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Pilot Test of Fatigue Management Technologies - Final Report

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The following organizations and individuals contributed to the successful completion of the project. There are numerous others who also contributed to whom we are grateful.

U.S. Department of Transportation's Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA), Office of Research and Technology

Robert J. Carroll, Office of FMCSA Research and Technology. Served as the FMCSA sponsor's representative, the overall U.S. government project manager, and as the Contracting Officer's Technical Representative (COTR) for the Project (2001-2004).

Ronald R. Knipling, Ph.D., Chief of the FMCSA Research Division and COTR for the Project (1999-2001). Contributed to the overall conceptual and experimental design, provided administrative oversight to the project.

American Trucking Associations (ATA), and American Transportation Research Institute (ATRI) [formerly ATA Foundation's Transportation Research Institute (ARI)]

Rebecca M. Brewster, President and CEO, ATRI. Served as Project Director responsible for project management of all research team and contractual agreements (2002-2004).

William C. Rogers, Ph.D., formerly of ATA Trucking Research Institute. Served as the initial overall ATA project director and manager (1999-2001).

Gerald P. Krueger , of Krueger Ergonomics Consultants. Served as a Co-Investigator; contributed to conceptual development and experimental design and operational procedures. Served as the overall FMT field data collection manager and director of all test operations; empanelled all drivers; provided 3-hr training on fatigue management module, and training on all FMT devices with drivers; coordinated all test drivers; conducted all driver debriefing human factors interviews (1999-2004).

Erik Wik, field data collection assistant at ATRI. Provided equipment technician support for the Canadian Phase of the Project (2002), and administered Human Factors Questionnaire midway in Study Phase 1.

Joy Miller, Contracting Administrative Assistance at ATA.

Bettie Burgess, for secretarial assistance at ATA.

Transport Canada

Sesto Vespa, P. Eng. of Transportation Development Centre, Montreal, Quebec. Served as the Transport Canada sponsor's official government representative for the Canadian of the Project; and as a research co-investigator for the overall project (1999-2004).

Valerie Gil, Ph.D. Senior Ergonomist, of Transport Canada's Transportation Development Centre (TDC). Served as research advisor and provided coordination in Canadian Phase of the Project (2002).

Michele Le Blanc, Research Officer, of Transport Canada, Road Safety - Motor Carrier Group, Ottawa, Ontario. Served as a project research consultant for the Canadian Phase of the Project (2002).

Canadian Trucking Alliance (CTA), Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

Graham Cooper, Senior Vice-President, Canadian Trucking Alliance (CTA). Served as co-sponsor, CTA's official representative for the Canadian Phase of the Project (1999-2002).

Universityof Pennsylvania School of Medicine, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

David F. Dinges, Ph.D., Chief, Division of Sleep and Chronobiology, and Director, Unit for Experimental Psychiatry, University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine. Served as the project's Scientific Principal Investigator (PI); principal developer of the experimental design and procedural planning for the project; guided the science and analyses facets of all aspects of the project. Is the principal author of the experimental protocol and the final report.

Greg Maislin of Biomedical Statistical Consulting. Served as the Project's principal biostatistician; headed the experimental design facets of the protocol development; directed and served as the principal data analyst for all data collected and reported.

Robert Hachadoorian, Senior Statistical Programmer for Biomedical Statistical Consulting. Assisted in data handling and data analysis, report writing.

Adrian Ecker, IT and Data Handling Support Specialist at the Unit for Experimental Psychiatry . Assisted in handling, tracking, and managing all forms of data submitted from the field for analysis.

Donald Terry, IT and Data Handling Support Specialist at the Unit for Experimental Psychiatry . Assisted in handling and managing of data submitted from the field for analysis.

John W. Powell, Senior Research Specialist at the Unit for Experimental Psychiatry . Served as resident specialist on equipment, testing procedures, and data analysis for Psychomotor Vigilance Testing (PVT) for the project.

