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SYSPARS Overview
The System Planning and Requirement Software (SYSPARS) tool is a document generation assistant designed for program management personnel and product support mangers responsible for system acquisition planning and execution. It is a personal computer application that provides a user-friendly environment in which to author and staff various kinds of program planning documents and is available to the Department of Defense system acquisition community.

Visit the About page to view more details on SYSPARS and the documents contained within the tool.

-- Register for the latest version of SYSPARS (Version 2.6, February 2016) --

What's New

February 2016 Update: SYSPARS 2.6

Adaptations to this release include:

Item Unique Identification (updates)

The IUID Implementation Plan lists items to be marked, the priority and method of marking, and the funding necessary to accomplish marking. IUID permanently identifies an individual item distinctly from all other individual items that the DoD buys and owns. IUID provides for marking personal property items with a machine-readable Unique Item Identifier (UII), which is a set of globally unique data elements.

Diminishing Manufacturing Sources and Materiel Shortages (DMSMS) (update)

The DMP states the program objectives, defines program elements, defines the DMSMS Management Team (DMT) roles and responsibilities, describes program resources, and specifies DMT procedures. The plan also addresses the approach that the DMT will use to measure the progress and output of the program. The metrics selected must include any standardized metrics as mandated by DoD, the components, or other higher-level reporting requirements.

Acquisition Decision Memorandum

Milestone Decision Authority (MDA) during a Milestone Decision Review. It is the formal justification that allows a program to proceed into the next acquisition phase. The ADM also lists the tasks that have to be completed during an acquisition phase and the responsible agent for those tasks. Exit Criteria are documented in the ADM.

Analysis of Alternatives (AoA)

The AoA assesses potential materiel solutions to mitigate the capability gaps documented in the validated Initial Capabilities Document (ICD). The AoA focuses on identification of analysis of alternatives, measures of effectiveness (MOE), cost, schedule, concepts of operations, and overall risk, including the sensitivity of each alternative to possible changes in key assumptions or variables. It addresses trade space to minimize risk. The AoA also assesses critical technology elements (CTE) associated with each proposed materiel soluton, including technology maturity, integration risk, manufacturing feasibility, and, where necessary, technology maturation and demonstration needs. The AoA normally occurs during the Materiel Solution Analysis (MSA) phase of the Acquisition process, is a key input to the Capability Development Document (CDD) and supports the materiel solution decision at Milestone A.

Capability Development Document (CDD)

The Capability Development Document (CDD) identifies operational performance attributes of the proposed system. The CDD is system specific and applies to a single increment of capability in an evolutionary acquisition program. Each increment of a program will either have its own CDD or a separate annex on a master CDD. Key Performance Parameters (KPP) are introduced in the CDD. Cost will be included in the CDD as life-cycle cost or, if available, total ownership costs. The format for the CDD is found in Enclosure B of the Manual for the Operation of the Joint Capabilities Integration and Development System, updated Feb 2015.

Capability Production Document (CPD)

The Capability Production Document is the document that addresses the production elements specific to a single increment of an acquisition program. The CPD must be validated and approved before a Milestone C decision review. The refinement of performance attributes and Key performance Parameters (KPPs) is the most significant difference between the Capability Development Document (CDD) and the CPD. The CPD format is contained in the CJCSM 3170.01 series.

Initial Capabilities Document (ICD)

The Initial Capabilities Document (ICD) documents the DoD need for a materiel approach (or an approach that combines materiel and non-materiel solution sets) to satisfy specific capability gaps. The ICD essentially summarizes and capability analysis (using a Capabilities-Based Assessment or other method) and defines those gaps in terms of the functional area; the relevant range of military operations, desired effects, timeframe, and recommendations.

Manpower Estimate Report (MER)

Manpower estimates report the total number of personnel required to operate, maintain, and support the program upon full operational deployment, including program-related training personnel. The estimate shall capture the number of military (officers and enlisted), DoD civilians, and contract manpower requirement for each fiscal year (FY) starting with initial fielding and ocntinuing through retirement and disposal of the system. A seperate estimate shall be provided for Active and Reserve Components for each Service.

New Equipment Training Plan (NETP)

The New Equipment Training Plan (NETP) provides for the initial training and transfer of knowledge from the program office or contractor to the tester and user. It represents the knowledge that is needed for operation, maintenance, and logistics support during testing and initial introduction of new materiel into the Army inventory.

Programmatic ESOH Evaluation (PESHE)

The Programmatic Environment, Safety and Occupational Health Evaluation (PESHE) documents risk and usage data of HAZMAT embedded in the system and used during operation and support. The PESHE should also document hazardous waste and pollutants (discharges/emissions/noise) generated during operation, support, and disposal of the system/subsystem.

May 2015 Update: SYSPARS 2, Release 5

Adaptations to this release include:

Statement of Work (SOW) suite [based on AMCOM best practices]

This set of documents provides a standard framework and model language that incorporates current strategies and the latest legislative, regulatory, policy requirements, and best practices. This suite includes SOW and PWS modules broken out into individual life cycle phases as well as for Interim Contractor Support.

Program Protection Plan

Program Protection is the integrating process for mitigating and managing risks to advanced technology and mission-critical system functionality from foreign collection, design vulnerability or supply chain exploit/insertion, battlefield loss, and unauthorized or inadvertent disclosure throughout the acquisition lifecycle.

Systems Engineering Plan Updates - Better Buying Practices Alignment

A systems engineering plan (SEP) is a "living" document that captures a program's current and evolving systems engineering strategy and its relationship with the overall program management effort. The SEP purpose is to guide all technical aspects of the program. It should be established early in the Materiel Solution Analysis phase and updated continually.

Item Unique Identification Plan (IUID) updates

The IUID Implementation Plan lists items to be marked, the priority and method of marking, and the funding necessary to accomplish marking. IUID permanently identifies an individual item distinctly from all other individual items that the DoD buys and owns. IUID provides for marking personal property items with a machine-readable Unique Item Identifier (UII), which is a set of globally unique data elements.

Certificate of Networthiness

View the SYSPARS Certificate of Networthiness

PLEASE NOTE: Per memo titled "Certificate of Networthiness (CoN) Expiration Dates," the SYSPARS CoN expires 1 year after the expiration date shown.

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