where can I find this Feature?

You can access the Passenger Carrier Safety website from A&I Online’s home page, or simply click here.

SafeStat Online
Intrastate Non-Hazmat Carrier Results and Reports

October 2007
What is the Feature?

This month’s feature showcases SafeStat Online’s new Non-Hazmat (HM) Intrastate capabilities which allow users to access detailed SafeStat Results, including motor carrier safety data for registered Intrastate Non-Hazmat (HM) Carriers. Prior to this enhancement, limited SafeStat results for Non-HM Intrastate carriers were available only to FMCSA and State Enforcement personnel in 24 states. New reporting capabilities are also featured.

What can I learn from this Feature?

Users can learn how to access registered Non-HM Intrastate carrier SafeStat Results and learn more about recent enhancements to Non-HM Intrastate reports.

To access Intrastate SafeStat results, a user could search via the "Single Carrier Search" (A) tab or by selecting the "Carrier List" tab (B) and then select either All Locations or a by selecting a State (C).

To access Intrastate SafeStat results, a user could search via the Single Carrier Search tab or by selecting the Carrier List tab

Once the results are displayed, a user can click on the carrier’s name (D) and detailed SafeStat Results such as vehicle inspection data, accident data and enforcement history (E) can be accessed.

Once the results are displayed, a user can click on the carrier’s name

Results such as vehicle inspection data, accident data and enforcement history can be accessed

Note: Motor Carriers and FMCSA and State Enforcement users would have the ability to access additional detailed safety data – such as SafeStat Score and driver data - by first logging on to A&I Online via the A&I Login button (appears on all pages in the top right hand corner).

In addition to the expanded SafeStat Results for registered Non-HM Intrastate carriers, enhanced reports are now available to authorized FMCSA and State Enforcement users via the UAS log-in system. To access these reports, a user must select the "SafeStat Reports" tab and then selecting the "Monthly Intrastate Non-Hazmat Carrier Reports" area. (F) and (G)

To access these reports, a user must select the SafeStat Reports tab and then selecting the Monthly Intrastate Non-Hazmat Carrier Reports area

Users can select the report and state they wish to view once in the Intrastate Report area

The first report, The Monthly Intrastate Non-Hazmat Carrier Report, has been updated to allow FMCSA and State Enforcement users the capability to select the Intrastate carriers based on different filters such as, SafeStat category or all carriers.

The second report, The Intrastate Contact Information Report, is a new report that provides carrier address and contact information for all non HM Intrastate carriers registered by state. Both reports allow for further filters by the date the carrier initially registered with the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration.

Where can I find this Feature?

You can access the SafeStat Online Intrastate Carrier Results and Reports by selecting SafeStat from A&I Online’s home page or, just: click here.

Program Measures Traffic Enforcement
National Reports Section

September 2007
What is the Feature?

This month’s feature showcases the National Reports area of the Program Measures Traffic Enforcement (TE) sub-module. The TE sub-module provides information about the Commercial Motor Vehicle (CMV) Traffic Enforcement Program for three calendar years. In August 2007, the applicable Traffic Enforcement violations were updated to reflect changes resulting from SAFETEA-LU legislation and recent Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) studies.

The TE sub-module is updated semi-annually. It currently includes 2006 data based on the March 23, 2007 Motor Carrier Management Information System (MCMIS) snapshot.

What can I learn from this Feature?

You can analyze Traffic Enforcement activity on a national level by viewing two different reports located within the National Reports area. For example, the first report Activity Summary (A), shows that there has been a slight increase in the amount of annual TE activity (B) from 2004-2006. It also illustrates that the percentage of all Roadside Inspection activity attributed to TE activity has increased slightly, i.e., from 22% in 2004 to ~23% in 2006 (C).

A - Activity Summary Report, B - slight increase in the amount of annual TE activity 2004-2006, C - slight increase inRoadside Inspection activity attributed to TE activity from 2004-2006

The Violation Detail (D) report allows you to further analyze the types of violations cited on a national level. The report was recently updated and re-organized to display a new set of categories for Traffic Enforcement Violations: Moving Violations, Drug & Alcohol Violations, Railroad Crossings, and Miscellaneous Violations. The violation types have also been renumbered.

The Violation Detail report allows you to further analyze the types of violations cited on a national level

Where can I find this Feature?

You can access Program Measures Traffic Enforcement (TE) sub-module by selecting Program Measures from A&I Online’s home page. Next, select "Traffic Enforcement" from the tabs and then "National Reports." Or, just: click here.

Intervention Model: Roadside Inspection and
Traffic Enforcement Effectiveness Assessment

August 2007
What is the Feature?

This month’s feature showcases the updated Intervention Model results released in July 2007. These updated results are based on calendar year 2005 using a Motor Carrier Information System (MCMIS) snapshot of March 31, 2006.

The Intervention Model was developed by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) to measure the effectiveness of roadside inspections and traffic enforcements in terms of crashes avoided, injuries avoided, and lives saved.

The analysis is presented as three separate reports (A) located within the Program Effectiveness section of the Program Measures module.

  • The One Page Summary provides a brief overview of the 2005 Intervention Model analysis at the national level.
  • The Executive Summary provides a brief discussion of the Intervention Model methodology, detailed description of the 2005 Intervention Model analysis, along with national and state results.
  • The Technical Document provides in-depth discussions of the methodology used in the analysis.

What can I learn from this Feature?

You can learn about the effectiveness of two key FMCSA safety programs: roadside inspection and traffic enforcement on a national or state basis and review the methodology that led to these results.

For example, the Intervention Model is based on the premise that correcting vehicle and driver defects, as a result of roadside inspections and traffic enforcements, directly and indirectly contribute to a reduction in crashes. The model includes two sub-models that are used for measuring these different effects:

  • Direct effects: Are based on the assumption that vehicles and/or driver defects discovered and then corrected as the result of interventions, reduce the probability that these vehicles/drivers will be involved in subsequent crashes.
  • Indirect effects: Are the by-products of the carriers increased awareness of FMCSA programs and the potential consequences that the programs could impose if steps are not taken to ensure and/or maintain higher levels of safety.

The results of the analysis are presented at the national and state levels in the Executive Summary (ES) document. If you were interested in the program benefits on a State basis you would refer to Tables ES-10-ES-12 (in the back of the document). For example, the example below for Oregon (B) is taken directly from these tables; it displays the estimated benefits in terms of crashes avoided, injuries avoided and lives saved for the Roadside Inspection and Traffic Enforcement Program(s):

(B) 2005 Program Benefits for Oregon
Program Interventions Crashes Avoided Injuries Avoided Lives Saved
Roadside Inspection Program 40,535 170 118 6
Traffic Enforcement Program 15,291 137 95 5
Total 55,826 307 213 11

Where can I find this Feature?

You can access the updated Intervention Model results by accessing the Program Measures module from A&I Online’s home page, and then clicking on the Program Effectiveness tab. Or, just click here.

Data Quality
FARS/MCMIS Matching Tool

July 2007
What is the Feature?

This month’s feature showcases the recently released FARS (Fatality Analysis Reporting System) /MCMIS (Motor Carrier Management Information System) Matching Tool available via the Data Quality module (A).

This new Tool was designed to help States reconcile differences between the number of fatal crash records found in the FARS and MCMIS databases. States can review the results of the Matching Tool to determine if all reportable fatal crash records have been reported to MCMIS from their State database. The Tool's methodology defines a "matched record set" between the two databases as a crash that involved at least one fatality, involved a large truck or bus, and contains the same information in several key fields (e.g., county, date, time, VIN, DOT). The results shown are for one calendar year.

The FARS/MCMIS Matching Tool is available on a secure area of A&I Online and can only be accessed by authorized FMCSA and State Enforcement users.

FARS/MCMIS Matching Tool is available on a secure area of A&I Online and can only be accessed by authorized FMCSA and State Enforcement users.

What can I learn from this Feature?

Users can view National and State matching results. For example, if you were interested in viewing the FARS to MCMIS matched results for all States, you would access the "National Results" (B). Or, if you were interested in a specific State’s results you would select "State Results" (C), and select a State to view their matched record set results. The results are displayed in record sets labeled as "records matched", "records potentially matched", and "records not matched". For example, you could click on a tab to get the following detailed information (D).

  • Records Matched - One FARS crash record is matched to one MCMIS fatal crash record for one calendar year.
  • Records Potentially Matched - The records that were not definitely matched by the matching algorithm were evaluated as potential matches against non-truck and bus vehicle types in FARS (e.g., car, small truck) and MCMIS non-fatal crash records.
  • Records Not Matched - The FARS and MCMIS fatal crash records that were evaluated by the matching algorithm but could not be potentially matched are identified in two separate lists: FARS Truck and Bus records, and MCMIS fatal crash records.

National and State results are displayed in record sets labeled as 'records matched', 'records potentially matched', and 'records not matched'.

Where can I find this Feature?

Authorized FMCSA and State enforcement users can access the FARS/MCMIS Matching Tool by first logging into the A&I Online website and selecting Data Quality from the A&I Online main menu, or simply click here.

Program Measures
Roadside Inspection Violation Reports

June 2007
What is the Feature?

This month’s feature showcases the six Violation Reports located in the National Reports section of the Program Measures Roadside Inspection (RI) sub-module.

The Roadside Inspection sub-module provides summarized data for three calendar years on all RIs conducted on motor carriers that transport property or passengers in interstate or intrastate commerce. Inspection activity is based on the Motor Carrier Information System (MCMIS) data source and is updated semi-annually.

