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Business/Tech Transfer





Some of the most innovative technology transfer at Los Alamos today involves collaborative projects with industry. In collaborative research arrangements, DOE and industry jointly sponsor a research project. Costs, personnel, facilities, equipment, or research capabilities may be shared for mutual benefit. This provides industry with an excellent way to leverage its research activities.

A company may wish to sponsor LANL scientists to conduct research on a specified issue if we have researchers with the appropriate capabilities and interest in the project. The unique equipment and specialized staff expertise at Los Alamos provide research opportunities that may not be available anywhere else in the world.

In addition to these options we have personnel exchange agreements and user facility agreements. We have numerous ways in which private industry can partner with the Laboratory.

Industrial Fellows Program

LANL Industrial Fellows Program

A collaborative program for sharing costs and ideas

Our Industrial Fellows Program provides

  • Exposure to world-class research and development practices
  • Exposure to technology solutions available at Los Alamos
  • Joint development of new technology
  • Assistance with solving unique technical problems
  • A sustained competitive advantage from innovation




Los Alamos discovery can prevent catastrophic failure in deep-sea wells, saving industry hundreds of millions

Los Alamos and Chevron Energy Technology Company developed the Advanced Energy Solutions Alliance in 2004 to address critical technology needs of the oil and gas industry. This alliance enables Chevron to develop and commercialize Los Alamos' patented radio frequency and sensor innovations for data gathering in both drilling operations and producing wells.

Photo courtesy Chevron



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Operated by Los Alamos National Security, LLC for the U.S. Department of Energy's NNSA

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