CareerBuilder Job Seeker Community

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social media recommendations

Do hiring managers consider social-media recommendations?

Social media have become an integral part of the job search, both for job seekers and hiring managers. It’s now common practice for job seekers to use social-networking websites such as LinkedIn to market themselves and for hiring managers to use these sites to research potential candidates before making contact. Continue reading

By in Cover Letters, Find the job, Get the job, How to search, Networking, Social media

10 minute interview

How to ace the 10-minute interview

By Robert Half International

Every job seeker knows there isn’t much time to make a positive impression during an interview. But have you ever stopped to consider how short your window of opportunity actually is? According to a survey from Robert Half, it may be 10 minutes or less. Continue reading

By in Get the job, Interviews

2011 work experience

A look at U.S. employment in 2011

Every year, the Bureau of Labor Statistics releases data on employment and unemployment from the prior calendar year. “Work Experience of the Population – 2011” provides a snapshot of U.S. work activity in 2011 and how the information compares to data from previous years. Continue reading

By in News and trends, Surveys


Companies hiring this week

 Job seekers, here is our weekly list of 10 companies that are hiring now. Click on the links below to learn more about the opportunities available at each company.

1. BASF Corporation
Industry: Chemical/engineering
Sample job titles: Scientist, chemist, supply chain, sales, engineering, production

2. Continue reading

By in News and trends, Who's hiring

I Quit Note

The best and worst of hiring, firing and quitting in 2012

This year was all about the election, which meant lots of talking about the economy and jobs. By the time November rolled around, the unemployment rate became a talking point you heard about again and again until it became white noise. Continue reading

By in Bosses, Co-workers, On the job

Cost of a bad hire

What bad hires really cost companies


According to a new CareerBuilder study, 69 percent of employers report that their companies have been adversely affected by a bad hire this year, with 41 percent of those businesses estimating the cost to be more than $25,000, and 24 percent saying a bad hire cost them more than $50,000. Continue reading

By in News and trends, Surveys

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