Violation Reports located in the National Reports section of the Program Measures Roadside Inspection (RI) sub-module

What can I learn from this Feature?

The Violation Reports section (A) contains detailed violation data at the National level, including violation distribution information, Out-Of-Service (OOS) numbers and the OOS percentage. Three of the reports highlight the Top 20 violations pertaining to Driver, Vehicle, and Hazardous Materials (HM) violations. The remaining reports provide a complete list of all Driver, Vehicle, and HM violations reported for the past three calendar years, 2004 – 2006. (B)

In addition, each report provides users with the ability to view National data statistics pertaining to the total number of violations in each Violation category (Driver, Vehicle, and HM) as well as view the total number of OOS violations.

For example, if a user wants to review the Top 20 Driver Violations for 2006, they would select that report from the menu option. Next, a user could review the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations (FMCSR) Part Number, a brief description of the violation, its distribution, and OOS percentage. (C)

Where can I find these reports?

You can access Roadside Inspection reports by selecting Program Measures from A&I Online’s main menu. Next select the Roadside Inspections tab and choose "National Reports", or simply click here.

Commercial Zone Reports
NAFTA Safety Stats Module

May 2007
What is the Feature?

This month’s feature showcases the Commercial Zone reports located within the NAFTA Safety Stats module. The Commercial Zone reports present summarized statistics on inspections conducted within the commercial zones of the U.S.-Mexico border (A).

NAFTA Safety Stats includes information and statistics on the U.S operations of interstate and intrastate motor carriers registered in the U.S for the three North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) nations: the United States, Canada, and Mexico.

NAFTA Safety Stats - about page

What can I learn from these reports?

Users can access a variety of information and statistics related to inspection activity in the commercial zone including:

  • The number of inspections conducted by federal and state personnel in each US-Mexico border state (Inspection Summary report);
  • The number of inspections, by level and vehicle and driver OOS rates presented by federal personnel and for state personnel in each of the four US-Mexico border states (Inspection Level report)
  • The number and rate of vehicle and driver OOS inspections by federal and state personnel conducted in each US-Mexico border state (OOS Inspections report)

All reports display four quarters (B) of data and a New! grand "Total" (C) table that sums data based on the year and quarter(s) selected using the pull down menus. Data is available for the most current five years. In addition, users can further stratify the data by carrier domicile ('All', 'U.S.', 'Mexico', or 'Canada') and vehicle type ('All', 'Passenger', 'HM') which allows reports to be customized based on area of interest.

Inspection Level report

For example, if users want to compare the total number of inspections by inspection level for each state, they would access the "Inspection Level" report (B).

Users can then review the data by quarter for the selected year and compare it to previous year’s data by selecting the drop down menu (D). If you were interested in viewing this information for US domiciled carriers, you would simply select "US" from the Carrier Domicile radio button. Information can easily be downloaded or printed for additional analysis (E).

Where can I find these reports?

You can access the Commercial Zone reports by selecting NAFTA Safety Stats from A&I Online’s home page. Next, select from the Commercial Zone Reports found in the Program Measures area. Or, just click here.

Accessing and Using DataQs

April 2007
What is the Feature?

This month's feature explains how to access and use the Federal Motor Carrier Administration’s (FMCSA) DataQs system for filing a data challenge. The DataQs system is an electronic means for filing concerns about Federal and State data released to the public by the FMCSA.

How does this Feature work?

The DataQs system (A) provides a single web-based location to file challenges to data released by the FMCSA regardless of the State or Federal office responsible for the data. To file a challenge, users must login to the system using a secure username and password. New users are required to Register Online (B) before a challenge can be entered.

DataQs Login Page

To access the DataQs system, users can log into the DataQs login page from either SafeStat Online (C) or Data Quality. Upon logging in users can begin the data challenge filing process by selecting "Add a Challenge".

SafeStat Online's link to DataQs

Once a challenge is filed, the DataQs system automatically forwards the information to the appropriate State or Federal office for resolution and provides the requestor with automatic updates when there is a change in status. DataQs also supports FMCSA and States in generating responses. For example, a motor carrier can use the DataQs system to file a challenge to crash, inspection, compliance review and enforcement action data in addition to household goods complaints (i.e., fraudulent or duplicate data). Once the challenge is filed, the motor carrier would be provided with updates on its status until resolution.

Why use this Feature?

DataQs provides users with an easy-to-use system to file and manage challenges to data released by the FMCSA. The system allows individuals to file a challenge through a single system, forwards the challenge to the appropriate agency, and allows the individual to monitor the status of the challenge from initiation through resolution.

DataQs also:
  • Allows documentation to be faxed or transferred into the system for viewing by all involved in the challenge.
  • Retains data challenges and supporting information for future reference.
  • Automatically notifies the appropriate agency when a challenge is filed.
  • Posts agency responses to data challenges and automatically notifies challenge submitters that the response was entered.

Where can I find this Feature?

The feature can be reached by accessing the SafeStat Online or Data Quality modules or directly at

How to Access Your
Motor Carrier SafeStat Results

March 2007
What is the Feature?

This month’s feature showcases how a motor carrier can access their carrier’s detailed SafeStat results on A&I Online ( SafeStat is a tool used by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) to prioritize interstate motor carriers for compliance reviews and roadside inspections.

Detailed SafeStat results are also available to authorized FMCSA and State Enforcement users who login to A&I Online via their User Authentication System (UAS) Login.

What Can I Learn From This Feature?

This feature can help a motor carrier user determine their company’s safety fitness, drill down to SafeStat results and detailed safety data, and determine how to submit data challenges through the DataQs system using A&I Online.

In order to implement the feature, a carrier must first utilize the login feature by clicking on the "A&I User Login" button located on A&I Online’s home page (A). Next, the motor carrier user would input their U.S. DOT Number and Motor Carrier PIN and click "Submit" (B).

Home Page and Login

Once the individual is logged in, the word "Logoff" will appear at the top of the screen (C).

Demonstrating Logoff and SafeStat Online, Single Carrier Search

Next, the user would access the SafeStat Online module and search on their USDOT number (D) to access the carrier’s detailed SafeStat results (E), including their SafeStat Score and Accident Safety Evaluation Results (SEA) (F).

Carrier Overview page, showing SafeStat Score

In addition, authorized motor carrier users, can access more detailed data (e.g., driver names) by clicking on the "View Detail Data" from any of the SEA areas (G). Finally, if a carrier would like to dispute the data presented, there is a link to the DataQs system. (H)

Vehicle SEA page and detailed data

Users can access an example of how to access a motor carrier’s SafeStat results presentation by clicking on the Presentation and Outreach area of Analysis Results and Reports Module, then selecting, "SafeStat Online" from the left-hand navigation menu.

Where can I find this Feature?

Authorized motor carrier users can access their carrier’s detailed SafeStat results by first using the "A&I User Login" function and then selecting the SafeStat module and searching on their carrier’s USDOT number.

Analysis Results & Reports
Analysis Reports Section

February 2007
What is the Feature?

This month’s feature showcases the Analysis Reports section of the Analysis Results and Reports (AR&R) module. The AR&R module provides access to the latest research and analysis on truck and bus safety.

What Can I Learn From This Feature?

The Analysis Reports section (A) allows you to access and keep-up-to date on the latest analytical reports categorized by the following motor carrier safety topics:

  • Carrier Reports
  • Crash Reports
  • Data Quality
  • Driver Reports
  • FMCSA Safety Programs
  • Industry Profiles
  • MCSAFE Publications

Analysis Results & Reports main page

For example, users can access the latest research on large truck crash data by clicking on the Crash Report link and then accessing the "Large Truck Overview Report" (B). This report which was published in January 2007 provides an overview of the latest large truck crash data by trends (e.g., vehicles, drivers, environment).

Cover of the 2005 Large Truck Crash Overview

Or, if you are interested in obtaining the latest analytical reports on the motor carrier industry, you would click on Industry Profiles (C) where you could then choose from reports on Safety Performance or Financial and Operating Performance.

Industry Profiles area

For example, users interested in learning about the major issues that affected the motor carrier industry in 2005 and how motor carrier firms responded to those events would select the "Assessing the Motor Carrier Industry and Its Segments: Current and Prospective Issues, 2006" (D). This report relies heavily on industry trade journals, company annual reports and other industry surveys as sources. Special attention is paid to how different firms were affected by these events.

Where can I find this Feature?

You can access this feature by selecting the Analysis Results & Reports module from A&I Online’s home page and then selecting "Analysis Reports".

A&I Online
Navigation Toolbar

January 2007
What is the Feature?

This month’s feature showcases the top navigation toolbar (A) located on every page of the A&I Online website.

A&I top navigation toolbar

What Can I Learn From This Feature?

Users can learn how to access key areas of A&I Online from anywhere in the website as the toolbar is always accessible. For example, the toolbar provides site-wide access to the following links and resources:

  • A&I Home: Users can access a central navigation menu from the various A&I Online modules, along with access to the State Motor Carrier Safety Fact Sheet, the A&I User Login, the A&I Subscription Service, the Feature of the Month, and a scrolling preview of new A&I Online features.
  • What’s New! on A&I Online: This link provides details on the new features that have been added to A&I Online. Additionally, the "What’s New" archives provide a history on what has been added to the site in past releases.
  • Contacts: This link provides contact information for users seeking access to FMCSA and A&I Online staff -- for general questions regarding the A&I modules and other FMCSA related questions.
  • Site Guide (B): This resource provides links to helpful FMCSA related websites (C) and a site map (D) for users to link to most of the information on A&I Online without having to search within each module.
  • A&I Data: This link provides users with access to a schedule of data releases. This includes upcoming data releases and/or annual release dates on a by-module basis. Data source definitions are also included to assist in understanding where A&I Online data comes from.
  • Feedback: The link presents users with a fast and effective way of contacting the FMCSA’s A&I Online support team for general website help and/or comments, suggestions, or questions regarding A&I Online.
  • A&I Site Guide

Where can I find this Feature?

