Historical Documents


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Foreign Relations of the United States, 1969–1976, Volume XL, Germany and Berlin, 1969–1972


  • Abras(s)imov, Pyotr A., Soviet Ambassador to East Germany until 1971; thereafter Soviet Ambassador to France
  • Abshire, David M., Assistant Secretary of State for Congressional Relations from April 20, 1970
  • Acheson, Dean, former Secretary of State (1949–1953)
  • Adenauer, Konrad (CDU), former Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany (1949–1963)
  • Agnew, Spiro T., Vice President of the United States from January 20, 1969
  • Ahlers, Conrad (SPD), Deputy Head of the West German Press and Information Office until October 22, 1969, then State Secretary and Head (government spokesman) of the Office until December 4, 1972; member of the Bundestag from December 13, 1972
  • Akalovsky, Alexander, Political Officer at the Mission (Chief of the Eastern Affairs Section) in Berlin from July 1970
  • Alexandrov-Agentov, Andrei M., Advisor (National Security) to the General Secretary (Brezhnev) of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union
  • Allardt, Helmut, West German Ambassador to the Soviet Union until March 31, 1972
  • Arnaud, Claude, Director of European Affairs in the French Foreign Ministry
  • Audland, Christopher John, Counselor at the British Embassy in West Germany from March 24, 1970
  • Bahr, Egon (SPD), Special Ambassador and Chief of the Planning Staff in the West German Foreign Office until October 21, 1969; then State Secretary (Foreign, Defense, and German Policy) in the Federal Chancellery and Plenipotentiary of the Federal Republic of Germany in Berlin; also West German Minister for Special Tasks from December 15, 1972
  • Baker, John A., Jr., Country Director for Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Poland, Bureau for European Affairs from August 1970
  • Barzel, Rainer (CDU), member of the Bundestag; Chairman of the CDU/CSU Parliamentary Party Group; CDU Party Chairman from October 4, 1971; CDU/CSU candidate for Chancellor in the 1972 Bundestag Election (from November 29, 1971)
  • Bauer, Leo (SPD), Chief Editor of Die Neue Gesellschaft; advisor to Willy Brandt
  • Beam, Jacob D., Ambassador to the Soviet Union from April 18, 1969
  • Berg, Hermann von, Division Chief in the Press Office for the Chairman (Stoph) of the Ministerial Council of the German Democratic Republic; informal East German emissary
  • Bergsten, C. Fred, member of the National Security Council Operations Staff (International Economic Affairs) from January 1969 until June 1971
  • Bertsch, Herbert, Deputy Director of the Press Office for the Chairman (Stoph) of the Ministerial Council of the German Democratic Republic
  • Binder, David, New York Times bureau chief in Bonn
  • Birrenbach, Kurt (CDU), member of the Bundestag; informal West German (CDU) emissary
  • Blumenfeld, Erik (CDU), member of the Bundestag
  • Boerner, Michael P., Political Officer at the Embassy in West Germany until July 1971
  • Bohlen, Charles E., Secretary of State ad interim on January 20, 1969; Deputy Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs until January 22, 1969
  • Bondarenko, Alexander P., Minister at the Soviet Embassy in West Germany until April 1971; then head of the Third European Division in the Soviet Foreign Ministry
  • Brandt, Willy (SPD), SPD Chairman; former Governing Mayor of Berlin; West German Vice Chancellor and Foreign Minister until October 21, 1969; SPD candidate for Chancellor in the 1969 and 1972 Bundestag elections; Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany from October 22, 1969
  • Brezhnev, Leonid I., General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union
  • Brimelow, Thomas, British Ambassador to Poland; then Deputy Under Secretary of State in the British Foreign Office from March 19, 1969
  • Brosio, Manlio G., General Secretary of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization until October 1, 1971
  • Brower, Charles N., Assistant Legal Adviser for European Affairs, Department of State, from November 1969 until July 1971; then Deputy Legal Adviser
  • Burns, Arthur F., Counselor to the President from January 1969 until January 1970; then Chairman of the Federal Reserve Board
  • Butterfield, Alexander P., Deputy Assistant to the President
  • Carstens, Karl (CDU), State Secretary and Head of the West German Federal Chancellery until October 22, 1969; member of the Bundestag from December 13, 1972
