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Medicare & You 2013 Handbook Audio Downloads - Publication 10050

10050 Medicare & You HandbookClick here to Download Reader

Select each link below to download sections of this publication.

Revised Introduction Medicare and You 2013 cover
New Welcome to Medicare and You 2013
What's new and important in 2013 Find a specific topic
Important Enrollment Information What is Medicare
What are the different parts of Medicare What are my Medicare coverage choices
Where can I get my questions answered How do I sign up for Part A and Part B
If I'm not automatically enrolled, when can I sign up Should I get Part B
When can I get a Medicare Supplement Insurance (Medigap) policy How does my other Insurance work with Medicare
How much does Part A coverage cost How much does Part B coverage cost
What services does Medicare cover What does Part A cover
What do I pay for Part A-covered services Part A-covered services
What does Part B cover What do I pay for Part B-covered services
What does Part B cover (table) Want to keep track of your preventive services
What's not covered by Part A and Part B How can I get my Medicare coverage
What if I need help deciding how to get my Medicare What are my medicare coverage choices
What should I consider when choosing or changing my coverage How does Original Medicare work
What do I pay What are Medicare Summary Notices
What is assignment What are Private Contracts
Can I add drug coverage (Part D) to Original Medicare What are Medicare Supplement Insurance (Medigap) Policies
What else should I know about Medicare Supplement Insurance (Medigap) policy Where can I get more information about Medicare Supplement Insurance (Medigap)
What are Medicare Advantage Plans (Part C) What else should I know about Medicare Advantage Plans
Who can join What if I have other coverage
What if I have a Medicare Supplement Insurance policy What if I have End Stage Renal Disease (ESRD)
What do I pay II How do Medicare Advantage Plans work
When can I join, switch, or drop a Medicare Advantage plan How do I join
How do I switch Are there other types of Medicare health plans
How does medicare prescription drug coverage (Part D) work When can I join, switch, or drop a Medicare drug plan
How do I join How do I switch
How do I drop a Medicare drug plan What do I pay
What is the Part D late enrollment penalty How much more will I pay
What if I don't agree with the penalty What drugs are covered
How do other insurance and programs work with Part D How does other government insurance work with Part D
What if I need help paying my Medicare prescription drug costs What if I need help paying my Medicare health care costs
What are my Medicare rights What if my plan stops participating in Medicare
What's an appeal How do I file an appeal
What are my rights if I think my services are ending too soon What's an Advance Beneficiary Notice of Noncoverage (ABN)
How does Medicare use my personal information How can I protect myself from identity theft
How can I protect myself & Medicare from fraud Reporting suspected Medicaid fraud
What is the Senior Medicare Patrol SMP Program Fighting fraud can pay
Investigating fraud takes time Am I protected from discrimination
What is the Medicare Beneficiary Ombudsman What is the Long-term Care Ombudsman
How do I plan for long-term care How do I pay for long-term care
Long term care contacts What are advance directives
Where can I get personalized help What are State Health Insurance Assistance Programs (SHIPs)
Where can I find Medicare information online How do I compare the quality of plans and providers
What's Medicare doing to better coordinate my care Can I manage my health information online
Are there other ways to get Medicare information Are resources available for caregivers
State Health Insurance Assistance Programs (SHIPs) Definitions
Part A and Part B costs Part C and Part D (Medicare health and prescription drug plans)
Medicare cares about what you think Last page (Back cover)