You can access the A&I Online toolbar at the top of each page on the A&I Online website or just click here.

Crash Statistics
Safety Plan Crash Data

December 2006
What is the Feature?

This month’s feature showcases the Safety Plan Crash Data available in the Crash Statistics module. The Safety Plan Crash Data provides authorized FMCSA and State Enforcement users – using their User Authentication System (UAS) password - access to updated State-reported crash records available through the Fatality Analysis Reporting System (FARS) and Motor Carrier Management Information System (MCMIS). This data is updated quarterly.

What Can I Learn From This Feature?

FMCSA and State Enforcement users can access and download detailed MCMIS and FARS crash data for multiple years. The crash data contained in the spreadsheets can be used to modify and monitor existing safety plans and be sorted and filtered to observe specific trends that may be occurring in a user’s state.

To access the Safety Plan Crash Data, FMCSA and State Enforcement users must first login to A&I by clicking on the A&I User Login button located at the top of each screen (A) and entering their login information. Next, they must click on Safety Plan Crash Data (B) to obtain the current state-reported crash data based on the MCMIS and FARS data snapshots. Currently, data contained in the entire report covers 2001 – 2006 MCMIS data, and 2001 – 2005 FARS data.

User must Login then click on Safety Plan Crash Data

The states are grouped by the four Service Centers: Eastern, Midwestern, Southern, and Western and contain detailed spreadsheets providing FARS and MCMIS State-reported large truck and bus crash data. This data is displayed in multiple excel spreadsheets and can be easily downloaded and used for further data analysis. The spreadsheets are displayed as one 5-year snapshot as well as being displayed by individual years. To access these spreadsheets, simply click on the state name under the Service Center location. You will then be prompted to download the information via a zipped file into an excel workbook.

Also located within the site, along with the detailed spreadsheets, is a Safety Plan Training Guide (C) which will help identify safety problems which states may be experiencing and helpful tips (D) on how to use the spreadsheets to sort, filter, and search the data to obtain a more detailed analysis of the crash records provided.

User can link to Safety Plan Training Guide and helpful tips

Where can I find this Feature?

FMCSA and State Enforcement users can access the State Plan Crash Data by logging onto A&I Online’s home page, and selecting the Crash Statistics module or just click here.

Analysis Results and Reports
Presentations and Outreach Area

November 2006
What is the Feature?

This month’s feature showcases the Presentations and Outreach area of the Analysis Results & Reports module. Many of the presentations contained in this area have been used in conjunction with various conferences and training venues and can now be adapted for your use.

What Can I Learn From This Feature?

The Presentations and Outreach area is divided into five sections (A):

  • A&I Online
  • SafeStat Online
  • Crash Statistics
  • Program Effectiveness
  • Data Quality

Presentation and Outreach area is divided into five sections

Users can access the materials provided in each of these areas to gain an overview of the topic presented. In addition, FMCSA and State enforcement personnel can use these materials in their outreach efforts.

For example, the SafeStat Online section includes presentations on how to access SafeStat results as a motor carrier user and an excellent overview of the SafeStat process, including how safety data is used to calculate a SafeStat score (B). These presentations could be used to educate a motor carrier on SafeStat’s methodology and how SafeStat can be used to monitor their SafeStat results.

SafeStat Online section

In addition, the Data Quality section includes presentations that highlight various data quality initiatives within FMCSA’s Data Quality Improvement program. These presentations provide information on how FMCSA is working to improve the quality of state-reported safety data, including why this data is important. (C)

Data Quality section

Some of the other information users can access from this area include information on two effectiveness models (1) Compliance Review Effectiveness and (2) Roadside Inspection and Traffic Enforcement. Both of these presentations discuss the benefits of performing compliance reviews and participating in intervention activity.

Where can I find this Feature?

To access these presentations, select the Presentations and Outreach section located in the Analysis Results & Reports module on A&I Online.

A&I Online
Report Format Options

October 2006
What is the Feature?

This month’s feature showcases the ability to display report data in a variety of format types for many of the reports available on A&I Online’s Crash Statistics and Program Measures modules.

What Can I Learn From This Feature?

The reports available in the Crash Statistics and Program Measures modules are designed with a special drop down box feature (A) that will give the user the ability to see the data they are most interested in displayed in a variety of formats.

Special drop down box feature

By using this drop down box feature, a user can select the "History Table" (B) format to compare multiple years of data to determine if there are any apparent trends over the years. There is also the added feature of being able to download the table data (C) and use the data for further analysis.

By using this drop down box feature, a user can select the History Table. Users can also select a link to Download Table Data.

If the user selects the "Graph" (D) format they will see their data presented in a multi-colored graphical display, and by selecting the "Description" format they can gain access to definitions of terms used in the reports as well as detailed descriptions explaining the data categories.

Graphical display of data

Where can I find this Feature?

To access this feature, select the Crash Statistics or Program Measures modules on A&I Online. Next, select a report within the module, look for the drop down feature at the top of the report and select the "report format" of your choice.

A&I User Login Feature

September 2006
What is the Feature?

This month’s feature showcases the A&I User Login (A) function which enables authorized FMCSA users - (1) FMCSA and State Enforcement Personnel and (2) Motor Carriers - access to detailed safety information that is restricted to the general public. Information restricted to the general public is designated with a locked symbol restricted area - locked and available to authorized users via a secure user name and password. For example,

  • FMCSA and State Enforcement users are required to login via the User Authentication System (UAS). Once logged in, they can access restricted motor carrier safety data, including; SafeStat Scores, Accident Safety Evaluation Area (SEA) values, and FMCSA management reports.
  • Motor Carriers can login using their U.S. DOT Number and Personal Identification Number (PIN) number to access restricted data, such as their Motor Carrier’s SafeStat score (if applicable) and Accident SEA values.

A&I User Login

Once the individual is logged in, the lock will be displayed as open restricted area - unlocked and the word "Logoff" will appear at the top of the screen.

What Can I Learn From This Feature?

Authorized users who employ the A&I User Login feature can access detailed safety information that can be used to improve motor carrier safety.

For example, FMCSA and State Enforcement Users who use the A&I User Login feature can access a growing number of reports and detailed data throughout A&I Online, including:

  • A list of SafeStat Scored motor carriers listed in order of safety fitness by state or service center with access to detailed information including SafeStat scores, Accident SEA values (B), and driver name and license number in the Detailed Crash and Inspection Reports (C) available on SafeStat Online.
  • Monthly SafeStat Analysis Reports for Intrastate Non-Hazmat Carriers for participating states.
  • Quarterly updated Safety Plan Crash Data available through Crash Statistics.
  • Data Quality Monthly Progress Reports which are available through the Data Quality Module.
  • FMCSA Tools module – A&I Online’s newest area developed to support FMCSA and State enforcement users.

Motor Carriers who employ the login feature using their DOT # and PIN # can access their SafeStat Score (if applicable), Accident SEA (B), and driver name and license number in the Detail Crash and Inspection Reports (C).

SafeStat Accident SEA report and links shown to the Detailed Crash and Inspection Reports

Where can I find this Feature?

To access the A&I User Login feature, including information on how to obtain login information for authorized users, click on the A&I Online User Login button from any A&I page or click here restricted area - locked

Large Truck Crash Causation Study (LTCCS)

August 2006
What is the Feature?

This month’s feature showcases the recently released results of the Large Truck Crash Causation Study (LTCCS). The LTCCS is the first-ever national study that attempts to determine the critical events and associated factors that contribute to serious truck crashes. It is based on a three-year data collection project conducted by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) and the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) of the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT).

What Can I Learn From This Feature?

The LTCCS provides access to unprecedented data and information about the events surrounding serious truck crashes. Users can review the causes of, and contributing factors to, crashes involving serious truck crashes nationwide. Knowledge of these events and their impacts allows the DOT and others to implement effective countermeasures to reduce the occurrence and severity of crashes.

While the study data is available on the A&I Online website for data analysts and further research, the supporting analysis briefs and overview materials provide ready access to the study's findings for all interested stakeholders.

The LTCCS Website is organized into three main sections - (A) LTCCS Data and analysis tools, (B) Results Overview and summary information, and (C) Analysis Briefs providing study background and approach.

Large Truck Crash Causation Study (LTCCS) website, Home Page graphic

Where can I find this Feature?

To learn more about the findings of the Large Truck Crash Causation Study including Analysis Briefs, Result Overviews, and Summary Tables, select the Crash Statistics module from the main page of the A&I Online website or click here.

NAFTA Safety Stats
Border Crossing Summary Report

July 2006
What is the Feature?

This month’s feature showcases the Border Crossing Summary report located within NAFTA Safety Stats. The Border Crossing Summary report presents statistics on incoming border traffic by State Port of Entry, the number of crossings recorded, and the percent of crossings from 1996-2005. Data on inbound border traffic is collected by the U.S. Customs Service and provided to the U.S. DOT Bureau of Transportation Statistics on a monthly basis. The U.S. Customs Service does not collect comparable data on outbound vehicles.

