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User Services
Ready to Answer Your Questions
The ORNL DAAC's User Services Office is the first point of contact for answering your questions concerning data and information held by the ORNL DAAC. User Services staff members are knowledgeable about both the data ordering system and the data products themselves. We answer questions about data, route requests to other DAACs, and direct questions we cannot answer to the appropriate information source. Contact methods:
Online User Services
We invite you to use our on-line ordering system to receive data from the DAAC. Follow these steps:
  1. Register as a new user.
  2. Find the data you want via the data catalog or one of our search mechanisms.
  3. Put data of interest in the shopping cart.
  4. Check out (all data are FREE).
  5. Tell us how we're doing (Rate Us).
Special Orders
If you can not use our Web or FTP systems, orders may be placed by any of the contact methods listed above. We may also be able to accomodate special formatting or media needs.
Information for New Users
Several electronic publications are available to provide information about ORNL DAAC and other EOSDIS data centers.

Earth System Science Data Resources is a NASA publication containing information about EOS, the world's most advanced and comprehensive capability to measure global climate change.

Data Set Reference Sheets provide a quick look at data available for the six primary disiplinary areas of earth science:

The What's New flyer provides information about new products and services available from EOSDIS.

NASA Earth Science Data
ORNL DAAC is part of NASA's Earth Science Data and Information System (EOSDIS). EOSDIS is the data system component of the Earth Observing System (EOS). Data from all EOSDIS sources, including ORNL DAAC, may be ordered through the Warehouse Inventory Tool (WIST). WIST is an interface into NASA's Earth Observing System (EOS) Clearinghouse (ECHO).

Revision Date: June 07, 2012 webmaster