« Live broadcast streaming here at 10 a.m. EDT: Bridgestone surveys teen attitudes about Distracted Driving | Main | Wickford Junction open for business in Rhode Island; new transit station offers faster commutes, less congestion »

April 24, 2012


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To change the awareness of young people about safety risks of distracted driving, i think using visual methods is the better than speech. For personal talking, i'm a 23-year-old girl and actually, sometimes i talk on the phone while driving. Last week i watched an episode of Glee _ a America drama that i really like and i saw an actress having accident when she read the message on her running car. And i really imagined what would happen if i was in this situation.

I wonder if young people would become distracted more with the use of Manual Transmission cars. At some point they would have to learn to shift gears and operate a clutch, which could increase their focus (ie:less distraction) or....make it worse if they try to say text on the phone while operating a manual car.

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