The NAFTA Safety Stats Module includes information and statistics on the U.S operations of interstate motor carriers and intrastate HM motor carriers registered in the U.S for the three North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) nations: the United States, Canada, and Mexico.

What Can I Learn From This Feature?

Users have the ability to view incoming border crossing statistics based on the number of trucks and buses that cross into 14 U.S. border states.

The data presented in the report can be displayed by year using the pull down option and in different formats by simply selecting from the "border" or "vehicle" radio buttons. The "border" radio button allows users to see statistics by:
  • All Border States
  • US-Canada Border
  • US-Mexico Border
The "vehicle" radio button allows users to see data displayed by:
  • Both Truck and Bus Crossings
  • Truck Crossings
  • Bus Crossings

Once the report has been generated, users will see data displayed by the port of entry for each border state, the numbers of crossings for each port of entry and the total percent of each crossing (B).

The Border Crossing Summary report shows users which state’s port of entry has the highest number of crossings, as well as which state’s port of entry has the fewest number of crossings. In the example below, we can see that Laredo, TX (C) had the highest number of crossings for a Southern border state. You can also see that Detroit, MI (D) had the highest number of crossings recorded for a Northern border state while Nighthawk, WA (E) recorded the lowest number of crossings for a Northern border state.

Border Crossing Summary report

Where can I find this Feature?

You can access NAFTA Safety Stats from A&I Online’s home page. Next, select "Border Crossing Summary" from the side navigation bar. Or, just: click here.

Data Quality
Monthly Progess Report Area

June 2006
What is the Feature?

This month’s feature showcases the Monthly Progress Report (MPR) area of the Data Quality module. The MPR helps States monitor the quality of data they provide to the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) and to track improvements to the data. The MPR augments the quarterly online State Safety Data Quality (SSDQ) evaluation by providing monthly SSDQ evaluation results and additional supplemental reports. This more frequent and complete look at their data allows States to be more proactive in their approach to data quality.

The MPR is available on a secure area of the A&I Online website and can only be accessed by authorized FMCSA and State Enforcement users.

What Can I Learn From This Feature?

States can monitor the quality of State-reported crash and inspection data to FMCSA and to track their improvements to this data on a monthly basis. The State Monthly Progress Report provides monthly and historical views of the following:

  • Monthly SSDQ evaluation results in the areas of:
    • Fatal crash data completeness
    • Roadside inspection and crash data timeliness
    • Roadside inspection and crash data accuracy
    • Crash data reporting consistency.
  • Supplemental data quality reports that provide:
    • Roadside inspection and crash data duplicate and suspect duplicate information
    • Breakdown of data challenges received through FMCSA’s DataQs system.
There are currently 16 monthly progress reports (A) a user can choose from to track data quality progress. For example, if a user selects the Crash Timeliness Measure report (B), the report provides a graphical display of the percent of crash records submitted within FMCSA’s 90-day time requirement, the SSDQ evaluation results (poor, fair, good) for each month, and shows either an improvement or a decline in their reporting efforts (C).

Crash Timeliness Measure report

The report also provides a table with the number of records reported for each month, the number reported within 90-days, and the rating for each month for a 13-month period. This allows users to see, at a glance, if their reporting efforts have improved or declined (D).

The Crash Timeliness Measure report also provides the actual number of records reported for the month

Finally, States can also choose to see their state’s data displayed by month or by quarter. The monthly view (used in this example) displays the State's current monthly rating followed by the last 13 monthly runs. The quarterly view displays the State's current monthly rating followed by the last four quarterly runs (E).

Where can I find this Feature?

FMCSA and State Enforcement users can access the State Monthly Progress Report area by selecting Data Quality from A&I Online’s main menu. Next, you will have to click on the "A&I User Login" button and login using your User Authentication System (UAS) login. Next, select "State MPR" from the left navigation menu and the list of reports will be displayed.

A&I Online Home Page
State Motor Carrier Safety Fact Sheet

May 2006
What is the Feature?

This month’s feature showcases the State Motor Carrier (MC) Safety Fact Sheet. This report presents an overview of select motor carrier safety data for six calendar years (2000-2006) providing States with a variety of safety information in one place.

What Can I Learn From This Feature?

A user has the ability to view their State’s current State Safety Data Quality Rating, (A) plus see their State’s rating history and view their progress over five quarterly MCMIS data snapshots. Users are also able to see how their state was evaluated for five measures and one indicator:

  • Crash Completeness
  • Crash Timeliness
  • Inspection Timeliness
  • Crash Accuracy
  • Inspection Accuracy
  • Crash Overriding Indicator
Another feature is the ability to view the number of active interstate and HM intrastate active carriers in their State and the nation and the number of SafeStat Scored carriers (number and percent) compared to the nation.(B)

State Safety Data Quality Rating and HM intrastate active carriers and SafeStat Scored carriers

Other features of the State MC Safety Fact Sheet include Large Truck Crash Facts for the last five years. Here a user can view their states crash statistics regarding Fatal and Non-Fatal Crashes, Injury Crashes, Towaway Crashes, and HM Placard Crashes. In conjunction with these statistics users can view the number of injuries and fatalities when these crashes occurred.(C)

Large Truck Crash Facts for the last five years

The State Safety Fact Sheets contains State Safety Program Information for:

  • Compliance Reviews
  • Roadside Inspections (D)
  • Traffic Enforcement
Compliance Review data contains the percentage of satisfactory, unsatisfactory and conditional compliance reviews performed for the last three years. Roadside Inspections contains the percentage of Out-Of-Service (OOS) rates for driver, vehicle, and hazardous materials for the last three years, and the Traffic Enforcement data contain the percentages of specified and unspecified violations for three years.

Compliance Review, Roadside Inspection, and Traffic Enforcement Data

In addition to this MC safety data, the State MC Safety Fact Sheet contains information regarding State’s Commercial Vehicle Analysis Reporting System (CVARS) Funding, MCSAP Funding, and contact information for FMCSA and MCSAP.

Where can I find this Feature?

You can access the State MC Safety Fact Sheet directly from A&I Online’s main page. User’s can either select their desired State by clicking their State on the map or choosing their State from a pull down list above. To access the State MC Safety Fact Sheet, click here.

Program Measures’
Compliance Review Sub-Module
State Reports Area

April 2006
What is the Feature?

This month’s feature showcases the State Reports area of the Program Measures’ Compliance Review (CR) sub-module. This area presents summarized data for five years (2001-2005) based on Federal CRs, including an analysis of each State’s CR activity compared to national activity.

The CR sub-module now includes a "first look" at CR 2005 data based on the Motor Carrier Management Information System (MCMIS) December 23, 2005 data snapshot. The sub-module is updated semi-annually. The next update will be based on a March 2006 data snapshot.

What Can I Learn From This Feature?

You can analyze a State’s compliance review activity relative to the Nation’s overall activity for nine different reports:

  • Safety Rating
  • Factor Rating
  • Violation Summary
  • Violation Distribution
  • Follow-Up Activity
  • Carrier Size
  • Top 12 Acute Violations
  • Top 12 Critical Violations
  • Month of Year
For each report, a user can view the percent of a State’s CR activity compared to the National percent. Reports can be generated for any calendar or fiscal year from 2001 – 2005. For example, if users in Arkansas want to see their State’s Safety Rating results for fiscal year 2005 and compare their data with the rest of the country (nationally), they can access the report by selecting the Safety Rating report (A), and then selecting "Arkansas" from the pull down menu (B) and clicking on "fiscal year" (C).

Reports can be generated for any calendar or fiscal year from 2001 – 2005

Users also have the capability to view only their State’s data for the five year time period (2001-2005) by selecting "History" (D) from the format pull down. The report presents States with information that assist in identifying trends and successful initiatives or areas for improvement.

Users also have the capability to view only their State’s data for the five year time period (2001-2005) by selecting 'History'

Where can I find this Feature?

You can access the State Reports area by selecting Program Measures from A&I Online’s main menu. Next, select the Compliance Review tab and then choose "State Reports." Or, just click here.

SafeStat Online
Inspection by Time Period and All Inspections Reports

March 2006
What is the Feature?

This month’s feature showcases two new reports available through SafeStat Online. The first report, Inspection by Time Period, provides summary inspection information for three time periods over the last 30 month period. The second report, All Inspections, allows users to view all available driver and vehicle inspection data for the same 30 month period. Both reports are available through the Driver and Vehicle Safety Evaluation Areas (SEAs).

What Can I Learn From This Feature?

The Inspection by Time Period report gives users the ability to view summary driver or vehicle inspection information for a specific carrier. Summary information includes the total number of inspections, the number of out of service (OOS) inspections, and the number of non-out of service (OOS) inspections for the three designated time periods (0-6 months, 7-18 months, and 19-30 months) used by the SafeStat evaluation process (A).

The 'Inspection by Time Period' report: view summary driver or vehicle inspection information for a specific carrier

The All Inspections report allows users to view detailed data related to driver or vehicle inspections for the same 30 month period (B). Note: If a carrier has more than 700 inspections, users have the ability to limit the amount of data presented by specifying a date range.

If you would like to view detailed inspection information, users can simply click on the "Detailed Inspection Report" number to access the complete inspection report (C).

The 'All Vehicle Inspections' report allows users to view detailed data related to driver or vehicle inspections for the same 30 month period - to view detailed inspection information, users can simply click on the 'Detailed Inspection Report'

Where can I find this Feature?