Walter Reed Army Institute of Research (WRAIR), Silver Spring, Maryland

Daniel P. Redmond, COL, MC, Chief, Branch for Biomedical Assessment. Served as principal U.S. government coordinator for research protocol administration and management; as a principal advisor on the experimental design of the study. Was the vendor/supplier of the WRAIR SleepWatches; provided technical advice, assistance, and overall management of employment of the SleepWatches; and served as the principal data analyst for SleepWatch® data in both the Canadian and U.S. phases of the study.

Gregory Lounsberry, principal equipment technician, data collection advisor, and data analyst, for Walter Reed supplied SleepWatches for both phases of the study.

Richard Cephus, WRAIR SleepWatch technician provided assistance 1999-2002.

Thomas Balkin, Ph.D., Chief, of WRAIR's Department of Behavioral Biology. Served as in-house WRAIR project manager, overseeing the FMT protocol management and administration; provided advice on technical matters of experimental design.

Gregory L. Belenky, COL, MC, Director, of WRAIR's Division of Neuropsychiatry. Served as the overall responsible U.S. government co-principal investigator; also served as the chief physician, medical monitor involved in the entire Project.

Sara Rathman, chief of the WRAIR Institutional Review Board. Provided assistance in processing and administering the FMT research protocol through the U.S. governmental institutional review process for both the Canadian and U.S. phases of the Project.

Applied Perception and Assistware Technology, Inc., Wexford, Pennsylvania

[SafeTRAC® lane-tracking monitor]

Todd Jochem and Dean Pomerleau, partners in Assistware. Suppliers of four SafeTRAC driver monitoring systems for the Study. Dean Pomerleau also served as principal equipment installer and maintainer for four SafeTRAC systems installed in four trucks in both Canada and U.S. phases of the study.

Attention Technologies, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

[The Copilot® PERCLOS slow eyelid closure monitor]

Richard Grace, Ph.D., Senior Systems Scientist, CEO and Founder of Attention Technologies. Supplier of four PERCLOS driver monitoring systems; advisor on study design, installation and maintenance of PERCLOS systems in four trucks in Canada and U.S. phases of the Study.

Robert Engel, of National Robotics Engineering Consortium (NREC), the Robotics Institute at Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA. Served as research assistant on PERCLOS during the Canadian Phase of the Project.

RiverCity Products, San Antonio, Texas

[Howard Power Center Steering® system]

B. Red Chester, Vice President, General Manager of River City Products, Inc. Served as principal representative on all aspects related to employment of the Howard Power Center Steering® system in the project. Served as principal trainer of all drivers on the HPCS.

Ruben Clanton, of River City Products. Served as principal technician and mechanic, and installed all HPCS systems; maintained them throughout both phases of the Project. Taught drivers to operate HPCS on the road at the midway point of each driver's month long participation.

Dee Howard, President of River City Products. Inventor, sponsor and supplier of four HPCS systems in both Canadian and U.S. phases of the Study; contributor to Study design (2000-2002).

Accident Prevention Plus (AP+), Palm Beach Gardens, Florida

[On-board black box recording system]

Richard Goodhart, President of AP+ during the preparation of the FMT protocol, and during the early conduct of the Canadian Phase of the Study (1999-2002). Contributed to experimental design, and management of AP+ equipment installation and data collection team efforts.

Allan Schwartz, President of AP+ during portions of the Canadian Phase and during the entire U.S. Phase of the Study (2002-2004). Provided management of AP+ equipment installation and data collection team efforts.

Jean Paul Daveau, senior AP+ technical representative on Project. Installation and verification of AP+ recorders. Principal advisor and technician overseeing and conducting AP+ recorder equipment installation for the Canadian Phase of Project.

Patrick Painter, principal AP+ technician. Conducted equipment installation for all FMT monitoring devices, and AP+ recorders into all four Challenger trucks in Canada. Served as chief equipment trouble shooter in Canada; provided data handling and conducted data analyses for the Canadian Phase of the Project.

Pierre Pommarel, of AP+ accomplished installation of all recorders in Con-Way trucks; and conducted AP+ data handling and analyses for U.S. Phase of the Project.