  • Cash, Frank E., Jr., Deputy Chief of Mission (Charge d'Affaires from February 20 until June 27, 1972) at the Embassy in West Germany from June 1971
  • Ceausescu, Nicolae, General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Romanian Communist Party and Chairman of the State Council of the Socialist Republic of Romania
  • Chou Enlai (Zhou Enlai), Premier of the People's Republic of China
  • Church, Frank F., Senator (D-Idaho)
  • Clay, Lucius D., former Deputy Military Governor and Military Governor of Germany (1945–1949)
  • Cline, Ray S., Director of the Bureau of Intelligence and Research, Department of State, from October 26, 1969
  • Connally, John B., Secretary of the Treasury from February 8, 1971 until May 16, 1972
  • Cromer, Earl of (George Rowland Stanley Baring), British Ambassador to the United States from February 8, 1971
  • Cushman, Lieutenant General Robert E., Jr., USMC, Deputy Director of Central Intelligence from May 7, 1969 until December 31, 1971; then Commandant of the Marine Corps
  • Cyrankiewicz, Józef, Polish Minister-President; then Chairman of the State Council from December 23, 1970 until March 28, 1972
  • Dahrendorf, Ralf (FDP), member of the Bundestag from October 20, 1969; Parliamentary State Secretary in the West German Foreign Office from October 22, 1969; member of the European Community Commission in Brussels and Director of the Division for “Foreign Relations” in the West German Foreign Office after June 1, 1970
  • Davis, Jeanne W., Director of the National Security Council Secretariat from 1969 until 1971; then National Security Council Staff Secretary
  • Dean, Jonathan, Political Counselor (Chief of the Political Section) at the Embassy in West Germany until September 1972
  • Diehl, Günther, State Secretary and Head of the West German Press and Information Office (government spokesman) until October 22, 1969
  • Dobrynin, Anatoly F., Soviet Ambassador to the United States; candidate member and, from April 1971, full member of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union
  • Douglas-Home, Alexander F., British Foreign Minister from June 20, 1970
  • Downey, Arthur T., Attorney Advisor in the Office of the Assistant Legal Adviser for European Affairs, Department of State, until September 1969; then member of the National Security Council Operations Staff (Europe) until 1972
  • Dubs, Adolph, Acting Country Director for the Soviet Union, Bureau of European Affairs, Department of State, until April 1969; then Country Director until August 1971; Deputy Chief of Mission at the Embassy in the Soviet Union from September 1972
  • Duckwitz, Georg Ferdinand, First State Secretary (Political and Administrative Affairs) in the West German Foreign Office until May 31, 1970
  • Ehmke, Horst (SPD), State Secretary in the West German Justice Ministry until March 26, 1969; then West German Justice Minister until October 21, 1969; then State Secretary and Head of the Federal Chancellery, as well as Minister for Special Tasks, until December 15, 1972; thereafter Minister for Research and Technology
  • Eliot, Theodore L., Jr., Executive Secretary of the Department of State from August 10, 1969
  • Ellsworth, Robert F., Assistant to the President from January until May 1969; Permanent Representative on the Council of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization from May 13, 1969 until June 30, 1971
  • Erhard, Ludwig (CDU), former Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany (1963–1966)
  • Falin, Valentin M., head of the Third European Department in the Soviet Foreign Ministry until April 1971; Soviet Ambassador to West Germany from May 3, 1971
  • Fazio, V. James, member of the National Security Council Staff from 1970 until 1971; then Assistant Director of the White House Situation Room until 1972
  • Fessenden, Russell, Deputy Chief of Mission (Charge d'Affaires from January 14 until July 22, 1969) at the Embassy in West Germany until July 1971; then Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for European Affairs
  • Flanigan, Peter M., Consultant to the President on Administration and Staffing from January until April 1969; thereafter Assistant to the President (for International Economic Affairs from January 1972); also Executive Director of the Council for International Economic Policy from February 1972
  • Frank, Paul, head of the First Political Division in the West German Foreign Office until June 1, 1970; then First State Secretary (Political and Administrative Affairs)
  • de Gaulle, Charles, President of France until April 28, 1969
