Author Archives: Federal Student Aid

Helpful Social Media Tools to Promote FAFSA Completion

Helpful Social Media Tools to Promote FAFSA Completion For us at the U.S. Department of Education, the start of a new year provides a fresh opportunity to  remind parents, students and educators about the importance of submitting the Free Application … Continue reading

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Which Student Loan Repayment Plan Should You Choose?

Student loan repayment season is nearing, and recent college graduates may be trying to understand the different types of repayment plans, and which ones may be best for them.  Let’s explore what repayment plans exist for federal student loans, and … Continue reading

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3 Things to Do During Your Student Loan Grace Period

Your student loan grace period is a set amount of time after you graduate, leave school, or drop below half-time enrollment, but before you must begin repayment on your loan. The grace period gives you time to get financially settled … Continue reading

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Five Things to Know About Your Student Loans

Over the next few months, many students who graduated or left school in the spring of 2012 will reach the end of their grace period and start repaying their student loans. Now is a great time to brush up on … Continue reading

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#AskFAFSA Office Hours with Secretary Arne Duncan

On October 12th at 4pm ET, Secretary of Education, Arne Duncan will join @FAFSA to answer your financial aid questions during the October edition of #AskFAFSA Office Hours. Maybe you have a question about completing the FAFSA or understanding your … Continue reading

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