NASA Socioeconomic Data and Applications Center (SEDAC) – Hosted by CIESIN at Columbia University

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Gridded Population of the World, Version 3

To serve a wide user community by providing the latest data on human population distribution that can be used in interdisciplinary studies of the environment.

Global Distribution of Poverty

To enhance current understanding of the global distribution of poverty and the geographic and biophysical conditions of where the poor live.

Last of the Wild, Version 2

To systematically map and measure the human influence on the Earth's land surface today.

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Population, Landscape, And Climate Estimates (PLACE), v3 (1990, 2000, 2010)

National Aggregates of Geospatial Data Collection (NAGDC)

To provide tabular data to researchers without GIS capabilities who need data on population and land area by country across a range of physical characteristics. These include measures such as the number of persons living within coastal zones, the percent of a region within specific elevation strata, or the number of persons living within different climate zones.

Environmental Performance Index and Pilot Trend Environmental Performance Index, 2012 Release (2000 – 2010)

Environmental Performance Index (EPI)

To provide quantitative metrics for evaluating a country's environmental performance in different policy categories relative to clearly defined targets.

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