Alligator River National Wildlife Refuge
Southeast Region

Volunteer from a Distance!

Do you have a knack for searching on the internet? The following are special projects we'd appreciate your help in researching!

We need a database of department contacts at colleges and universities around the country for intern recruitment. We need contacts with any college or university that has a program related to outdoor recreation, environmental education, parks and recreation, wildlife, forestry, biology, etc. Could you spend some time assisting us in finding these contacts?

We need to search for web sites that could be contacted and asked to provide links to our sites for workampers, interns and other volunteers. There are a host of sites out there that focus completely on these types of opportunities.

We need research to provide us with email addresses for web sites that might consider providing a link to Wings Over Water - our celebration of wildlife and wildlands in eastern North Carolina. Sites might include birding organizations, outdoor recreation sites, paddling clubs, etc.

Link tester!! We need a volunteer to commit to weekly checks of the web sites we administer to check for outdated material, dead links, etc. Talk about an easy job!! You can learn about the refuge and help us at the same time!!

Do you have special writing skills?? We need special news releases, fact sheets, etc. Are you a good editor?

How about PHOTOGRAPHY?? We're always in need of good photographs of wildlife, habitat, and people doing things related to wildlife for use on web pages, in leaflets, etc. We use photos taken both on and off the refuges.

. Local Outreach?? Wherever you live, we need local contacts to distribute information to appropriate places about upcoming events and activities.

Use your imagination. Is there a talent you have that could help one or more of our national wildlife refuges?? Give us a call (252-473-1131 ext 230) or email Volunteer Coordinator to discuss the possibilities!


Distance Volunteer
Last Updated: 3/3/09