USAID Impact Photo Credit: Nancy Leahy/USAID

Tag archives for Pakistan

FrontLines Year in Review: Apps for Afghanistan

An Afghan youth uses his mobile phone to take pictures in Musa Qala. Photo credit: Dmitry Kostyukov, AFP

With an explosion in mobile phones, USAID engages Afghanistan’s best and brightest to grow mobile money. Read more >>

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No Mountain Too High: Saving the Snow Leopards, Ecosystems and Communities of High Asia

Officials from 12 countries attended a three-day conference on the snow leopard in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan on December 1-3, 2012. Photo Credit: USAID

Today is Wildlife Conservation Day, and USAID’s missions around the world are raising awareness of the interconnectedness between human and wildlife welfare in developing countries.

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We Live in a Hungry World

“No matter how dramatic the images of people receiving food aid, it’s the daily, personal reminders of what it means to be hungry, and what we are doing to address that hunger for the long-term, which affect me the most….even after more than thirty years in this business.”

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Video of the Week: Bee Keeping in Pakistan

  The floods of 2010 destroyed many people’s farms and  means of income in Swat Valley of Pakistan.  USAID is helping these people get back on their feet.  See the full series of videos, including bee farms, medicinal herbs, fish farms, and more on the USAID Pakistan Mission’s YouTube account.

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Video of the Week: Planting the Seed for Economic Growth

Ever wonder how Gladioli bulbs can help an estimated 1,000 families start earning their living and jumpstart a fledgling flower industry in Pakistan? USAID, through the Small Grants Program and the US Ambassador’s Fund, seeks to empower grassroots organizations and community groups working to strengthen civil society in Pakistan. The U.S. Ambassador’s Fund provides small grants [...]

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Launch of Pakistan’s National Reading Program

This week in Pakistan, I joined Ambassador Cameron Munter, Senior Minister Pir Mazhar-Ul-Haq of the Government of Sindh Education and Literacy Department and local leaders in launching a National Reading Program. The program will help improve reading and math skills for nearly seven million children, mobilize communities to strengthen school management and support the development of three [...]

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Why Development and Diplomacy Matter in National Security

U.S. national security rests on three pillars: Diplomacy, Development, and Defense.   Although other departments and agencies of the U.S. government certainly contribute to the nation’s security, these three Ds, represented by the Department of State (State), the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), and Department of Defense (DoD or Defense) provide the foundation for [...]

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Collective Action to Advance the Health of Women and Newborns

Global maternal mortality has dropped by one third since 1990, but still every day an estimated 1,000 women lose their life in childbirth.  For the past year, USAID, the UK Department for International Development, Australian Agency for International Development and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation have worked in partnership to accelerate progress in improving [...]

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USAID’S Work in Foreign Police Assistance: Lessons from the Field

Each year, the United States Government invests billions of dollars to train and equip police in countries that present a vital security interest such as Afghanistan, Pakistan, Colombia, and Mexico.  In FY 2009, USAID spent $45 million to fund 40 civilian police assistance programs in 27 countries. Activities ranged from inclusion of civilian police in [...]

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From the Field

In Jamaica, the U.S. government is partnering with the Jamaica Constabulary Force to host the region’s First Law Enforcement Anti-Corruption Conference.  The two-day conference will feature leading anti-corruption champions and will bring together high level law enforcement personnel, including Commissioners of Police and Customs, to conduct a situational analysis of corruption in the individual Caribbean [...]

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