NRL Signs CRADA with Lockheed Martin Corporation

4/28/1997 - 20-97r
Contact: Public Affairs Office, (202) 767-2541

Under the authority of the Federal Technology Transfer Act (FTTA) of 1986, CAPT Bruce W. Buckley, USN, Commanding Officer of the Naval Research Laboratory (NRL), and Mr. Paul Shattuck, of the Missiles and Space Advanced Technology Center of Lockheed Martin Corporation (LMMS), have signed a Cooperative Research and Development Agreement (CRADA) focused on the simulation and visualization of surface-ship missile-blast and ship structural response dynamics to support the DARPA Simulation Based Design (SBD) Program. The signing took place in January 1997 at NRL.

The FTTA provides for making federal laboratories' developments accessible to private industry, and to state and local governments, and for the improvement of economic, environmental and social well-being of the United States, by stimulating the civil utilization of federally funded technology developments.

According to Mr. Gary Jones, the Program Manager of the SBD Program at DARPA, "The Simulation-Based Design (SBD) Program is developing and testing a prototype digital- knowledge environment for representing physical, mechanical, and operational characteristics of a complex system, which will transition to the military services. This interactive collaborative environment will enable the Department of Defense to more efficiently design, analyze, manufacture, operate, test, and support products as systems of systems. SBD will serve as a key technology enabler for acquisition process reform."

The objective of the NRL effort, led by Dr. William C. Sandberg of the Laboratory for Computational Physics and Fluid Dynamics, is to demonstrate to DARPA that high-performance, scalable, computations can be carried out for rapid survivability assessment and structural configuration iteration within a distributed, collaborative design environment. The NRL team, and George Mason University and SAIC researchers, plan to show that a scalable, unsteady blast-code running on the NRL Origin 2000 parallel computer, is capable of coupling high-performance computations into a real-time environment for distributed simulation. The code being demonstrated, FEFLO97, is also one of the codes chosen by the DoD High Performance Computing Modernization Program for its Scalable Software Initiative.

To successfully operate in the real-time design environment, the code must be coupled into a Run-Time Infrastructure (RTI) which is consistent with the Defense Modelling and Simulation Office (DMSO) High Level Architecture (HLA) and respond to notification from a combat simulator that a missile hit has occurred at a particular location at which a computation is desired. The SGI Origin 2000 will issue a request to retrieve the appropriate files from the Newport News Shipbuilding Corporation Smart Product Model. The retrieved files, which are Virtual Reality Modelling Language (VRML) representations of the affected ship spaces, must be translated and interrogated to create computational grids for the blast and structure computations. Coupled blast and structural dynamics computations will then be carried out, the data visualized and analyzed, and the location of the data files broadcast to other design federates, including Electric Boat Corporation, for coupling into their fire, smoke, and VR firefighting simulations.

The accurate modeling of the complex dynamics of shock propagation through several ship spaces, which include open hatches and large obstacles; the time history of the pressure on all decks and bulkheads in the spaces; and the coupled structural dynamics are critical to assessing the suitability of a given ship space design configuration from a survivability standpoint, and as such, will have immediate practical value to the Navy. The rapid, iterative visualization of the time varying blast loads on all surfaces and objects and the structural responses for alternative configurations within a distributed collaborative environment should be of value to ship designers, and hence accelerate the transition of the DARPA Simulation Based Design technology into the Navy design and acquisition community.

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