You can access SafeStat Online’s Inspection by Time Period or All Inspections reports by selecting SafeStat Online from A&I Online’s main menu. Next, select a carrier through the "Single Carrier" search tab or "Carrier List" search tab from SafeStat’s main page. Once you have generated an individual carrier’s SafeStat Results report, you can access the Inspection by Time Period or All Inspections reports by selecting either the Driver SEA or Vehicle SEA button (D). Next choose the "Inspection by Time Period" or "All Driver Inspections" (if on Vehicle page, "All Vehicle Inspections") from the "Select Detail Data" drop down menu (E). To access SafeStat Online, click here.

Detailed Inspection reports can be accessed in SafeStat from the Driver and Vehicle pages.

State Safety Data Quality Historical Report

February 2006
What is the Feature?

This month’s feature showcases the newly developed State Safety Data Quality (SSDQ) Historical report located within the Data Quality module. The SSDQ Historical report provides a historical review of a State's safety data evaluation results based on the completeness, timeliness, accuracy and consistency of State-reported crash and inspection data in the Motor Carrier Management Information System (MCMIS). The report provides the current month’s results followed by the last four quarters' results.

What Can I Learn From This Feature?

The SSDQ Historical report allows you to monitor data quality improvements to State-reported safety data. The report allows you to access evaluation results – scores of Good, Fair, or Poor - for each State’s overall rating, each performance measure, and indicator (A):

  • Crash Completeness, Timeliness, Accuracy, and Consistency
  • Inspection Timeliness and Accuracy.

Results are displayed in both graphical and tabular format.
Results are displayed in both graphical and tabular format.

If you choose the Crash Timeliness report (B), you can view information on the current quarter and the last four quarters. For example, you can:

  • View a selected State’s crash timeliness rating (C)
  • Determine the number of records added during a particular time period (D)
  • View the percentage of State-reported fatal and non-fatal crash records reported within 90 days (E)
  • Compare the State’s crash timeliness measure percentage to the National average (F)
  • Access detailed methodology information by clicking on "View Description" (G) option.

Crash Timeliness report

Where can I find this Feature?

You can access the SSDQ Historical report from A&I Online’s home page by clicking on the Data Quality module and then Historical report located on the DQ sidebar menu under State Safety Data Quality. Or, just click: here.

Analysis Results and Reports Module

December 2005/January 2006
What is the Feature?

This month’s feature showcases the recently enhanced Analysis Results and Reports (AR&R) module. The module provides access to the latest research and analysis on truck and bus safety.

The module includes three sections that provides access to various motor carrier safety reports.

  • The Analysis Reports section (A) includes analytical reports categorized by motor carrier safety topics that include:
    • Carrier Reports
    • Crash Reports
    • Data Quality
    • Driver Reports
    • FMCSA Safety Programs
    • Industry Profiles
    • MCSAFE Publications
  • The Analysis Briefs section (B) links you to a collection of research publications and technical briefs maintained on the FMCSA website.
  • The AR&R Archives section (C) allows you to obtain past years analytical reports, categorized by topics on motor carrier safety developed by the FMCSA.

A fourth section, Presentations & Outreach (D), provides access to training and outreach materials.

The Search (E) capability also allows you to quickly search the module's resources by keyword or topic to obtain a complete list of resources.

Analysis Results and Reports overview page showing links to Analysis Reports, Archives, Analysis Briefs, and Presentations & Outreach

What Can I Learn From This Feature?

You can keep up-to-date on the latest research and analysis conducted by FMCSA. For example, if you are interested in accessing recent motor carrier crash reports, click on the Crash Reports (F) from the Analysis Reports section. You may view a description of it before accessing the report (G). If you are interested in viewing earlier Crash Report publications, click on Crash Reports (H) under the AR&R Archives section.

Analysis Results and Reports Crash Reports page showing how to navigate to them and their various formats.

Where can I find this Feature?

You can access the Analysis Results and Reports module from A&I Online’s home page by clicking on Analysis Results and Reports.
Or, just click: here.

DataQs Management Reports
November 2005
What is the Feature?

This month features the Management Reports available through the DataQs data correction system. These reports enable FMCSA and State enforcement personnel to easily monitor and manage the data challenges they receive and provide insight into areas where data quality may be improved.

DataQs is an electronic means for motor carriers and the general public to file concerns about Federal and State data released to the public by FMCSA. It provides a single web-based location to file challenges to this data regardless of the State or Federal office responsible for the data. It also allows individuals who file a data challenge to monitor its status, while providing FMCSA and State personnel a tool to manage their data challenges.

What Can I Learn From This Feature?

The Management Reports available through DataQs allow FMCSA and State personnel to summarize the challenges they receive in many ways. They can identify potential areas for data quality improvement within an organization. Specific examples include:

  • summary by type of data quality challenges received,
  • summary by status of the challenges,
  • summary by length of time it takes to resolve (i.e., close) challenges, and
  • summary by resolution (action taken) of challenges.
Most reports are presented in both graphical and tabular format. They can also be filtered by date of challenge entry and/or by agency type. The flexibility available when generating reports can provide users with insight into where training or resources need to be focused to improve data quality.

For example, you can analyze your data quality challenges by the type of challenge by selecting the "Challenge Summary by Type" report. This report shows that 64% of all challenges received are for inspection data (A).

Challenge Summary by Type report. This report shows that 64% of all challenges received are for inspection data.

Insight into the type of inspection challenges is gained by selecting the "Inspection Challenge Type Breakdown" report. This report shows that 68% of inspection challenges are "Inspection-Assigned to Wrong Carrier" (B).

Inspection Challenge Type Breakdown report. Report which shows that 68% of inspection challenges are of type 'Inspection-Assigned to Wrong Carrier'.

You can also learn how many challenges to inspections that are being assigned to the wrong carrier were closed with action taken (which means the data needed correction) by selecting the "Challenge Summary by Type & Status" report. In this example, 452 of 536 challenges were closed with action taken (C). This information may indicate that your agency would improve data quality by providing additional training to properly identify motor carriers during roadside inspections.

Challenge Summary by Type & Status report. 452 of 536 challenges were closed with action taken.

Where can I find this Feature?

You can access DataQs Reports by clicking on the Data Quality module from A&I Online’s home page and selecting DataQs or by selecting ‘How do I correct my data’ from within the SafeStat module. Note: Federal and State Users that do not have a DataQs account need to fill out and submit an FMCSA Accounts Request Form to FMCSA Technical Support in order to obtain access to the management reports available within DataQs.

Next, click on the Reports button (D). (Note: You can view reports based on your user access rights.)

Reports page

Crash Profiles Online
Crash Location Maps
October 2005
What is the Feature?

This month’s feature showcases the Crash Profiles Online module’s Crash Location Maps section. This feature allows users to dynamically generate, display, print, and download maps and tables with crash and other geographic data (using Geographic Information Systems (GIS) technology) related to large truck and bus crashes in the United States.

The Crash Profiles Online module is updated annually based on fatal and non-fatal crash data from the Fatality Analysis Reporting System (FARS) and the Motor Carrier Management Information System (MCMIS). This month’s feature is based on the September 2004 data snapshot.

How does this Feature work?

Crash Location Maps allow users to dynamically generate maps displaying large truck or bus crash data for the Nation, States, or by county in an individual State for the years 1999 through 2003 (A).

Maps and data tables can be generated based on the number of large trucks or buses involved in (B):

  • Fatal Crashes (FARS or MCMIS),
  • Non-Fatal Crashes (MCMIS),
  • Tow-away, Injury, or HM Crashes (MCMIS),
  • Or, by Number of Injuries or Fatalities (FARS or MCMIS)

In addition, users have the option to display data values, State and county names, major cities, and/or interstates overlaid onto the maps. (B)

Users are also able to use tools to dynamically center, zoom in, zoom out, and move (C) the map to a composition that best suits their visual needs.

Crash Location Maps

Why use Crash Location Maps?

These maps contain information that can be used to identify and compare national, State, and county level crash statistics. The GIS graphic representation provides an exceptional option for quickly analyzing where types of crashes occur and their frequency down to the county level (when performing searches by State).

Along with the map display, users automatically view a "History Table" that shows the most current five years of data. A user can also select to view a single year "Table" (D), or a "Description" of the report. In addition, users can download the map by selecting "Save Map Image" for further reference as well as produce a "Printer Friendly Version" of the map and abutting table.

Where can I find this Feature?

You can access the Crash Location Maps in the Crash Profiles Online module, State Profiles area, from A&I Online’s home page by clicking on Crash Profiles and selecting State Profiles. Or, just click here.

SafeStat Online
Detailed Inspection Report
September 2005
What is the feature?

This month’s feature showcases the Detailed Inspection Report available through SafeStat Online. The Detailed Inspection Report is available through the Driver and Vehicle Safety Evaluation Areas (SEAs).

What can I learn from this feature?

The Detailed Inspection Report gives users the ability to view detailed information related to any Driver or Vehicle Out-of-Service (OOS) inspections or any inspection with a moving violation. This feature allows users to view the specific details of an inspection with regards to carrier information, time and location of the inspection (A), vehicle information, violations, and hazardous materials.

Detailed Inspection Report

Where can I find this Feature?

You can access SafeStat Online’s Detailed Inspection Report by selecting SafeStat Online from A&I Online’s main menu. Next, you must generate a carrier’s SafeStat Results report by performing a search through the "Single Carrier" search tab or "Carrier List" search tab from SafeStat’s main page. Once you have a generated an individual carrier’s SafeStat Results report, you can access the Detailed Inspection Report from the Driver SEA or Vehicle SEA area.