  • Genscher, Hans-Dietrich (FDP), member of the Bundestag; FDP Deputy Party Chairman; West German Minister of the Interior from October 22, 1969
  • Gerstenmaier, Eugen (CDU), President of the Bundestag until January 31, 1969; CDU Deputy Chairman
  • Gierek, Edward, member of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the Polish United Workers' Party; First Secretary of the Central Committee from December 20, 1970
  • Goldwater, Barry M., Senator (R-Arizona)
  • Gomulka, Wladislaw, member of the Politburo and First Secretary of the Central Committee of the Polish United Workers' Party until December 20, 1970
  • Gradl, Johann Baptist (CDU), member of the Bundestag; Chairman of the Bundestag Committee for Inner-German Relations
  • Grewe, Wilhelm G., West German Permanent Representative on the Council of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization
  • Gromyko, Andrei, Soviet Foreign Minister
  • Guttenberg, Karl Theodor Freiherr von und zu (CSU), member of the Bundestag; Parliamentary State Secretary in the West German Foreign Office until October 22, 1969
  • Haig, Colonel (from November 1969, Brigadier General; from March 1972, Major General) Alexander M., Jr., USA, Senior Military Assistant to the Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs from January 20, 1969 until June 1970; then Deputy Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs
  • Halperin, David, member of the Office of the Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs in 1971
  • Harkort, Günther, head of the Division for Trade and Development Policy in the West German Foreign Office until March 17, 1969; then Second State Secretary until May 30, 1970
  • Hassell, Kai-Uwe von (CDU), West German Minister of Displaced Persons, Refugees and War Wounded until February 5, 1969; then President of the Bundestag; CDU Deputy Chairman
  • Heath, Edward, British Prime Minister from June 19, 1970
  • Heck, Bruno (CDU), member of the Bundestag; CDU General Secretary until 1971
  • Heinemann, Gustav W. (SPD), West German Minister of Justice until March 26, 1969; SPD/FDP Candidate for President in the 1969 Bundesversammlung election; President of the Federal Republic of Germany from July 1, 1969
  • Henderson, Nicholas, British Ambassador to Poland from March 1969 until July 1972; then British Ambassador to West Germany
  • Hillenbrand, Martin J., Ambassador to Hungary until February 15, 1969; Assistant Secretary of State for European Affairs from February 20, 1969 until April 30, 1972; then Ambassador to the Federal Republic of Germany from June 27, 1972
  • Holschuh, Captain Howard W., USN, Naval Intelligence Officer in Germany (Frankfurt) from December 1969 to August 1972
  • Honecker, Erich, member of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the Socialist Unity Party of (East) Germany and Secretary of the National Defense Council of the German Democratic Republic; from May 3, 1971, First Secretary of the Central Committee; and from June 24, 1971, Chairman of the National Defense Council
  • Houdek, Robert, member of the Office of the Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs from January 1969 until July 1971
  • Hughes, Thomas L., Director of the Bureau of Intelligence and Research, Department of State until August 25, 1969
  • Humphrey, Hubert H., Vice President until January 20, 1969; Senator (D-Minnesota) from January 1971
  • Hupka, Herbert, member of the Bundestag
  • Hyland, William G., member of the National Security Council Operations Staff (Europe) from 1969 until 1972
  • Irwin, John N., II, Under Secretary of State from September 21, 1970 until July 12, 1972; Deputy Secretary of State from July 13, 1972
  • Jackling, Roger W., British Ambassador to the Federal Republic of Germany
  • Jackson, Henry M., Senator (D-Washington)
  • Jedrychowski, Stefan, Polish Foreign Minister until December 22, 1971
  • Johnpoll, Alexander C., Acting Director of the Office of German Affairs, Bureau of European Affairs, Department of State, until June 1969; also Deputy Director of the Berlin Task Force from March 1969 until June 1969
  • Johnson, Lyndon B., President of the United States until January 20, 1969
  • Johnson, U. Alexis, Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs from February 7, 1969
  • Karamessines, Thomas H., Deputy Director for Plans, Central Intelligence Agency
  • Kennedy, David M., Secretary of the Treasury from January 20, 1969 until December 14, 1970
