Energy, Climate, & Infrastructure Security (ECIS)


Sandia Wide-Bandgap Semiconductor Workshop

In response to increased interest in wide-bandgap (WBG) semiconductor projects by DOE, on October 30, 2012, Sandia hosted a one-day brain­storming workshop aimed at identifying the value, scope, structure, and partnership oppor­tunities of a potential National Center for Wide Bandgap Semiconduc­tors. Participants from DOE, industry, academia, and other labs participated in a series of breakout [...]

Senator Bingaman Tells Sandia Wind Turbine Blade Workshop That Renewable Energy Is Important to U.S. Policy

Senator Jeff Bingaman said Wednesday the on-again, off-again nature of U.S. energy tax incentives and the uncertainty over federal spending on research and innovative technology presents a major challenge to the wind energy industry and other alternative energy industries. Bingaman, chairman of the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee, spoke at the opening session of [...]

iNEMI Renewable Energy Workshop

The International Electronics Manufacturing Initiative (iNEMI) held a renewable energy workshop on October 19-21, 2010 at Cisco Systems, Inc. in Fremont, California. The purpose of the workshop was to bring visibility to technology and product gaps in the wind and solar energy markets in which iNEMI member organizations such as Cisco Systems, Hewlett-Packard, Intel, Samsung, [...]