For example, you can access detailed inspection data by clicking on the "Driver SEA" and selecting the "OOS Inspections" (B) from the "Select Detail Data" drop down menu or the "View Detail Data" (under Moving Violations Results). Next, select the record number in the first column to view the details of the inspection (C).

To access SafeStat Online, click here.

Accessing detailed inspection data

Program Measures’
Program Effectiveness Sub-module
August 2005
What is the feature?

This month’s feature showcases Program Measures’ Program Effectiveness sub-module. The sub-module presents research that measures the effectiveness of three FMCSA Safety Programs: Compliance Reviews (CRs), Roadside Inspections, and Traffic Enforcement.

What can I learn from this feature?

You can access information that measures the effectiveness of these programs in terms of preventing crashes and reducing the number of related injuries and fatalities based on two models: the Compliance Review Effectiveness Model and the Intervention Model: Roadside Inspection and Traffic Enforcement Effectiveness Model (A).

Specifically, the Compliance Review Effectiveness Model estimates the effectiveness of performing compliance reviews by determining the number of crashes avoided, injuries avoided, and lives saved. Results from this model are available for carriers with CRs in 2002 (B).

Graphic displays screen shot of Program Effectiveness Model

The Intervention Model estimates the benefits of intervention activity (Roadside Inspections and Traffic Enforcement stops) by determining the reduction in the number of crashes and the resulting number of lives saved and injuries avoided. The latest results measure the benefits from intervention activity from 2001 – 2003.

Both models provide FMCSA and State safety program managers with a quantitative basis for optimizing the allocation of field safety resources. The one-page summaries and detailed methodology reports also describe additional ways the models can be used by FMCSA managers to study program effectiveness. For example, the CR Effectiveness Model can be used to reveal the types of carriers that are most likely to respond positively to CRs.

Where can I find this Feature?

You can access Program Measures' Program Effectiveness sub-module, by selecting Program Measures from A&I Online’s home page. Next, select "Program Effectiveness" from the tabs. Or, just: click here.

Program Measures’ Traffic Enforcement
State Reports Area
July 2005
What is the feature?

This month’s feature showcases the State Reports area of the Program Measures' Traffic Enforcement (TE) sub-module. This area presents summarized data (2002-2004) on the commercial motor vehicle Traffic Enforcement Program. The Traffic Enforcement Program is based on twenty-one state or local traffic enforcement violations noted in conjunction with a roadside inspection.

The TE sub-module is updated semi-annually based on data from the Motor Carrier Management Information System (MCMIS). The sub-module now includes 2004 data based on the March 25, 2005 data snapshot.

What can I learn from this feature?

You can analyze a State’s traffic enforcement data relative to National data for four different reports (Activity Summary, Specified vs. Unspecified Violations, Violation Summary and Violation Detail).

Once you select a report, you can use the "Format" pull down to:

  • Display the data as a table or graph
  • Generate a history report showing the trends for the last 3 years, or
  • Access a description of the report.

For example, the Violation Summary (A) report presents a breakdown of roadside inspection traffic enforcement activity by violation type for a selected State and year. The TE violation types are presented by number and percent based on Specified Violations – violations as a result of Serious Traffic violations, Moving and Drug and Alcohol) and Unspecified Violations – violations that are General or Unspecified, Other Vehicle Defects, Other Driver, and Other Moving violations.

Table and History view of the Violation Summary report

The historical view (B) of this report provides the three most recent years of MCMIS data. This might be useful to States performing a safety program analysis to cite trends in State and/or national roadside inspection traffic enforcement activity.

Where can I find this Feature?

You can access Program Measures' Traffic Enforcement (TE) sub-module by selecting Program Measures from A&I Online’s home page. Next, select "Traffic Enforcement" from the tabs and then "State Reports" on the dark blue bar. Or, just: click here.

Monthly SafeStat Analysis Reports for Intrastate Non-Hazmat Carriers
June 2005
What is the Feature?

This month’s feature showcases the SafeStat Reports for Intrastate Non-HM Carriers available through A&I Online. The reports provide an assessment of the safety status of intrastate non-HM carriers. Reports are updated monthly based on data from the Motor Carrier Management Information System (MCMIS).

What can I learn from the reports?

Authorized FMCSA and State enforcement users can obtain intrastate non-HM SafeStat analysis reports for twenty-one participating States via a secure log-in system. Reports can be generated using a pull down menu that allows you to choose a state and create a report for all SafeStat categories or a select SafeStat Category (A-G).

For example: an authorized user (1, see image below) could select the State of Colorado and carriers in Category B (2, see image below) [eligible for a SafeStat score (i.e. at least two SEA values equal to or greater than 75) and with a SafeStat score that is less than 350]. The reports also allow the user to sort by column heading (such as state rank, and DOT#) in ascending or descending order.

Illustration of selection of SafeStat Reports for Intrastate Non-HM Carriers on A&I website

The reports can be used by the states to support state enforcement programs as well as the federal/state Performance and Registration Information Systems (PRISM) program.

Where can I find this Feature?

You can access these reports through A&I Online’s SafeStat Module or through the Analysis Results & Reports module.

Data Quality Module
May 2005
What is the Feature?

This month’s feature showcases the Data Quality module, A&I Online’s newest module. The module presents - in one place - FMCSA resources that allow users to monitor and improve the quality of data submitted by States to the Motor Carrier Management Information System (MCMIS).

Why use the Data Quality module?

The Data Quality Module provides users with a central resource to monitor and improve the quality of MCMIS data. By accessing this module, users can:

  • Obtain the data quality evaluation results on State-reported crash and roadside inspection data in MCMIS (State Safety Data Quality)
  • Link to the DataQs website and file concerns about Federal and State data released to the public by the FMCSA (DataQs)
  • Access reports for analyzing data quality issues (Related DQ Resources). For example (Refer to Figure F1 below), you can select the State Safety Data Quality (1 and 2) link to view how States are evaluated in comparison to FMCSA data quality standards via a color coded map (3) and a Summary Report: State Rating of Crash and Inspection Reporting (4).

State Safety Data Quality, showing how to link to this area - a view of the State rating color coded map and a sample of the data report.

Where can I find this Feature?

You can access the Data Quality module from A&I Online’s home page by clicking on Data Quality. Or, just click here.

Roadside Inspection,
State Reports Area
April 2005
What is the Feature?

This month’s feature showcases the State Reports area of the Program Measures Roadside Inspection (RI) sub-module. This area presents State specific summarized data (2002-2004) along with the related National statistics, for all RIs conducted on motor carriers that transport property or passengers in interstate commerce.

The RI sub-module is updated semi-annually based on data from the Motor Carrier Management Information System (MCMIS). The sub-module now includes 2004 data based on the December 23, 2004 data snapshot.

What can I learn from the feature?

You can analyze State specific data by comparing State and National percentages for nineteen different reports. The reports are grouped into four categories (General, Carriers, Violation, and Hazmat) that assist you in determining your area of interest.

Once you select a report, you can use the "Format" pull down to:

  • Display the data as a table or graph
  • Generate a history report showing the trends for the last 3 years, or
  • Access a description of the report.

For example, the Data Reporting Timeliness report presents roadside inspection activity data categorized by the number of days that elapsed between the date of the inspection and the date the inspection data was entered into the MCMIS system.

If you want to analyze a State’s data reporting timeliness (0-14 days) from 2002-2004, you would select "History" from the Format pull down to generate the report.

Data Reporting Timeliness Report

Where can I find this Feature?

You can access the Program Measures Roadside Inspection (RI) sub-module, by selecting Program Measures from A&I Online’s home page. Next, select "Roadside Inspections" from the tabs and then "State Reports" on the dark blue bar. Or, just: click here.

Program Measures’ Compliance Review,
State Reports Area
March 2005
What is the Feature?

This month’s feature showcases the State Reports area of the Program Measures Compliance Review (CR) sub-module. The State Reports area presents summarized statistics for the five most recent calendar and fiscal years on all CRs conducted on motor carriers that transport property or passengers in interstate commerce.

The CR Sub-Module is updated annually based on data from the Motor Carrier Management Information System (MCMIS). The module now includes 2004 data based on the December 23, 2004 data snapshot.

What can I learn from the feature?

You can easily review State specific CR statistics and compare the information to National statistics by accessing any one of the nine reports available on the following topics:

  • Safety Rating
  • Factor Rating
  • Violation Summary
  • Violation Distribution
  • Follow-up Activity
  • Carrier Size
  • Top 12 Acute Violations
  • Top 12 Critical Violations
  • Month of Year
For example, the Safety Rating report includes state specific statistics (A), national statistics (B), and the state-national percent difference (C) that allow the user to view how a given state’s data compares to national values, along with the amount of variance (if any).

Safety Rating report

You can also access information on a calendar or fiscal year basis for the current year or any previous year by selecting from the "Select Year" pull down and "Year" radio button options. To generate one report that includes statistics for the five previous years, you would simply use the "Format" pull down and select "Historical."

Where can I find this Feature?

You can access the Compliance Review Sub-Module, by selection Program Measures from A&I Online’s home page. Next, select "Compliance Reviews" from the tabs and then "State Reports" on the dark blue bar below "Compliance Reviews". Or, just: click here.

NAFTA Safety Stats' Border Maps
February 2005
What is the Feature?

This month’s feature showcases A&I Online’s NAFTA Safety Stats’ Border Maps area. The Border Maps reports present statistics on incoming border traffic by Port of Entry from 1994-2003.