Challenger Motor Freight, Inc., Cambridge, Ontario, Canada

Daniel Einwechter, President, Challenger Motor Freight, Inc. Provided corporate oversight, management, and sponsorship for the participation of Challenger Motor Freight in the overall Project in Canada. Provided the participation of 26 of Challenger's finest drivers for a month long participation in the FMT testing; and dedicated four trucks off the line for the FMT testing for a period of seven months.

Enno Jakobson, Vice-President, Risk Management, Challenger Motor Freight. Served as the overall coordinator for Challenger's participation; contributed to experimental design and driver procedural matters for entire Project.

Robert J. Halfyard, Manager Driver Relations at Challenger Motor Freight. Served as Challenger's principal Project officer; recruited and managed 26 Challenger test drivers; directed FMT equipment operations and maintenance in the Canadian Phase of Project; served as a key project advisor, and coordinator for the overall conduct of the FMT testing in Canada.

Paul Clague, Challenger Safety Officer. Served as test driver relations coordinator for Project in Canada Phase of project.

Steve Kratz, Challenger Fleet Superintendent & Truck Maintenance. M anaged the overall equipment installation and coordinated FMT and truck equipment maintenance during the Canadian Phase of Project.

Twenty-six of Challenger Motor Freight's finest long haul truck drivers, who gave of themselves by participating so fully in an almost non-stop data collection effort lasting approximately one-month each; without whom we could not have conducted this project.

Canadian Research Ethics Board (CREB)

Ronald Heslegrave, Ph.D., Chairman of the Research Ethics Board (REB), University of Toronto Health Network. Managed the CREB scientific and human use review process, and obtained approval of the research protocol to permit human testing to be conducted in Canada.

Ministry of Transportaton, Ontario (MTO)

Gordon A. McAusland, Carrier Safety Policy Office, Carrier Safety & Enforcement Branch, St. Catharines, Ontario. Coordinated and conducted Safety Inspections of FMT equipment installed in Challenger trucks at Cambridge, Ontario.

Con-Way Central Express (Con-Way Transportation Services), Ann Arbor, Michigan, U.S.

Robert G. Petrancosta, Director, Safety & Environmental Compliance, Con-Way Transportation Services, Inc., Ann Arbor, Michigan. Served as Con-Way's overall Project Coordinator, safety officer, and sponsor for the U.S. Phase of the Project. Arranged for Con-Way to offer up 12 of Con-Way's finest drivers to participate in the testing; and arranged for continuoU.S. use of four Con-Way trucks, taken off the line for exclusive use during the FMT test project.

Edwin Gilmore, Driver Supervisor, Con-Way Central Express (CCX), Hermitage, Pennsylvania. Assisted in recruitment of 12 Con-Way drivers, coordinated scheduling, arranged for training set ups, etc.

Keith Peters, Service Center Manager, Con-Way Central Express (CCX), Hermitage, Pennsylvania

Joseph Fyda, Safety Supervisor, Con-Way Central Express (CCX), Parma, Ohio. Performed safety inspection of FMT equipment installed in Con-Way trucks.

Mark A. Stets, Field Maintenance Manager , Con-Way Central Express (CCX), Columbus, Ohio. Supervised installation of FMT Equipment in four Con-Way trucks.

Farris Scott, Con-Way Central Express (CCX), Lordstown, Ohio Service Center Manager, provided facilities for installation of equipment and driver training.

Anthony Martucci, and Jarrod Mitch Stokes, Con-Way Central Express (CCX), Lordstown Service Center Manager, and Supervisor. Provided truck maintenance technical support and facilities for FMT work.

Twelve of Con-Way Express's finest long haul truck drivers, who gave of themselves by participating so fully in an almost non-stop data collection effort lasting approximately one-month each; without whom we could not have conducted this project.

Pitt-Ohio Express, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, U.S.

Gary Richardson and Ronald Uriah, Safety managers at Pitt-Ohio Express arranged to have the three truck-mounted FMT technologies installed in one of their trucks, and to have two of their drivers check out the instrumentation, test the methodology, and evaluate the experimental procedures for the study for a preliminary feasibility test in May-June, 2000.

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