Benefits and Services

Work Life Programs

  • Flexible Alternative Work Schedules - including Tele Work Program
  • Child Care Resources and Referral & Onsite Child Care (many locations)
  • Employee Assistance Program; Legal and Financial Service; On-site Fitness Center (many locations)
  • Transportation Subsidy - Transit Benefits


  • Paid Holidays - A total of 10 days - annually
  • Annual leave (vacation days) 1-3 years = 13 / days; 4-15 years = 20 days; 15+ years = 26 days
  • Sick Leave - 13 days - annually
  • Volunteer Leave Transfer Program (leave sharing program)
  • Family Medical Leave Act - 12 weeks unpaid leave - annually

Health/Life Insurance, Flexible Spending Accounts, Long-Term Care,

Other Employee Benefits and Services

  • Career Development, Coaching, Training, Details, Shadow Assignments, Rotational Assignments.
  • Health and Wellness Programs
  • Employee Awards and Recognition
  • Tuition Reimbursement Program, Recruitment/Retention Bonus, Enhanced Annual
  • Leave Program

For more information visit:

Updated: Wednesday, April 25, 2012