Ecological Services in the Caribbean
Oficina de Servicios Ecológicos del Caribe -- Southeast Region
Map of the Southeast Region


New information on the distribution and status of bariaco

Bariaco plant, endangered.  Green leaves and white flower. F Suárez

September 9, 2012-The US Fish and Wildlife Service and botanists from the University of Puerto Rico, recently reviewed the status of the endangered bariaco plant (Trichilia triacantha). The experts report that the distribution of natural populations have expanded. (Read more)

Federal and State Agencies Reaffirm their Commitment to the Recovery of the Endangered Puerto Rican Parrot

Daniel J. Galán Kercadó, Secretary, PRDNER; Elizabeth Agpaoa, Regional Forester, USFS; and Leopoldo Miranda, Assitant Regioal Director, USFWS E. Muñiz

August 16, 2012- At an ineragency meeting, leaders from the Puerto Rico Department of Natural and Environmental Resources (PRDNER), the US Forest Service (USFS), and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) reaffirmed their commitment to the Puerto Rican Parrot Recovery Program...(Read more).

Agencias Federales y Estatal Reafirman su compromiso con la Recuperación de la Cotorra Puertorriqueña, en Peligro de Extinción (En Español).

Alerta a Nautas-Manaties en Aguas Llanas

manati nadando cerca de la superficieM. Morel

4 de julio de 2012- Exhortamos a los nautas, operadores de botes y motoras acuaticas, a tomar precaucion con los manaties este verano. Para mas informacion

USFWS will not list Caribbean Mayten

mcymosa flower

June 3, 2012 The US Fish and Wildlife Service will not conduct an in-depth review of the status of the Caribbean mayten tree. Read more.

El USFWS dice peticion de proteger Maiten del Caribe no procede. Lea el resto de la historia


Reopening Comment Period for Coquí Llanero

coqui llanero

June 18, 2012- Service is re-opening comment period on a proposal to designate critical habitat for the coquí llanero. Economic analysis available for review. Read More

18 de Junio de 2012- Se reabre el período de comentario público para la propuesta de designar hábitat crítico para el coquí llanero. El análisis económico disponible para revisión. Lea el resto de la historia

Learn about Vahl's boxwood

Vahl's Boxwood, "diablito de tres cuernos"

May 21, 2012 - Listen to Sarah Leon and Omar Monsegur, from the USFWS, talk about Vahl's Boxwood, a rare plant that is native to Puerto Rico and St. Croix in the U.S. Virgin Islands. Podcast

Photo by Carlos Pacheco, USFWS

Endangered Species Day 2012

Poster for Endangered Species Day in Puerto Rico

May 18, 2012 -Today, the US Fish and Wildlife Service is celebrating the Endangered Species Day to recognize efforts to protect and recover extinction-endangered species in our nation.   The Caribbean Ecological Services Field Office commemorated this day in advance...(read more) (See photos)

Guamá, orphaned manatee in Guantánamo Bay, Cuba

Guamá, manatee rescued in Cuba feeding from a bottle at rehabilitation center in Puerto Rico

On May 4, 2012, a newborn manatee, three to four days old, was stranded at the Guantanamo Bay Naval Station in Cuba.  Military officials immediately called the USFWS and requested assistance...(Read more)


I Gave Eight

Public Affairs Specialist with first graders during outreach at school

December 13, 2011-Kids love animals…especially real ones.  “Is that turtle alive?’, “Can I touch that skull?”  “Are those turtle eggs for real?” (Read more)

Anguila American podría necesitar protección Federal 

3 de noviembre de 2011-La decisión se recoge en un documento conocido como un 90 Day Finding y se publicó en el registro federal el 28 de septiembre de 2011 y se... (lee el resto de la historia)

Tuque el Manatí Regresa al Sur de Puerto Rico

Tuque manatee facing forward underwater

4 de Octubre de 2011-Tuque el manatí regresa a su hogar.  Tuque es un manatí huérfano que se rescató en septiembre del 2005 en el sector El Tuque de Ponce y ya culminó con su proceso de ...(lee el resto de la historia)

Tuque Video

Planting Lives, an unforgettable experience

September 26, 2011-Celebrating National Public Lands Day as a Youth Ambassador for the USFWS

Click to view Spanish version

USFWS Seeks Comments to Begin an Environmental Assessment to Select Site for a Third Puerto Rican Parrot Population in Puerto Rico

PR Parrot - Cotorra Puertorriqueña _ Read more __En español

Leatherback Critical Habitat Revisions to be Assessed During Status Review

August 4, 2011-The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service determined that revisions should be made to the leatherback sea turtle's current critical habitat designation. To read more...

Español: Hábitat Crítico del Tinglar a ser evaluado durante su próxima revisión de estatus. Para más información...

New Caribbean Species Album Online USFWS Caribbean Ecological ServicesCaribbean Albums on Flickr

Photos of endangered and threatened Caribbean species now on Facebook  and Flickr
June 24, 2011-The Ecological Services Office of the US Fish and Wildlife Service has created a new page on Facebook and... (read more). Español 

Puerto Rican Harlequin Butterfly Candidate for ESA Protection

May 31, 2011-The U. S. Fish and Wildlife has determined that listing the Harlequin Butterfly also known in Spanish as the Quebradillana or Mariposa arlequín de Puerto Rico, a as a threatened or endangered species is warranted ...(read more) Español

Endangered Species Day 2011 in Puerto Rico

May 21, 2011 Press Release (Español) Photo Album, Invite/Poster

Shade Coffee for Wildlife

bee and white coffee flower

Moca, Guaba, Guamá and Capa Prieto to restore farms in Yauco y Maricao.

Café bajo sombra para la Vida Silvestre

Moca, Guaba, Guamá y Capa Prieto para restaurar fincas en Yauco y Maricao.

Marrón bacora, Caribbean Shrub, a Federal Candidate Species for Listing Under Endangered Species Act


USFWS Caribbean Ecological Services Caribbean Albums on Flickr

ESA Section 7 Consultation Presentation

Endangered Species Map, Caribbean, updated 2011

Poster Puerto Rican Crested Toad

Last updated: September 24, 2012
Map of Kentucky Map of the Caribbean and Navassa Map of North Carolina Map of Tennessee Map of South Carolina Map of Arkansas Map of Louisiana Map of Mississippi Map of Alabama Map of Georgia Map of Florida