Assistance for Native Americans and Tribes in Oregon

USDA Rural Development is committed to the future of rural communities, including American Indian and Alaska Native (AI/AN) communities and individuals. This commitment is long term in nature and transcends annual appropriations and funding cycles. 


On This Page

  • News and Spotlights
  • Rural Development Program List
  • Fact Sheets and Information
  • Links
  • Contacts
  • News and Spotlights: 

    2012 Value Added Producer Grant (VAPG) Application Period Announced - New Program Eligibility Opportunities for Tribal Entities


    Now Available:  Federal Resources for Sustainable Rural Communities (PDF, 6.4 MB)

    Learn about program opportunities for rural communities through USDA, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT), and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).


    Two Grants Awarded to Oregon Tribes Through the 2012 Rural Business Enterprise Grant (RBEG) Program

    Click here to view the news release.

    Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs - $30,000
    Feasibility study and business planning for the commercial processing and freezing of traditional tribal foods, such as salmon, elk, mushrooms and berries

    Confederated Tribes of Grande Ronde - $30,000
    To develop a marketplace where more than 30 tribal artisans may sell local basketry, paintings, traditional clothing, jewelry, sculpture and more

    Rural Development Native American Programs

    In addition to the programs described on this page, Native Americans and Tribes are also eligible to apply for Rural Development's regularly funded business, housing, community and utility programs. Links are provided below.

    • Business Loans and Grants - Click here for a full listing of all Business Loans and Grants.


      • Rural Business Enterprise Grant (RBEG) Native American Funding

        Through our RBEG program, USDA Rural Development provides grant funds for precisely targeted technical assistance, training, feasibility studies and other activities that support the development of specifically identifiable, small business enterprises in rural areas. Eligible applicants are nonprofits, public bodies and Tribes. Program funding, as well as the application process, is administered through the Oregon State Office.

        Every year, the agency reserves a portion of its RBEG funding for Native American projects. These are efforts where at least 75 percent of project benefits will be received by members of a Federally Recognized Native American Tribe. Alternatively, the beneficiary may be a tribally-owned business venture.

        Rural Development makes a public announcement for the solicitation of applications on an annual basis. Funding opportunities will be posted here. Click here for more information on the RBEG program.

      • Rural Business Opportunity Grant (RBOG) - Native American Funding

        The RBOG program provides grant funds for strategic technical assistance, training, and planning activities that promote est practicesin sustainable economic development for rural communities with exceptional needs (i.e., those that have experienced recent natural disaster or structural changes, or long term poverty, population decline or job deterioration). Since 2010, RBOG projects that feature a strong regional approach (Great Regions) have been favored. Eligible applicants are public bodies, nonprofit corporations, Tribes rural cooperatives that have sufficient financial strength and expertise to conduct the proposed activity. This is not a grant for individuals or businesses.

        Program funding, as well as the application process, is administered through the National Office, however, applicants should work with their local Rural Development Business Programs Specialist to develop their application.

        Every year, the agency identifies a pool of funding to be set aside for Native American projects. There is no grant size restriction on these funds.

        Applications are accepted once a year, as announced in a Federal Register notice, with awards announced in late summer. Click here for more information on the RBOG program.

      • Small Socially-Disadvantaged Producer Grant (SSDPG)

        Formerly known as the Small, Minority Producer Grant Program, the primary objective of the SSDPG program is to provide technical assistance to small, socially-disadvantaged agricultural producers through eligible cooperatives and associations of cooperatives. Grants are awarded on a competitive basis. The maximum award amount per grant is $200,000. Program funding, as well as the application process, is administered through the National Office, however, applicants should work with their local Rural Development Business Programs Specialist to develop their application.

        An entity is eligible to receive an SSDPG if it is an Association of Cooperatives or a Cooperative whose primary focus is to provide assistance to small, socially-disadvantaged producers and whose governing board and/or membership is comprised of at least 75 percent small, socially disadvantaged producers. Applicants will be required to verify their legal structure as a Cooperative or as an Association of Cooperative in the state in which they are incorporated at the time of application. Public bodies and Individuals are not eligible to receive grants.

        Grant funds must be used for Technical Assistance. Technical assistance is defined as: An advisory service performed for the benefit of a small, socially-disadvantaged producer such as market research; product and/or service improvement/ legal advice and assistance; feasibility study, business plan, and marketing plan development; and training.

        Application opportunities are announced upon publication of a Notice of Funding Availability. Click here for more information on the SSPDG program.


    < Top of Page





    • Water Loans and Grants - Click here for a full listing.


      • Section 306 C Water and Waste Grant - Native American Funding

        Each year, the Water and Waste Disposal program sets aside a portion of national grant funds to help Native American Tribes and service areas address significant health risks in communities with a population of $10,000 or less.

        These funds have been set aside for eligible projects that benefit members of Federally Recognized Native American Tribes. Residents of the rural area to be served must face significant health risks due to the fact that a significant proportion of the community residents do not have access to, or are not served by, adequate, affordable, water and/or waste disposal systems. Documentation to support the poor sanitary waste disposal and health risks should be provided to USDA.

        The use of RD loan funds, as well as funds from other sources, in conjunction with the grant funds is strongly encouraged whenever feasible to maximize the investment. Generally, applicants are expected to borrow as much as they can afford to repay, as in the regular loan program. However, water and waste disposal systems can obtain up to 100 percent grants to construct basic drinking water, sanitary sewer, solid waste disposal and storm drainage. Also, under this program, the systems can obtain funds to provide grant assistance directly to individuals to install necessary indoor plumbing like bathrooms and pay other costs of connecting to the system.

        For more information, or to begin developing an application, please contact the Community Programs Specialist Serving your area.

        Click here for more information on the Water and Waste Program.


    • Electric Loans and Grants - These programs are administered through the Rural Development National Office. Click here for program and contact information.


    Fact Sheets and Information


    < Top of Page


    Links to Additional Resources - Government

    USDA Office of Tribal Relations:

    Administration for Native Americans (HHS):

    Bureau of Indian Affairs:

    The Community Development Financial Institutions Fund (Treasury):

    Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Office of Native American Programs (ONAP):

    Department of Interior Office of Indian Energy and Economic Development:

    Indian Health Service (IHS):

    Senate Committee on Indian Affairs:

    Small Business Administration Office of Native American Affairs:


    Links to Additional Resources - Non - Governmental

    American Indian Higher Education Consortium:

    American Indian Institute:

    First Nations Development Institute:

    National American Indian Housing Council:

    National Congress of American Indians (NCAI):

    National Center for American Indian Enterprise Development:

    National Indian Education Association (NIEA):

    National Indian Health Board (NIHB):

    American Indian College Fund:

    Indian Country Today:

    Native American Times:

    Native American Journalists Association:


    Oregon Contacts

    USDA Rural Development Contacts

    Vicki Walker, Oregon State Director
    Oregon State Office
    (503) 414-3304
    TDD:  (503) 414-3387
    Fax:  (503) 414-3394

    USDA Rural Development
    1201 NE Lloyd Blvd., Ste. 801
    Portland, OR 97232-1274

    Jill Rees, Native American Coordinator / Public Affairs Specialist
    (503) 414-3302

    Char Rollier, State Environmental Coordinator responsible for Section 106 consultation, Civil Engineer
    (503) 414-3356 

    USDA Rural Development Oregon Directory


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