Federal Aviation Administration

Launch Details

WorldView-2 / Delta II

WorldView-2 is a high-resolution, 8-band, multispectral satellite, manufactured by ITT Space Systems Division for DigitalGlobe of Longmont, Colorado. It will provide the capability to collect large areas of multispectral imagery which will be used for enhanced spectral analysis, mapping and monitoring applications, land-use planning, disaster relief, exploration, defense and intelligence, and environmental monitoring. Operating at an altitude of 770 kilometers altitude with 0.5-meter resolution, WorldView-2?s highly detailed imagery will be used to create precise maps even in remote areas. When launched, WorldView-2 will join QuickBird and WorldView-1, two other high-resolution satellites owned by DigitalGlobe, double DigitalGlobe's imagery collection capabilities, and make it the only commercial company with 8-band, multispectral capability.

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Page Last Modified: 02/18/09 14:30 EST

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