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patient at AIDS clinic in Kenya

A child peers around the corner in the waiting room of the HIV Comprehensive Care Clinic of Meru District Hospital in Kenya's Eastern province as two pediatricians stand in the background. The clinic is part of a USAID-funded consortium, which partners with the Government of Kenya and other organizations to prevent mother-to-child transmission of HIV and to provide HIV/AIDS care and treatment. Read more about Global Health and Kenya.

ARV drugs being given to baby

They are the invisible architects of the battle against HIV/AIDS, managing global drug supplies from the shadows. See how a smart investment by PEPFAR has led to lower prices and reliable supplies of live-saving medicines.

Jay Heavner


man sits at conference

Since 2006, USAID’s National Capacity Development Program, or Tatweer, which means “development” in Arabic, has significantly improved the ability of Iraqi ministries to fulfill their responsibilities to deliver services to citizens. The program worked with Iraqi key service ministries and central executive offices to improve public services by modernizing the core ministries’ systems and processes and developing the capacity of their civil servants.



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