The NAFTA Safety Stats Module includes information and statistics on the U.S operations of interstate motor carriers and intrastate HM motor carriers registered in the U.S for the three North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) nations: the United States, Canada, and Mexico.

What can I learn from the feature?

You can easily identify changes in incoming truck and bus traffic for a State’s Port of Entry and how these changes relate to all border traffic. The reports present analysis in four key areas:

  • The Number of Trucks and Buses
  • Incoming Trucks and Buses as % of State Border Traffic
  • Incoming Trucks and Buses as % of US-Canada Or US-Mexico Border Traffic
  • Incoming Trucks and Buses as % of Total Border Traffic
Users simply select a State from the pull down menu and then click on a Port of Entry from the map. Next, a report is generated. For example if you were interested in the Laredo, Texas Port of Entry you would select Texas from the pull down, and then click on Laredo.

You could then easily see that:

The number of incoming trucks entering the US through Laredo has increased by about 50% (from 668K to 1.35M) from 1994-2003 (A). However, when you view this increase as a percent of the State’s incoming border traffic, the increase in border traffic through Laredo is about 11% (36.66% to 47.16%) (see B below).

The number of incoming trucks entering the US through Laredo has increased by about 50% (from 668K to 1.35M) from 1994-2003.  However, when you view this increase as a percent of the State’s incoming border traffic, the increase in border traffic through Laredo is about 11% (36.66% to 47.82%).

Where can I find this Feature?

You can access NAFTA Safety Stats from A&I Online’s home page. Next, select "Border Maps" from the side navigation bar. Or, just: click here.

State Safety Data Quality’s View Rating Change Capability
January 2005
What is the Feature?

This month’s feature showcases A&I Online’s State Safety Data Quality "View Rating Change" capability. The feature allows you to quickly and easily compare a State’s safety data quality evaluation results with its previous quarter results.

The data quality evaluation is based on the completeness, timeliness, accuracy and consistency of State-reported crash and inspection data in the Motor Carrier Management Information System (MCMIS) against standards set by FMCSA.

What can I learn from the feature?

You can easily identify improvements to a State’s data quality by clicking on the "View Rating Change" link. This feature presents the current quarter’s evaluation results based on five performance measures and one overriding performance indicator and compares it to the previous quarter’s results.

For each measure, a score of "Good", "Fair" or "Poor" is presented along with the State’s overall rating. An up or down arrow illustrates whether the data quality has improved or declined compared to the last quarter’s evaluation results.

In the example below, the up arrow (A) adjacent to the Overall Rating indicates that the State’s Overall data quality rating improved from "Fair" to "Good". The up arrow (B) adjacent to Crash Accuracy Measure indicates the measure has improved from "Poor" to "Fair" compared to the previous quarter’s results.

The up arrow adjacent to the Overall Rating indicates that the State’s Overall data quality rating improved

Where can I find this Feature?

You can access this feature by clicking on the SafeStat Online module and then clicking on the "State Safety Data Quality Analysis" link. Next, click on the View Rating Change link located at the top of the table. Or, just click here.

Crash Profiles Online, State Profiles Area
December 2004
What is the Feature?

This month’s feature showcases Crash Profiles Online module, State Profiles area. State Profiles presents summarized crash statistics, by State, for large trucks involved in fatal and non-fatal crashes that occurred in the United States from 1999-2003.

The Crash Profiles Online module is updated annually based on data from the Fatality Analysis Reporting System (FARS) and the Motor Carrier Management Information System (MCMIS). The module now includes 2003 data.

How does State Profiles work?

The State Profiles area is organized into seven focus areas that contain one or more large truck crash reports. The focus areas are described below:

  • Summary – presents a five-year history of large truck and bus crash data
  • Vehicle – presents large truck crash reports by vehicle type, such as gross vehicle weight or cargo body type
  • Driver – presents large truck crash reports by driver characteristics, such as driver age
  • Environment – presents large truck crash reports by environment, such as time of day
  • Crash – presents large truck crash reports by crash characteristics, such as roadway type, or first harmful event
  • Carrier – presents large truck crash reports by carrier characteristics, such as carrier domicile
  • Maps – presents colorful map images of State county data related to large truck and bus crashes

Why use State Profiles?

The reports available through the State Profiles area contain information that can be used to identify and monitor state safety improvements and to compare state statistics to the national crash figures.

Users also can select a report in table or graphical representation for the years 1999-2003 or access the report’s text description by choosing options from the Report Format and Year pull down menus. All reports also include a "download data" feature. This feature allows data contained in the reports to be downloaded to a user’s desktop in Comma-Separated Values (CSV) format. The "download data" link is located at the top of the report table.

Where can I find this Feature?

You can access the Crash Profiles Online module, State Profiles area from A&I Online’s home page by clicking on Crash Profiles and selecting State Profiles. Or, just click here.

Passenger Carrier Safety Website
November 2004
What is the Feature?

This month’s feature presents FMCSA’s recently released Passenger Carrier Safety website, a one-stop source for safety information designed to empower consumers about for-hire passenger carriers that operate motor coach, school bus, van/mini-bus, and limousine services.

How does the Passenger Carrier Safety website work?

The site allows users to locate the transportation companies that serve their area and obtain company-specific safety information to help them choose the appropriate passenger carrier and plan safe, reliable trips. The site is updated monthly and draws on several FMCSA motor carrier data sources.

Why use the Passenger Carrier Safety website?

The public expects that for-hire passenger carriers will supply safe services. But too often, buyers of transportation services – such as school trip planners, senior citizen groups – base their decision solely on price, without the benefit of other important information such as safety status. Moreover, the public is often unaware of all available options for the transportation services that they need.

The Passenger Carrier Safety website empowers the public by providing information resources that allow them to select the right passenger carrier to meet their needs and find the safest passenger carrier companies.

Specifically, users can use the site to:
  • Determine the type of transportation vehicle best suited to their needs

  • Locate carriers serving specific geographic areas

  • Analyze and compare passenger carrier safety performance, using easy-to-understand metrics complete with explanations

Where can I find this Feature?

You can access the Passenger Carrier Safety website from A&I Online’s home page. Or, just click here.

October 2004
What is the Feature?

This month’s feature presents the Federal Motor Carrier Administration’s (FMCSA's) DataQs system, an electronic means for filing concerns about Federal and State data released to the public by the FMCSA.

How does this Feature work?

The DataQs system provides a single web-based location to file challenges to data released by FMCSA regardless of the State or Federal office responsible for the data. To file a challenge, individuals would simply go to the site and follow the instruction to register and enter a challenge.

Once a challenge is filed, the DataQs system automatically forwards the information to the appropriate State or Federal office for resolution and provides the requestor with automatic updates when there is a change in status. DataQs also supports FMCSA and States in generating responses. For example, a motor carrier can use the DataQs system to request a correction to crash or inspection data and then be provided with updates on its status until resolution.

Why use the Feature?

DataQs provides users with an easy-to-use system to file and manage challenges to FMCSA data. The system allows individuals to file a challenge through a single system, forwards the challenge to the appropriate agency, and allows the individual to monitor the status of the challenge from initiation through resolution. DataQs also:

  • Allows documentation to be faxed or transferred into the system for viewing by all involved in the challenge.

  • Retains data challenges and supporting information for future reference.

  • Automatically notifies the appropriate agency when a challenge is filed.

  • Posts agency responses to data challenges and automatically notifies challenge submitters that the response was entered.

Where can I find this Feature?

The feature can be reached from the ‘How Do I File Concerns on Federal and State Data?’ section within SafeStat. For more information about the DataQs system, click here.

A&I Online’ s New User Access Levels
September 2004
What is the Feature?

This month’s feature introduces A&I Online’s expanded access to motor carrier safety data for Motor Carriers and the FMCSA and State enforcement personnel. The expanded access will be obtained via a new login capability.

What does this Feature allow me to do?

This feature allows “FMCSA Authorized Users” to retain access to all SafeStat information and to expanded access to additional safety information such as driver license number and driver name in the Detail Crash and Inspection reports. The introduction of the login capability for “FMCSA Authorized Users” is timely in that A&I Online’s SafeStat Module’s Accident SEA and Overall SafeStat Score has been temporarily restricted from public access (for more information on the temporary removal of SafeStat information to the public, click here.)

A brief summary of the motor carrier safety information available to different users and the login requirements for the different user access levels is provided below:

   FMCSA Authorized Users

  • Motor Carriers will be able to access their complete SafeStat information and additional safety information including driver license number and driver name in the Detail Crash and Inspection reports through a login system using their USDOT number and FMCSA-provided Personal Identification Number (PIN).
  • FMCSA and its State enforcement partners will be able to access all SafeStat information and additional safety information including driver license number and driver name in the Detail Crash and Inspection reports through a login system using their user authentication system (UAS) login password.

   General Public Users

  • General Public Users are not required to login. The general public will be able to access A&I Online’s SafeStat Driver, Vehicle and Safety Management SEA information. However, the Accident SEA and overall SafeStat score has been temporarily restricted from public access. The public will still be able to view information on individual crashes for a given motor carrier. For more information click here

Where can I find this Feature?

For more information and to learn how to login as an FMCSA authorized user, click here.

State Safety Data Quality
July-August 2004
What is the feature?

This month’s feature showcases A&I Online’s new State Safety Data Quality page. The State Safety Data Quality page presents an evaluation of the completeness, timeliness, accuracy and consistency of State-reported crash and inspection data in the Motor Carrier Management Information System (MCMIS) that are used by SafeStat to determine the current relative safety status of individual motor carriers.