  • Kennedy, Colonel Richard T., (USA, Ret.), member of the National Security Council Staff from 1969 to 1970; then Director of the Planning Group, National Security Council Staff
  • Kevorkov, Vëiìacheslav, KGB representative at the Soviet Council of Ministers
  • Khrushchev, Nikita, former First Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party Chairman of the Soviet Council of Ministers
  • Khotulev, Bronislav P., Counselor at the Soviet Embassy in East Germany
  • Kiesinger, Kurt Georg (CDU), Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany until October 21, 1969; CDU/CSU Candidate for Chancellor in the 1969 Bundestag election; also CDU Party Chairman until October 4, 1971
  • Kissinger, Henry A., Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs from January 20, 1969
  • Klein, David, Deputy Assistant Chief of Mission in Berlin until April 1971; then Assistant Chief (Minister)
  • Kohl, Helmut (CDU), Minister President of Rheinland-Pfalz from May 19, 1969; also CDU Deputy Party Chairman
  • Kohl, Michael, State Secretary for the Ministerial Council of the German Democratic Republic
  • Kornienko, Georgi M., head of the American Department in the Soviet Foreign Ministry
  • Kosygin, Alexei N., Chairman (Premier) of the Soviet Council of Ministers
  • Kozyrev, Semen P., Soviet Deputy Foreign Minister
  • Kraft, Joseph, syndicated columnist
  • Kvitinsky, Yuli A., Counselor at the Soviet Embassy in West Germany
  • Laird, Melvin R., Secretary of Defense from January 22, 1969
  • Lednev, Valery V., Soviet journalist; KGB representative
  • Ledsky, Nelson C., Political Officer at the Embassy in West Germany until July 1969; then Country Officer for Berlin and the Soviet Zone (East Germany), Office of the Country Director for Germany, Bureau for European Affairs, Department of State
  • Lesh, Donald R., member of the National Security Council Operations Staff (Europe), 1969–1970
  • Lincoln, George A., Director of the Office of Emergency Preparedness
  • Livingston, Robert Gerald, Political Officer (Deputy Chief of the Political Section) at the Embassy in West Germany until August 1970; Office of Disarmament and Communist Political-Military Affairs, Bureau of Politico-Military Affairs, Department of State, from November 1971 until February 1972; then member of the National Security Council Operations Staff (Europe)
  • Lodge, Henry Cabot, Ambassador to the Federal Republic of Germany from May 27, 1968 until January 14, 1969
  • Lord Winston, member of the National Security Council Planning Staff and Group from January 1969 until 1970; also member of the National Security Council Operations Staff (United Nations Affairs) from September 1969 until 1970; thereafter staff member of the Office of the Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs
  • Lübke, Heinrich (CDU), President of the Federal Republic of Germany until July 1, 1969
  • Lustig, René, Second Counselor at the French Embassy in West Germany until June 1972; thereafter First Counselor
  • Mansfield, Mike, Senator (D-Montana); Senate Majority Leader
  • Marx, Werner, (CDU), member of the Bundestag
  • McCloy, John J., former US Military Governor and High Commissioner for Germany (1949–1952)
  • McGovern, George S., Senator (D-South Dakota); Democratic candidate and nominee for President in 1972
  • McManis, David Y., member of the Office of the Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs from 1969 until 1971; then Director of the White House Situation Room
  • Meyer, Cord, Jr., Assistant Deputy Director for Plans, Central Intelligence Agency
  • Mitchell, John N., Attorney General from January 20, 1969 until February 15, 1972; then Chairman of the Committee to Re-Elect the President until July 1, 1972
  • Moersch, Karl, member of the Bundestag (FDP); Parliamentary State Secretary in the West German Foreign Office from July 1, 1970
  • Moorer, Admiral Thomas H., USN, Chief of Naval Operations until July 1, 1970; then Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
  • Morris, Brewster H., Assistant Chief of Mission (Minister) in Berlin until April 1971
  • Mosbacher, Emil, Jr., Chief of Protocol, Department of State, from January 21, 1969 until June 30, 1972
  • Muskie, Edmund S., Senator (D-Maine); Democratic candidate for President in 1972
  • Nelson, James C., Economic Officer in the (Office of German Affairs) Office of the Country Director for Germany, Bureau of European Affairs, Department of State, from July 1969
  • Nixon, Richard M., President of the United States from January 20, 1969
  • Noebel, Hans H., Minister at the West German Embassy in the United States from March 16, 1970
