Majestic Chimney Field (Skip to Panorama)

This is a virtual view of the Majestic Chimney Field in the Magic Mountain hydrothermal vent site on Explorer Ridge. The fly-through movie shows the ABE vehicle above the numerous active chimneys located on a slope of pillow lava cut by a small fault.



  1. After the movie file has loaded, a fly-through movie will start automatically and lead you to a 360° panorama.
  2. To look in any direction within the panorama, click and drag your mouse inside the movie window.
  3. To view video clips, click on chimneys or vehicles within the panorama.
  4. Detailed Help is available.


Direct links to videos in panorama:

Anhydrite Chimney
Quicktime, 2.5 Mb
Quicktime, 608 Mb
Windows Media, 2 Mb
Windows Media, 608 Mb

Majestic Chimney
Quicktime, 3.4 Mb
Quicktime, 852 Kb
Windows Media, 2.6 Mb
Windows Media, 808 Kb

Majestic Chimneys Sampled
Quicktime, 2.5 Mb
Quicktime, 612 Mb
Windows Media, 2 Mb
Windows Media, 600 Kb

Obelisk Chimneys
Quicktime, 3.1 Mb
Quicktime, 740 Kb
Windows Media, 2.3 Mb
Windows Media, 712 Kb

ABE Deployment
Quicktime, 1.3 Mb
Quicktime, 320 Kb
Windows Media, 1 Mb
Windows Media, 300 Kb

You may need to download:
Quicktime | Windows Media