Tag Archives: BG Gamble

On the Fourth of July we celebrate our Independence and the founding of our nation 236 years ago.   The Fourth is also time for fireworks, cookouts and spending time outdoors with your family and friends. Enjoy the holiday, and …
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Welcoming a child into the world is often one of the greatest joys in life. As a proud father of four children, I know that when you hold your child for the first time, TRICARE enrollment is not in the …
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Every spring, thousands of young people graduate from college and start lives on their own as independent young adults. Many come from military families and had TRICARE coverage their entire lives. For most of these dependent children, TRICARE coverage ends …
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Prescription drug misuse is one of the leading causes of accidental death in the U.S. but that can be changed by proper disposal of unwanted, unused or expired medications. On April 28th, the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) is sponsoring National …
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Brigadier General W. Bryan Gamble, M.D. Deputy Director, TRICARE Management Activity Cancer is one of the leading causes of death in the United States but fortunately, many common types of cancer are treatable if detected early.  To ensure early detection, TRICARE …
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