Education and Training Data

BLS provides information about education and training requirements for hundreds of occupations. In the education and training system, each of the occupations for which the office publishes projections data is assigned separate categories for education, work experience, and on-the-job training. Occupations can be grouped in order to create estimates of the education and training needs for the labor force as a whole and estimates of the outlook for occupations with various types of education or training needs. In addition, educational attainment data for each occupation are presented to show the level of education achieved by current workers. Further detail is presented in:

Data Tables

Additional Resources

  • Occupational Employment, Training, and Wages Database
    • Compare occupations by any of:
      • 2010 employment size,
      • projected 2010-20 percent or numerical change in employment,
      • projected 2010-20 job openings due to growth and net or total replacement needs,
      • typical education and training requirements, and
      • opportunities for self-employment

Contact Us

  • Via e-mail.
  • Via telephone at 202-691-5700.
  • Via mail to: Office of Employment and Unemployment Statistics, Suite 2135, 2 Massachusetts Avenue, NE, Washington DC 20212-0001.


Last Modified Date: February 1, 2012