  • Norden, Albert, member of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the Socialist Unity Party of (East) Germany
  • Nutter, G. Warren, Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs from March 4, 1969
  • Obst, Harry, interpreter in the Language Services Division, Office of Operations, Bureau of Administration, Department of State
  • Oncken, Dirk, Minister at the West German Embassy in Washington; Chief of the Planning Staff in the West German Foreign Office from February 17, 1970
  • Osterheld, Horst, head of Division II (Foreign and Inner-German Relations, and External Security) in the West German Federal Chancellery until November 24, 1969
  • Packard, David, Deputy Secretary of Defense from January 24, 1969 until December 13, 1971
  • Pauls, Rolf, West German Ambassador to the United States from January 31, 1969
  • Pedersen, Richard F., Counselor of the Department of State from January 24, 1969
  • Podgorny, Nicolai V., Chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet
  • Pompidou, Georges, President of France from June 20, 1969
  • Puhan, Alfred, Acting Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for European Affairs until April 1969; also Director of the Berlin Task Force from March until April 1969; Ambassador to Hungary June 16, 1969
  • Read, Benjamin H., Executive Secretary of the Department of State until February 14, 1969
  • Richardson Elliot L., Under Secretary of State from January 23, 1969 until June 23, 1970
  • Robert, Horst-Krafft, Director of Subdivision A in the Division for Trade Policy, Development Policy, and European Economic Integration in the West German Foreign Office from March 17, 1969
  • Rodman, Peter W., member of the Planning Group, National Security Council Staff, from 1969 until 1970; thereafter staff member of the Office of the Assistant for National Security Affairs
  • Rogers, William P., Secretary of State from January 22, 1969
  • Ruete, Hans, head of the Second Political Division in the West German Foreign Office; West German Ambassador to France from June 15, 1970
  • Rush, Kenneth, Ambassador to the Federal Republic of Germany from July 22, 1969 until February 20, 1972; Deputy Secretary of Defense from February 23, 1972
  • Rusk, Dean, Secretary of State until January 20, 1969
  • Sahm, Ulrich, Director of Subdivision A (East-West Relations) in the Second Political Division of the West German Foreign Office until October 21, 1969; then head of Division II (Foreign and Inner-German Relations and External Security) in the Federal Chancellery; West German Ambassador to the Soviet Union from April 26, 1972
  • Samuels, Nathaniel, Deputy Under Secretary of State for Economic Affairs from April 1, 1969 until May 31, 1972
  • Sauvagnargues, Jean, French Ambassador to West Germany from May 5, 1970
  • Schaetzel, J. Robert, Permanent Representative to the European Communities until October 25, 1972
  • Scheel, Walter (FDP), FDP Party Chairman; FDP Candidate for Chancellor in the 1969 Bundestag election; West German Vice Chancellor and Foreign Minister from October 22, 1969
  • Schiller, Karl (SPD), West German Minister for Economic Affairs and Finance (from May 13, 1971) until July 2, 1972
  • Schmidt, Helmut (SPD), Chairman of the SPD Parliamentary Party Group until October 21, 1969; West German Minister of Defense from October 22, 1969 until July 7, 1972; then West German Minister for Economic Affairs (until December 15, 1972) and Finance
  • Schnippenkötter, Swidbert, Director of Subdivision B (General Disarmament and European Security) in the Second Political Division of the West German Foreign Office and Representative of the West German Government for Questions of Disarmament and Arms Control
  • Schröder, Gerhard (CDU), member of the Bundestag; West German Defense Minister until October 21, 1969; CDU/CSU Candidate in the 1969 Bundesversammlung election; Chairman of the Bundestag Committee on Foreign Affairs; Deputy CDU Party Chairman
  • Schütz, Klaus (SPD), Governing Mayor of Berlin
  • Schumann, Maurice, French Foreign Minister from June 24, 1969
  • Semenov, Vladimir S., Soviet Deputy Foreign Minister
  • Seydoux de Clausonne, François, French Ambassador to West Germany
  • Seydoux de Clausonne, Roger, French Ambassador to the Soviet Union
  • Shakespeare, Frank J., Jr., Director, U.S. Information Agency, from February 14, 1969
  • Shultz, George P., Secretary of Labor from January 20, 1969 until June 10, 1970; then Director of the Office of Management and Budget; Secretary of Treasury and Assistant to the President from May 16, 1972
