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April 03, 2012


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What DOT is doing is great! Texting while driving is today definitely a treat number one on the road. It has become the cause for many accidents and unfortunate dead. Our drivers often tell us about cases where texting has caused accidents, and also they see distracted driving all the time on the road.

We at Montway Auto Transport promote road safety and encourage customers to obey the road laws and regulations. We always tell them that our drivers may be late, but this is only because they consider safety first and follow the rules on the road at all times. We will promote April as a Distracted Driving Awareness Month on our blog and social media channels.
Great efforts of DOT side!

What DOT is doing is great! Texting while driving is today definitely a treat number one on the road. It has become the cause for many accidents and unfortunate dead. Our drivers often tell us about cases where texting has caused accidents, and also they see distracted driving all the time on the road.

We at Montway Auto Transport promote road safety and encourage customers to obey the road laws and regulations. We always tell them that our drivers may be late, but this is only because they consider safety first and follow the rules on the road at all times. We will promote April as a Distracted Driving Awareness Month on our blog and social media channels.
Great efforts of DOT side!

Love the zombies!

It's great to see DOT and the States bringing awareness to this important issue. It's a serious issue that hasn't received enough publicity. Please drive safely without the distractions!

Every day it seems more and more people are forgetting the cell phone laws here in California and Nevada. There's also been some research to say that cell phones aren't the only problem, people need to also be in the right state of mind to drive. There's nothing worst then an angry driver on his self phone weaving through traffic. Calm down get in the car and focus on driving. I will be sure to link back to this article for the reads of my blog and mention distracted driving awareness month.

I again salute Secretary LaHood for doggedly promoting the campaign against distracted driving. I also hope that we realize sooner rather than later that only with serious and professional driver training, by which I mean training in vehicle load/energy transfer and how vehicles actually behave once driver attention is lost, however momentarily and unskilled driver responses are triggered, is critical. We are a nation of very poorly trained drivers -- nothing generally beyond barely learning by memory "rules of the road."

California has gone overboard. My friend was pulled over for eating an apple while driving. Anything to get more revenues.

Driving is a huge responsibility that must be learned in steps and practiced over and over. We have to drive safely, obey the traffic laws, and respect the rights of other drivers. Not only should we concentrate on our own driving, we should also be well aware of the other vehicles around us. Driving safely also includes how and where we park our car. Passengers in our car put their safety in our hands and expect us to drive safe as well.

We shouldn't be stressed, tired, or distracted; driving should be our only focus. We need to be both mentally and physically capable of controlling our vehicle.

It is our responsibility, as a driver, to know the laws governing driving privileges. driver improvement course will helps us a lot.

Remember, driving is a privilege, NOT a right. Finally, safe driving requires a good attitude. http://www.icaredriving.com/

Driver awarness should be for EVERY ONE including the law inforcement officers the law states that your are to use a hands free unit to use your phone while you are driving CDL driver can be fined up to $2700.00 if cought texting or with the phone to his ear I cant tell you how many sate and local law enforcment officers I see driveing thru towns and highways with a phone stuck to thier ear's I have had them cut in front of me not useing a signal because they had a phone to thier ear dosent seem rite does it ? are they above the law?

I was hit by a texting driver and two years later, I'm still learning to walk correctly and lost driving because of my leg and foot injuries. Too much hardware prevents movement of my foot. I am lucky to be alive and walking, but I will never be the same.. I can't chase and play with my grand kids or work or play. I have to have an assistant everyday to help me live in my house The man texted ,totalled both vehicles and he walks away, while I am being punished for his stupid.mistake... Please don't drive and text

So you know how it is illegal to text and walk on the sidewalk in Philadelphia? So would it be illegal then to use those telephone entry things like this you see outside of most apartment complexes

I support to DOT for his well planning and awareness program for careful driving. DOTS encourage drivers to refrain from engaging in non-driving activities while on the road, particularly cell phone use and texting. Also planned outreach campaign is designed to raise awareness of the horrible consequences of distracted driving. Thanks for beautiful idea.

Nice work DOT. We are currently looking to add more material to our "Safe Shipping" and "How To Become a Transporter" Guidelines that highlights the importance of proper cell phone usage in transit. I'm hoping the DOT is planning to do this every year - as it's something that needs to be communicated consistently.

Increasing the awareness of drivers about safety in driving and on the road is a good move! DOT should really strictly enforce the law to avoid troubles on the road. Any distraction while driving can be of a life or death situation, which is why increased awareness is a must!

Also, we have to be responsible in parking our car. Reckless drivers should really read this post to enlighten them. Passengers are at risk if a driver fails to comply with road safety. Even auto transport companies should abide with the safety on the road. In particular, people should seek for a company that provides the best auto transport quote. In that way, they can be sure of having a great service that can optimize road safety.

Always remember that safe driving can save thousands of lives.


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