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TACT (Ticketing Aggressive Cars and Trucks) State Details

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In 2008 the Nevada Highway Patrol (NHP) conducted a Nevada pilot project of a TACT-like program using state funding. In May and June of 2008, NHP Troopers, in an unmarked NDOT semi-truck, rode in the cab of the truck and watched for non-CMV moving violations. In the two day operation, over 81 citations were issued. Numerous news segments were aired in Reno and Las Vegas television markets with video showing NHP targeting moving violators near large trucks. No other TACT operations have been conducted since that time.

Based on program guidelines, the 2008 Nevada TACT effort did not qualify as a TACT Program because it does not include an evaluation component. Evaluation has been added to the fiscal year 2009 TACT effort.

To support this on-going effort, NHP enhanced its regular media campaign for safety in the No Zone to include a media campaign for TACT called Badge on Board (BOB). NHP is scheduled to produce Badge On Board media (truck decals, billboards, pump toppers, radio) beginning in March or April 2009 to alert the motoring public that NHP might be riding on board large trucks. NHP intends to conduct non-grant funded Badge on Board enforcement operations throughout the year. In April 2009, NHP received MCSAP funding for a TACT Program.

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