  • Skoug, Kenneth N. Jr., Deputy Country Director for Germany, Bureau for European Affairs, Department of State, from July 1969
  • Smith, Gerard C., Director of the U.S. Arms Control and Disarmament Agency from February 7, 1969; from November 19, 1969, also Representative (Ambassador) and Chairman of the U.S. Delegation to the Strategic Arms Limitation Talks (SALT I)
  • Sonnenfeldt, Helmut, member of the National Security Council Operations Staff (Europe) from January 1969
  • Spiers, Ronald I., Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Politico-Military Affairs (Director of the Bureau of Politico-Military Affairs from September 1969) from August 1969
  • Spiro, Herbert J., member of the Planning and Coordination Staff, Department of State, from July 1970
  • Spreti, Karl Graf von, West German Ambassador to Guatemala until April 5, 1970
  • Springer, Axel C., owner and Chairman of the Board of Axel Springer Verlag (West German publishing company)
  • Springsteen, George S., Jr., Deputy Assistant Secretary of State (Acting Secretary from May until August 1972) for European Affairs
  • Staden, Berndt von, Director of Subdivision A in the First Political Division of the Foreign Office until June 1, 1970; then head of the Political Division
  • Stans, Maurice H., Secretary of Commerce from January 20, 1969 until January 27, 1972
  • Stoessel, Walter J., Jr., Ambassador to Poland until August 5, 1972; Assistant Secretary of State for European Affairs from August 9, 1972
  • Stoltenberg, Gerhard, member of the Bundestag; Deputy Chairman of the CDU/CSU Parliamentary Party Group
  • Stoph, Willi, Chairman of the Ministerial Council of the German Democratic Republic; member of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the Socialist Unity Party of (East) Germany
  • Strauss, Franz Josef (CSU), Chairman of the Christian Social Union; member of the Bundestag; West German Minister of Finance until October 21, 1969
  • Sutterlin, James S., (Director, Office of German Affairs) Country Director for Germany, Bureau for European Affairs, Department of State, from June 1969
  • Swank, Emory C., Deputy Chief of Mission at the Embassy in the Soviet Union until June 1969; then Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for European Affairs until September 1970
  • Thompson, Alan R., International Relations Officer in the Office of the Country Director for Germany, Bureau of European Affairs, Department of State, until July 1971
  • Tito, Josip Broz, President of Yugoslavia
  • Toon, Malcolm, Acting Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for European Affairs until May 1969; Ambassador to Czechoslovakia from July 31, 1969 until October 11, 1971; then Ambassador to Yugoslavia from October 23, 1971
  • Tsarapkin, Semen K., Soviet Ambassador to West Germany until April 1971
  • Ulbricht, Walter, First Secretary of the Central Committee of the Socialist Unity Party of (East) Germany until May 3, 1971; Chairman of the State Council of the German Democratic Republic
  • Volcker, Paul A., Under Secretary of the Treasury for Monetary Affairs from January 1969
  • Vorontsov, Yuli M., Minister at the Soviet Embassy in the United States
  • Walters, Major General (from March 1972 Lieutenant General)
  • Vernon A., USA, Military Attaché at the Embassy in France until April 1972; Deputy Director of Central Intelligence from May 2, 1972
  • Watts, William, National Security Council Staff Secretary from 1969 until April 1970
  • Wehmeyer, Donald A., Attorney Adviser at the Embassy in West Germany
  • Wehner, Herbert (SPD), West German Minister for All-German Affairs until October 21, 1969; then Chairman of the SPD Bundestag Parliamentary Party Group; also SPD Deputy Party Chairman
  • Weizsäcker, Richard von (CDU), member of the Bundestag
  • Well, Günther van, Director of the Department “Foreign Political Questions that Deal with Berlin and Germany as a Whole” in the First Political Division of the West German Foreign Office
  • Wienand, Karl (SPD), member of the Bundestag; Whip of the SPD Parliamentary Party Group
  • Wilson, Harold, Chairman of the Labour Party; British Prime Minister until June 19, 1970
  • Winzer, Otto, East German Foreign Minister
  • Young, David R., Jr., Administrative Assistant, Office of the Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs (Kissinger)
  • Ziegler, Ronald L., White House Press Secretary from January 20, 1969
  • Zorin, Valerian A., Soviet Ambassador to France