What can I learn from the reports?

A scorecard for each State is created that compares the data quality of State-reported crash and inspection data to standards set by FMCSA. This scorecard consists of five performance measures and one overriding performance indicator. Each State has a score of "Good", "Fair" or "Poor" for each measure. Data are presented via a color-coded map of the nation so users can easily discern a State’s overall data quality rating.

Users can access the methodology for determining an overall rating of state crash and inspection reporting.

Importantly, updates are presented quarterly to reflect improvements in State-reported crash and inspection data.

Where can I find the reports?

You can access this feature by clicking on the "State Safety Data Quality Analysis" link prior to accessing SafeStat Online. Or, just click here.

SafeStat Online’s New User Interface
June 2004
What is the feature?

This month’s feature showcases SafeStat Online’s redesigned home page. The new home page allows users to easily review and access the resources available through SafeStat Online, including motor carrier safety fitness information, SafeStat’s methodology, and a system on how to file data concerns on federal and state data.

What can I learn from the reports?

The SafeStat Online module delivers SafeStat Carrier details as well as national, service center and state summary SafeStat run results. The module also links to the SafeStat methodology so users can gain an understanding of SafeStat and its use of relevant safety data, and in addition to other complementary resources.

The new interface allows users to easily determine the module’s resources by presenting information according to key areas of interest. Specifically,

  • The Motor Carrier Safety Fitness area allows user to access SafeStat results by three key areas:
    • The Single Carrier Search tab allows you to search by U.S. DOT number, motor carrier number or by carrier name.
    • The Carrier List tab allows users to generate a carrier list based on a carrier location, and then to further refine the list based on additional criteria.
    • The SafeStat Reports tab allows you to retrieve a summary of the national, service center and state SafeStat results from the current and previous SafeStat runs.
  • The Highlights area links to proposed enhancements to the SafeStat methodology and presents SafeStat Online highlights.
  • The About SafeStat area presents SafeStat’s Methodology and describes the changes to the methodology with each enhancement.
  • The "How Do I File Concerns on Federal and State Data?" area links to FMCSA’s recently introduced DataQs system. DataQs is an electronic means for filing concerns about Federal and State data released to the public by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA).

Where can I find the reports?

You can access SafeStat Online’s redesigned home page by simply clicking on "SafeStat Online" from the A&I Home Page. Or, just click here.

Customized Compliance Review Peer Group Reports
May 2004
What is the feature?

This month’s feature showcases the ability to create a user selected peer group for any of the state comparison reports found in Program Measures’ – Compliance Review sub-module.

The Compliance Review sub-module provides summarized data for five calendar years on all CRs conducted on motor carriers that transport property or passengers in interstate commerce. The CR activity reported is based on the Motor Carrier Management Information System (MCMIS) September 19, 2003 data snapshot.

This feature is also available in Program Measures' Roadside Inspections and Traffic Enforcement sub-modules.

What can I learn from the reports?

You can compare compliance review activity based on a customized group of states that you select. For example, if you are interested in the New England states, you can select only those states and view side-by-side data for those states. There are six state comparison reports which range from compliance review activity by safety rating to a report that presents the number of compliance reviews conducted on motor carriers by carrier size.

Where can I find the reports?

You can find these reports in the Program Measures Compliance Review sub-module under the National Reports area. Click on State Comparison, Select Peer Group in the report header section, and follow the instructions on the following page to create your customized reports.

Analysis Results and Reports
April 2004
What is the feature?

This month’s feature showcases A&I Online’s Analysis Results and Reports module. The module provides easy access to the latest analytical reports on truck and bus safety developed by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA).

It includes a variety of reports and information organized into four categories. Three categories relate to research and reports --

  • The Analysis Reports area includes analytical reports on motor carrier safety.
  • The MCSAFE Online reports area presents recurring publications by FMCSA’s Analysis Division.
  • The Analysis Briefs area links to a collection of research publications and technical briefs located on FMCSA’s website.

The fourth area, Presentations and Outreach Materials, contains presentations on A&I Online, SafeStat Online, Crash Profiles Online, and Program Effectiveness that have been given at various forums and training venues.

A search engine is also available so that you can quickly search by topic or keyword to access a complete list of the latest research available.

What can I learn from the reports?

You can keep up-to-date on the latest research and reports published by the FMCSA relating to truck and bus safety. Some of the reports that are available include:

Where can I find the reports?

You can access the Analysis Results and Reports module from A&I Online’s home page. Or, just click here.

Crash Location Maps – Crash Profiles Online Module
March 2004
What is the feature?

This month's feature showcases Crash Profiles Online's Crash Location Maps. The Crash Location Maps feature allows users to query, display, print and download maps and tables with geographic data related to large truck and bus crashes. For each query you select, the results are provided in two formats - a color-coded map with state county data and table format.

What can I learn from the reports?

You can determine where the greatest number of large truck or bus reportable crashes have occurred for each county in a state for the most recent five year period. Maps can be layered with major cities and interstates and can be further stratified based on user selected queries that include:

  • Commercial Motor Vehicles Involved in -
    • Non-fatal crashes
    • Fatal crashes
    • Towaway crashes
    • Injury crashes
    • HM placard crashes
  • The Number of -
    • Injuries in Commercial Motor Vehicle Crashes
    • Fatalities in Commercial Motor Vehicle Crashes

Where can I find the reports?

You can access Crash Location Maps through A&I Online's Crash Profiles Online module. Next, select "State Reports" and click on "Maps" on the bottom left navigation bar.
Or, just click here.

NAFTA Safety Stats Module
February 2004
What is the feature?

This month’s feature showcases NAFTA Safety Stats, A&I Online’s newest module. NAFTA Safety Stats contains a wide variety of information and statistics on the U.S. operations of all U.S. registered interstate and HM intrastate motor carriers by the national domicile of the carrier (U.S., Canada, and Mexico).

Data are available for Roadside Inspections, Compliance Reviews, Traffic Enforcements, and Crashes from 1999-2002, and for the SafeStat run results for the last five semi-annual runs and current monthly run.

NAFTA Safety Stats also contains border-crossing data from 1994-2001. Data are available for both buses and trucks at the state and port of entry level.

What can I learn from the reports?

You can access specific reports to learn how motor carrier safety data compares between the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) nations in a wide variety of areas, including:

Most of the reports allow users to stratify the data by year, national domicile, and/on type of carrier operations, thus allowing users to further create reports based on their area of interest and analytical needs.

Examples of applications for NAFTA Safety Stats can be found in the A&I Online’s User Guide.

These examples include:

  • How to compare the number and percent of vehicle and driver OOS inspections conducted in the commercial zone in each state for federal and state personnel (Example - 3.10)
  • How to compare the top 10 Vehicle OOS Violations for U.S. DOT Active Motor Carriers by Carrier Domicile (Example - 3.11)
  • How to view border crossing data for a specific port of entry (Example - 3.12)

Where can I find the reports?

You can access NAFTA Safety Stats from A&I Online’s home page. Next, select from the report options menu on the side navigation based on your area of interest.

Or, just click here.

Customized Roadside Inspection Peer Group Reports
January 2004
What is the feature?

This month’s feature showcases the ability to create a user selected peer group for any of the state comparison reports found in Program Measures - Roadside Inspections (RI) sub-module.

The Roadside Inspections sub-module provides summarized data for three calendar years on all RIs conducted on motor carriers that transport property or passengers in interstate commerce. The RI activity reported is based on the Motor Carrier Management Information System (MCMIS) September 28, 2002 data snapshot. Updated MCMIS Roadside Inspection data for 2002 will be available in February 2004.

What can I learn from the reports?

You can compare roadside inspection activity based on a customized group of states that you select. For example, if you are interested in the New England states, you can select only those states and view side-by-side data for only those states. There are eleven state comparison reports which range from an overview report to carrier domicile vs. non-domicile reports. This feature will also soon be available in the Compliance Review and Traffic Enforcement sub-modules.

Where can I find the reports?

You can find these reports in the Program Measures Roadside Inspections sub-module under the National Reports area. Click on State Comparison, click Select Peer Group in the report header section, and follow the instructions on the following page to create your customized reports.

SafeStat Reports for Intrastate Carriers
December 2003
What is the feature?

This month’s feature showcases SafeStat Reports for Intrastate Carriers including the feasibility and recommended approach study, and fifteen individual state reports that present results using the September 19, 2003 MCMIS data. Individual state reports are now updated quarterly with the next update scheduled in January 2004.

What can I learn from the reports?

The first report, Intrastate Motor Carrier Safety Assessment System Feasibility and Recommended Approach (June 2002), discusses the feasibility and pitfalls of implementing an intrastate safety assessment system with currently available data. The report recommends an approach for implementing such a system, and discusses sample results obtained by running the recommended approach.

Individual reports are also available for fifteen states using data from the September 19, 2003 MCMIS data run. These reports are available through the SafeStat Analysis Reports for Intrastate Non-Hazmat Carriers for the participating states; Colorado, Connecticut, Florida, Georgia, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Maine, Minnesota, Nebraska, Oklahoma, Oregon, Utah, Wisconsin, and Wyoming. The reports can be used by the states to support state enforcement programs as well as the federal/state Performance and Registration Information Systems (PRISM) program.

Where can I find the reports?

You can access these reports through A&I Online’s "Analysis Results & Reports" module. The Analysis Results and Reports module is a collection of analytical reports on motor carrier safety developed by the FMCSA. These reports document recent studies on truck and bus safety.

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