Federal Aviation Administration

Safety Information


  • Stay low.
  • Proceed to the nearest front or rear exit - count the rows between your seat and the exits.
  • Follow floor lighting to exit.
  • Jump feet first onto evacuation slide. Don't sit down to slide. Place arms across your chest, elbows in, and legs and feet together. Remove high-heeled shoes.
  • Exit the aircraft and clear the area.
  • Remain alert for emergency vehicles.

Electronics on Board

  • The FCC and FAA ban cell phones for airborne use because its signals could interfere with critical aircraft instruments. Radios and televisions are also prohibited.
  • Laptops and other personal electronic devices (PEDs) such as hand-held computer games and tape or CD players are also restricted to use above 10,000 feet owing to concerns they could interfere with aircraft instrumentation

Exit Row Seating

  • You must be physically capable and willing to perform emergency actions when seated in emergency or exit rows. If you are not, ask for another seat.
  • Thoroughly familiarize yourself with the emergency evacuation techniques outlined on the written safety instructions. Ask questions if instructions are unclear.

Fire or Smoke

  • Use a wet napkin or handkerchief over nose and mouth.
  • Move away from fire and smoke.
  • Stay low.

Passenger Safety Information

  • Review the passenger safety card before takeoff and landing.
  • Listen carefully to the safety briefing.
  • Be able to locate emergency exits both in front and behind you. Count the rows between you and the nearest front and rear exits.
  • Locate the flotation device.
  • Make a mental plan of action in case of emergency.

Page Last Modified: 10/27/09 09:54 EDT

This page can be viewed online at: http://www.faa.gov/passengers/fly_safe/information/